This story is a sequel to Living and Dying in Equestria
After finishing Living and Dying in Equestria... Well I just can't get Twilight out of my head so we continue!
You should read Living and Dying in Equestria first otherwise you may be more then a little confused.
The Teen rating represents some lovemaking between Twilight and I.
Nothing graphic or discriptive so I'm not sure if it's needed but better safe then sorry eh?
I finally figued out how to use the colors.
So for Twilight and I's telepathic communication I am Green and she is of course Purple. Just to clear up any confusion.
Cover Picture by Mystic Alpha, I don't have permission to use it so if he/she wants me to take it off I shall. Its just a beautiful picture.
Aah, excellent, a sequel!!!
Unfourtunatley I am at work on my phone
so will have to read it later.
edit: normally I follow a story with less then 20000 words first, but this is a sequel: fav and thump up
Well, it seems like his first time with Twilight was like my first comment before I started reading,
he came too early!!!
Nice to see they wanted Luna to perform the ceremony, as it shows they have no hard feelings
toward her and how she felt about Rick being in Equestria, and "involved" in Twi's life.
And I know from personal experience just how embarrassing it can be to be caught in
that situation, except it wasn't doctors and nurses, but her parents!!! Plus my arse wasn't
on show!!!!
1269869 Ooh... Akwaaard...
At least you could be sure they wouldn't gossip about it... Or could you?
1272641 At the time yes, it was very awkward. It was a interesting conversation
when my parents met hers!!! We had a good laugh about it, so at least the didn't want
to rip my head off!!!
Still, we learnt from experience and got a lock for her door!!!
Argh must know what that secret ability is!
Allthough i do think that it has to something involving magic. By adding that the story could expand to double the size.
Anyway good and entertaining chapter.
Redemption for Trixie??
Rick and Twilight are quite active aren't they?
What's the deal with the coloured bits again, that's them using telepathy isn't it?
So. Much. SEX!
Great, I like slice of life.
but two things:
", at the bottom Spike had scrawled let her know I'm the number one assistant!"
dont you mean ...let her know that he's the number one assistant!
and second,
Is Twilight in heat? She is jumping his bone like she is.
1330198 Hehe no worries theres still plenty to tell.
1330231 Aww come on, everypony needs a second chance. And quite right about the colors.
1330565 Spikes not great at grammer.
And as for the sex, well picture two people in love for months unable to express their feeling and passions to one another. Imagine very nearly losing that person you love so dearly. Now imagine you made it, your together, love has been declared. Make the most of every moment, besides once every few days isn't too much... Is it? (Not to sound like a pervert but I would want Twi every night if she was willing.)
As for the heat thing, I don't care for it. I like to think when they developed/evolved whatever you want to call it into a intellegent race they passed beyond needing that to tell them when to mate.
And as always thank you all for reading.
1330865 This is true, but I have just been reading Luna's Story: Rise of the Lunar Stallions and it's sequels, and well,
what happens to Trixie in number 2.........but then again, she brings it on herself with what she is doing.
And I'm guessing that the tiger club is going to play another part in this somewhere.....
Well this an amasing story! I hope there will be a lot more to come!
Awesome story is awesome!
1330565 Finally got it. lol Takes my brain awhile to get to work apparently. I changed that phrase and you were right it looks much better now thanks!
np, I help were I can.
I just realized my english gets better and better. all thanks to fanfics of MLP
I am so happy. That I could just cry now... Excuse me for a moment...
The whole scene where Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash see Rick's bits...Rick is kind of a moron, because it's a public library. How fucked up would that be if you where in the library and all of a sudden some dude comes in naked? You'd be pretty disturbed, also there are children around or possibly around.
Otherwise good story.
Anyone else snicker a bit at his name?
Rick (Richard) Sparkle = Dick Sparkle
Nothing more to say appart from next!:D
Lovely, as usual.
My mind on the rest of the story
In other words...
1438593 roflmao!!
Seeing as how that's supposed to be Rick's telepathy, shouldn't that be green?
1438525 True enough, though it is my home too so cut me a little slack. Also it was late evening so hopefully closed.
I never thought of it as a open to the public libary really though, more like a come and knock and Twilight will let you in and find you what you need.
