When spike goes on a walk for some alone time in the woods he sits down near a tree, he reflects upon and goes back through the most recent events with nightmare moon, all he had done was simply sleep while they stopped her, he did nothing... he wished that one day he'll be able to help them all in his own way, as he thinks it over a strange spider crawls on him and bites him and he passes out, when he wakes up he feels nothing different at first, but after a couple days he notices strange changes... and after a strange earthquake Spike is sucked into another world where he must learn to master his new ability's and get home
Love how the Story begins.
I think I'll have spike master his powers during the Spider verse part, i want him to take his time while before he gets sucked in, because this is taking place before the collider sequence
Hopefully, Spike is treated a whole lot better.
Because for some messed up reason. Marvel Writers tend to torture Peter Parker/Spider-Man or any other variants with tragedy and bullcrap.
Good start, hopefully Spike will uno-reverse some of the crappy treatment he got during S1 - S5 with these powers!
Quite the combination of powers Spike has to deal with here, hope he can find a way to control them soon without Twilight finding out!
So height-wise he would be the same as Smolder in canon right?
Keep up the great work!
Keep going. You got me interested.
This feels a bit too fast paced, and you should add spaces between when different characters speak. Other than that, I’m interested.
just went back and edited the last chapter and added spaces, thank you for the advice and i'll be sure to use them in future chapters!
Finally able to read these action-packed chapters & they were awesome!
Was a bit worried Peter B. Parker wouldn't show up (my fave
) since this world's Peter didn't bought the farm like in canon, glad that wasn't the case & now both Spike/Miles have their own teachers! 
Plus, to be fair, Golden Age and Silver Age comic books also tended to be pretty fast paced.
Have to say, this getting its start just weeks after the pilot is certainly an intriguing thought. Certainly appreciated Spike's reflections on things before and after the spider-bite. And you did a great job on the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up.
On to the next chapter.
Again, this was a good showing of some of the changes Spike has undergone thanks to the spider-bite. Particularly liked Spike observing his new powers. Of course, if he is getting that strong, fast, agile etc. NOW, imagine his reaction in a few years when he undergoes "the molt" (by then, he is going to be a full-on Flying Brick [going by TV Tropes terms]).
But, again, the exchanges, characterizations, (slight) action and future chapter set-up are well done.
On to the next chapter.
Again. This was a really good job on Spike reflecting on what Twilight was telling him as she and her/their new friends were leaving after getting called. And good selection of additional powers as well. Definitely looking forward to seeing Spike mastering his powers.
Again, on to the next chapter.
Again, this was some great action in this chapter as well as some wonderful work on the exchanges, characterizations, action and future chapter set-up. REALLY loved Spike meeting Miles and feeling bad about having to do petty theft to keep others from finding out about him being a dragon (even if he acknowledged the perceived necessity). And Spike managing to save BOTH Spider-Men thus far (not that Miles is being called Spider-Man yet) and getting Prowler with that dragon fire blast.
Again, on to the next chapter.
Really liked the meeting with Aunt May as well as Peter and Spike discussing their similarities and differences in addition to Spike's mention of powers he has that Peter doesn't (thus far the only power he has that Miles doesn't is the organic webbing, but Miles doesn't know about those extra powers yet). But, at the same time, Peter has been active for a decade and they can help each other quite a bit. Hopefully, Spike manages to get a mastery of his powers and get back to his Equestria before any of his friends (old or new) end up getting killed, because at least Spike is already TRYING to use his powers responsibly.
Anyway, splendid job on the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up. Definitely looking forward to more of this.
New chapter hope you like it!
Again, an excellent chapter. Thanks considerably for getting this up. Certainly liked the work going into the dialogue, characterizations and future chapter set-up Yeah, it definitely makes sense how the Mane Six and Princesses were able to figure out what happened to Spike (not only getting super-powers, but where he ended up too). Also loved the reactions to seeing and hearing Spike's experiences.
Yeah. The Mane Group already knowing about Spike's powers and identity was also a really good touch (of course, it wouldn't be hard to figure out at this time anyway since Spike is the ONLY Dragon in Ponyville for the time being [and formerly the only Dragon in Canterlot], so trying to keep his identity secret wouldn't help matters any unless every other hero was saddled with a MASSIVE case of Idiot Ball).
VERY definitely looking forward to more of this.
you notice the detail of the Earth number i gave Equestria?
Sweet interlude chapter on the Equestria side, wasn't expecting Mane 6/Celestia/Luna finding out Spike's spider bite/powers so soon (thought it would be when the adventure's over) but when you think about it it make sense since he's the only dragon around in Ponyville!
Also Equestria's earth number, that's the date MLPFIM first debuted right? clever!
Looking forward to more!
Details like that just make a story or Easter egg like that much better you know?
