• Member Since 31st May, 2020
  • offline last seen Yesterday


I make both fanart and fanfic. I draw all my cover images myself, and I take art and writing commissions!


“Life eternal,” whispered the stallion. “Beauty unchanging. Just for you, Lady Fleur. Just for you.”

Fleur de Lis plucked the bottle from his hoof — using her magic, of course, lest his ugliness somehow sully the delicate white of her coat — and she downed it in one.

Winner of the QnS ‘Power of Three’ speedwrite.

Also an entry for Nailah's spook contest.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 11 )

So that's why Celestia and Luna age so well. Cheating bastards.

Silly pony, nothing like that little bottle comes without a hefty price to pay for it.

*reads that* mmm hmmm...im geting death becomes her vibes...

Concise and beautiful. Just like...

Clicked to read about Fleur but found death instead.

Goodness, that was really dark!:applecry:
Not sure what to say other than that.

the idea of eternal life is kinda distressing especially when you think about all the possible things that could happen like in this story where eternal life is just the soul being permanently bound to the flesh prison that, despite losing its ability to age, can die.

Eternal life should instead be achieved in the same way that Gilgamesh did, by being so great that people thousands of years after his era, still listen to his story(the epic of Gilgamesh)

Well. I suppose that that explains why the potion seller never partook of his wares.

"Death Becomes Her" in 5 minutes.


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