• Member Since 31st May, 2020
  • offline last seen Yesterday


I make both fanart and fanfic. I draw all my cover images myself, and I take art and writing commissions!


This story is a sequel to Anything for an Answer

Journal Entry 42: She’s coming for me, I know she is. I know what she did to Cloud Chaser and Bulk Biceps and everypony else. And now I know, she won’t let me live—

A deliberately shitty sequel to Silent Whisper's story Anything for an answer, written with permission, for a Shitty EU contest, where a bunch of friends and I write sequels that undermine and ruin the prompt story.

TW for gore!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 5 )

You just turned a story that was supposed to have a bad ending and turned it into a good ending, maybe not the greatest ending, but it's a better ending than what anyone could have guess happened in the story.

I wish there was more stories like this, more Arthur's that made sequels to other stories with bad endings and turn it into a good ending.

This is the first story I ever came across where someone turned a bad ending of one story, made a sequel, and turned it into a good ending, and I hope it won't be the last.

"Deliberately shitty" Well, you've failed at that, I'm afraid. Instead, you've made something accidentally excellent. Hats off to you.

So, why does this have a comedy tag? I genuinely can't figure out which part is meant to be comedic.

"Deliberately shitty" my ass, this is fantastic! Thank you for posting such a wonderful work!

Damn, that was sad. And the thing is, I can understand Fluttershy a bit: Twilight WAS sick.

Also, this is just my opinion, but I think you should remove the comedy tag. Not only it isn't a comedic fic, but it kinda makes you feel that the "comedic" part is Fluttershy's paranoia and mental breakdown, which is in poor taste(especially since she also kills herself). I think it stands better as a dark/tragedy fic.

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