Another well done chapter. Definitely liked Spike and Peter's dialogue concerning assorted details hinted at in the previous chapter (the new costume included) as well as the stuff from the movie.
Anyway, the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up are all really great and I'm definitely looking forward to more of this.
Well, considering SpikeSmolder fan literally answered the question while I was asleep for the night..... (sheepish grin).
Thanks very much for the answer.
You got it!👍
A possible dialogue for the very end of this story:
Your choice of one of the Mane Six: Well, Spike, all we can say is that there are no words in the Equestrian language big enough to accurately describe how proud we are of you.
Your choice of one of the other five of Mane Six: And, I have to say, considering you helped save the multiverse, I can't exactly see much reason to leave you out of any more of our adventures.
Still your choice of any of the other four members of the Mane Six: Unless, of course, you encounter an even bigger adventure that demands more of your attention, but that's just common sense.
Unless, of course, you have another/better idea (and I can completely understand if you do).
Pretty good. I’ve been looking for a spider-spike for a long time
Don’t forget the hyphen between Spider and Man
Not much I can say beyond, once again, great job on the characterizations, action, exchanges and future chapter set-up. REALLY appreciated the stuff from the movie, albeit with Spike's stuff worked in to provide some differences.
Most assuredly looking forward to more of this.
Another couple of great chapters, figures Penny & her Spider bot would be thrilled at visiting Spike's world!
Another really well done chapter. Definitely liked the work going into the dialogue, characterizations and future chapter set-up. I very certainly appreciate how the appropriate discussions have been slightly altered to allow for Spike's being there as well as Penny's reaction to Spike's description of his world. And I could see later on, where Spike could observe that Spider-Ham could remind him a lot of Pinkie Pie if SHE had spider-powers.
Anyway, on to the next chapter.
Whoa mama. The action, exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up are all well done. Definitely loved the teamwork against the Kingpin's forces, especially Spike's contribution before Aaron got killed. And, yeah, also appreciated how Spike pointed out that the Kingpin's plan would fail anyway before going into his Unstoppable Rage. And Spike genuinely regretting the kill he made afterwards was a very good touch (probably because it would serve as the lesson concerning the responsibility that comes with the power and the "leap of faith" reference).
Anyway, really looking forward to more of this.
Holy crap, that went dark quickly!
Guess Spike got his tragic spider-origin like the others, even putting the fear of death into Kingpin to boot! Glad that the others snapped him out of it & that he felt remorse for killing the Silver bodyguard of Kingpin!
you have any idea who that guy was? His name was never dropped in the movie
I believe his name's Tombstone.
Again, a really good job on the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up. Certainly appreciated the stuff from the movie being modified to fit Spike being there too. And, yeah, Spike initially volunteering to destroying the super-collider because he feels he's too dangerous and getting talked out of it was another wonderful detail.
Of course, as he gets older, Spike is going to be closer to SUPERMAN than SPIDER-Man (as was already discussed, Spider-Man's powers geometrically increased by a dragon's natural abilities - especially when he eventually gets his wings and becomes a full-on Flying Brick AND Flying Firepower) but that's for much further down the line.
Anyway, REALLY looking forward to more of this.
Oh wow, that was epic!
Thank you so much! just went back and edited the chapter so his name is said thank you!
Spike n have organic webs?
Why does he get web-shooters?
thought it would be best he at least has a pair for situations he might need them, sorry if it feels weird he needs them and has organic webbing
Excellent job on this (probably second to last) chapter. Loved the work going into the action, exchanges, characterizations and epilogue set-up. In addition to the stuff from the movie, I also really liked Kingpin getting curb-stomped by both Spike and Miles. The comical punishment Kingpin got was also really good to see.
REALLY looking forward to the epilogue.
Sweet final fight & that punishment for Kingpin at the end there was hilarious!!!
Looking forward to the epilogue!
Awww no pointing first gag? bummer!
What a rollercoaster ride & that ending left me wanting more, thanks for sharing!

Aww, man. That was a really good job on this epilogue. Not only the dialogue with Spike's friends after he got home, but also hints of a couple of his later adventures before Miquel arrived.
REALLY looking forward to more of this.
just edited it so they do point, your welcome!
Great job. I approve.
How did it pierce his dragon Scales?
if there can be a dinosaur spider man and a werewolf spider man, it's not out of the question that it could do the same with him, plus Spikes very young so his scales aren't very tough as a full grown one
His name is Lonnie Thompson Lincoln, better known as Tombstone.
The omniverse seems to have it stuck in their head that for everyone, “tragedy builds character” all the time, when it doesn’t always.
I think it should’ve been called Earth-101010, since it seems like the number limit is two to six.
i just wanted it to be an easter egg like number for hardcore fans of the show so they know how great they are with their knowledge of it