
What cost is worth paying to live in the City above the clouds? Whatever it takes for Rainbow Dash to feel alive.

While this fic is a sequel to I wander, no prior knowledge is necessary to enjoy this fic.

Written for the Science Fiction Contest.

CW: violence, injury, use of hallucinogens

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 8 )

You have five new messages, three of which are from a resident you’ve told me to ignore.” ... Pixelated confetti showered across Rainbow’s visor.

An amusing segment!

The segment in chapter 1 with the incoming messages was well done: amusing, realistic, and futuristic! It felt cyberpunk as did the entire work! :twilightsmile:

didn’t think to do it until after said unicorn turned them into cinders.

This seems a bit impossible. Maybe: "didn't think to do it until just before said unicorn..."

A grim ending! :pinkiehappy: Thank you for sharing the work!

This gave me some serious Brave New World vibes and I am here for it. The drugs, the cool technology, the seeming utopia with a horrific underside... This time literally!

Congrats on winning the Starlight Glimmer Committee award, you deserve it!

She crouched, feeling her hind legs tense like a coiled spring, artificial fibers woven through her muscles making her as strong as any earth pony. Unlike an earth pony, she didn’t need new lungs to be able to thrive in the thin air, and she didn’t really need the magnetic-grip shoes to cling to the walkways when the wind picked up. When all else failed, she had wings to catch her.

love this bit of worldbuilding! might as well enhance the pegasi too if we're doing the earthponies, after all

Rainbow knew that, of course, the City continued beneath the clouds for miles downward, but nopony really went down there anymore.

No pony that mattered, anyway.

ooh, ominous setting details

Seven, six, five, four… a few mere moments before she’d have impacted the glass, it melted away to reveal her bike.

oh hey, that's me

A part of Rainbow felt that she’d somehow lucked out and gotten the best possible Twilight. There was something about her. She just got Rainbow, in a way that nopony else did.

very interesting use of Twilight, with a hint of TwiDash, very nice

“Griffons Don’t Dance” by the Hive Five.

brings to mind questions of what happened to the other species in this setting, though the griffons and changelings sticking around make the most sense, as they are winged species as well

She was just an assistant, and everypony knew A.I.s didn’t feel things like gratitude or friendship.

Even if a part of Rainbow wished they could.

oof, love the irony here

a fantastic start, introducing us to the elements of the setting so naturally, with just another day in the life of Rainbow Dash. love how there are just enough clues about darker aspects of this world to be picked up on later without lampshading them. looking forward to see what's in store at Rainbow's appointment!

If she could, she’d ride her bike the whole time, but ponies were really out and about now, enough to constitute a hazard, and the last thing Rainbow wanted was to get her license suspended for running somepony over. Again.

that's so Rainbow Dash! very irresponsible

“You did say to surprise you! Variety is the spark of life, and you could do with something different. By my calculations, it has a 64% chance of increasing your mood.” Twilight sent a flurry of translucent happy faces raining down Rainbow’s vision.

“Ugh, fine.” She huffed, landing on the street in front of a fairly crowded shop. “Just because you know what’s best for me doesn’t mean I have to like it.”

augh, they're so perfect for each other and i ship it

“Since our delivery mare stopped showing up to bring us the peach flavoring, I guess. I haven’t seen her in moons. Huh.”

Chekov's delivery mare?

“And I’d like an Appleish Crisp muffin and the juice to-go, if you don’t mind.”

between this and "Real Fruit Juice", lots of implications here!

She was halfway out the door when Pinkie’s “It was super-dupery nice to meet you, Rainbow Dash! Come back soon!” reached her ears, but she didn’t bother to respond. A ping from her Twilight notified her that she’d been sent a friend request, and she didn’t even need to check who it was before she set it to “Ignore”.

aww! i know that Pinkie can definitely be a bit much, but my heart breaks for the lost friendship in this AU

it was nice to see glimpses of the other members of the Mane Six here! the Pinkie is just delightful, and at the perfect level of annoying to get on this clearly down-in-mood Rainbow Dash's nerves

No wonder Rarity hung out with her so much. Those two were perfect for each other, and Rainbow sometimes wondered if part of the reason they invited her along so often was out of a strange sort of pity. They didn’t think she got out enough, and Rainbow didn’t have a rational enough argument or enough scheduling conflicts to convince them otherwise.

oof, i truly am Rainbow Dash

This was welcome news to Rainbow, since it meant she wouldn’t have to sit in an Insta-Sober booth for half an hour of headaches and nausea.

future drugs, very sci-fi!

