• Member Since 22nd Jan, 2020
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Thank you, I hope you enjoy my version once it's posted :)

No problem, go ahead. I'd even love to read it :twilightsmile:

Hello Wolfeh05, a while ago JBlaser asked me to write a story but because I took too long he instead asked you to write it.
Unfortunately, he didn't tell me this and I have almost finished the request when I discovered your version, I have one question.

Would you object to me posting my version of the story? I can understand if you would rather I didn't but I hope you will understand
that I don't want all of my effort writing his request to have gone to waste simply because he thought I'd forgotten and didn't contact me.

Thank you for the favorites

Thank you for your reply. And for being honest and sincere.

  • Viewing 15 - 19 of 19
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