It smelled like a pair of young dragons had gotten into a heated fight in a candle shop.

continuing the trend of references to other species only being winged species, neat

The fiber optic strands woven in her tail strobed between yellow and blue, in a precise pattern that gave Rainbow the vague sensations of a distant migraine.

ooh, sounds very pretty. glad to see pony fashions also adapting to this sci-fi setting

“I hate to interrupt,” Twilight whispered in her earpiece, snapping Rainbow back to the present. “It’s just… it’s already 4pm. You’ve got a job at 5, remember?”

oof, bringing her down to earth! or the sky?

painting a fuller picture of Rainbow's place in society here! i'm reading Fluttershy as in the same position as Rainbow here, with a different type of distraction (Rainbow's bike literally being a perk of her job!) to not have to think about the ponies literally below them, or either of their as-of-yet unspecified roles in the ominous-sounding Administration. the vapor club just reads as pure decadence, soma in Brave New World, with the quick wearing-off letting its usage be seamlessly integrated into a life of schedules and workdays.

“-but I promise they’ve got plenty of space.”

starting to get a feeling for what Rainbow's job is!

We’ve had a few noise complaints from one of the rooms, and another on that floor has been late on their payments. Will that suffice?

very ominous

Twilight gave a chastising beep. “Your sarcasm is noted. Not officially, of course, but I know you hate your job. You get like this every time. Should I start scheduling in a brief meditation session beforehoof? Would that help?”

ah, i absolutely love this. retroactively makes all of Twilight's concern and familiarity with Rainbow Dash read as much more dark in the context of her role in this society, agh. great stuff

Shit. As it turned out, she wasn’t ready, but that wasn’t an acceptable reason for not finishing the job, and she was a professional. “Hey, Applejack. I’m doing alright. Mind if I come in?”

how dare you do this to me

All the better to keep you safe from anypony jealous of your station, the advertisements claimed.


“What can I say?” The room wobbled, or maybe it was just Rainbow who wobbled. “I’m loyal ‘til the end.”

and the dark side of loyalty, bringing together the promise of the fic title and the running theme of menace behind things that sound pleasant and good on their surface

Twilight’s voice sounded almost frantic, some sort of artificial pangs of loyalty that made Rainbow’s head ache. “I’m just doing my job, and you’re just doing yours. I don’t want to hurt you, I really don’t! I genuinely care about you, [Rainbow Dash]! You understand that, right?”

ah, i love this so much! there is so much to unpack! especially with Twilight having casually coördinated with the Twilights of the evictees just minutes earlier, Rainbow Dash is under absolutely no illusion about Twilight's job here. and another crushing layer of this is that Twilight could genuinely mean what she says, and genuinely care for Rainbow Dash in the way a Twilight does, without changing the situation at all.

fantastic stuff, what can i say? set up and paid off its themes spectacularly, wrapping it in a tight story. the secondary characters here were well-chosen and well-used to paint vividly the arc of Rainbow's day. Zephyr and Spitfire's presence at the beginning (both pegasi!) gave us a taste of the lighter "problems" in her life, the kind that one would expect to be dealt with in a slice-of-life tale. Pinkie's exuberance being something that Rainbow detests and has no patience for really illustrated her aloofness and how her job has affected her. (augh, i just got that Twilight tried to set them up as friends, a calculation that would have worked in the canon setting but not this one, just adding to the tragedy of the encounter!) Fluttershy's insensate haze was beautifully rendered, making me feel the anomie of it all, and the futility of escapism. and Applejack! even up here in a nameless apartment the clouds, so far removed from the context of a family farm that it just feels wrong to see her this way, all we see are her roots: her love of her family, her connections to Rainbow Dash's fillyhood, and finally, her beloved hat, discarded along with her to the depths down below.

and that lie and hope that Rainbow tells herself, that everypony she evicts could have survived and lived on in the out-of-sight, out-of-mind below, now extending to her fillyhood friend and her family. and agh, that twisted sense of loyalty again.

just beautiful stuff, Silent. one of the best fics i have read

Howdy, hi~!

Damn. That was intense. Okay, the world-building is fantastic, the subtle introduction of the mane 6 and the various ideas built into the world were amazing. On one hand, I want more, on the other, as is the story is an excellent sort of pocket with a clear beginning and end. Rainbow Dash is wonderfully written and this really hits the dystopian vibe fantastically. I don't know what else to say except that this was a banger of a fic.

Thanks for the read~!

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