1438593 Actualy Rick comes from Fredrick.
1438707 Thanks!
1439144 And thank you.
1439149 I certianly hope so.
1440266 Ahh ya got me! Fixed. Thanks!
Never heard of Fredrick, or more properly as a first name Frederick, being shortened to Rick before. In modern and old English though, Rick is indeed shortened from Richard. But I am going to assume that your OC is Frederick originally, Rick Officially (paperwork)
Either way, loved this chapter.
1440716 Oop sorry I was unclear. My name is Rick and it did come from Fredrick. lol Sorry I should have been more specific.
1330865 well now that trixie is in the storie and living with fluttershy
you should pair them up
i always liked trixie x fluttershy pairing like in Kindness's Reward
1440664 okay i have two things to say
1 you're hinting at something with all the forevers arn't you i can see the fore shadowing
2 your doing a flutters x trixie arn't you
Dang my cheeks hurt now! I was smiling through the entire chapter hehe
Wow, thought you were dead from all you activities with Twilight!!
Rick using magic huh? Nope, that's got nothing to do with Twilight,
no connection what so ever!!
Also, what happened to Sweetie Belle's leg, I don't remember?
1443704 Glad you liked it.
1444612 hehe sarcasm much?
And she broke her leg when she fell down the well.
1444885 Me, use sarcasm??? A member of Her Majesty's Royal Air Force?? Never!!!!
Still don't remember that event though. I read too many stories....I get the plot line confused sometimes!!
1444908 Not a problem, I reeeealy need to catch up on my reading I have... 647! Chapters to read in my favorites list. Doh!
Oh and it was Chapter 10 in Living and Dying in Equestia, just fyi.
1445497 You know what, I think I'll just read it again!!
That way, any previous events that are mentioned will be semi-fresh in my head!!
Here i thought with the ''Big changes'' title that there was an fight or that his magic would ignite like a boss.
But this suits me to. Another good chapter.
Why do all of these stories do that to Scootaloo???? They always have her with no family, or with an abusive one!!!
There is only one story I've read where she actually gets a proper family, although she wasn't living with her real father,
who lied to her all the time, but he got what was coming to him!!!
I think Celestia or Luna will be burning down that house themselves. Celestia knows it's what they deserve!!!!
Scootaloo Sparkle? Definitely got a ring to it!!
I have to agree Scootaloo Sparkle does have a nice ring to it.
YES way to go lets hear it for the Sparkles family
ha, shock for the sparkle family.
cadenceXshining 0
twilightXrick 1
go team twilight
Sweet chapter. Heartwarming in more than one way lol. Fires of righteous fury and the aglow with adorableness.
I think after what is essentially 19 chapters altogether between this story and it's predecessor, it's time for a review. The main strength of any Human In Equestria fic is its human, because it's who the audience has to identify with as they read the story. Rick thankfully does not succumb to the poorly written character traits that so stories in this genre seem to possess. Rick isn't a whiny bitch or a violent sociopath. Yeah, bad things happen to him, but almost getting killed by a manticore unleashed by a vengeful goddess of the moon and almost losing everything is enough reason to complain a little bit. He's generally likeable and does the right thing. Twilight is also really well written. The parts where they interact with each other and their friends is pulled off really well.
Here comes the red pen of issues with the story.
However not everything is good and I feel that this chapter is a little on the weak side, because it goes out its way to create a two dimensional antagonist in the form of Scootaloo's abusive father. He's evil because he's just evil. He might as well be a background character from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. There's little to no depth to that kind of character, the reader can't cheer for his downfall because we hardly get to know him. Actually I feel that's a bit of a weakness in general, you have antagonists and you rush to overcome them. The first misstep was Luna and how it would've been nice to see Celestia pick up on Luna's emotions, maybe have her and Rick interact together, instead of outright rejection and attempted 1st degree murder that almost got two people killed.
Then there's still the wild card of that spell Luna cast back in the hospital.
Overall it's a well told story despite it's flaws.
1485663 Yes I'm guilty of a bit of Scootabuse, but some Scootalove too right?
1485974 lol
1487704 Thank you very much, I appreciate the honest review. Its pretty easy to write about me because well... Its me lol I try to keep all the characters as true to the show as I can while adding a bit of "realism" I guess maybe to them. Your definetly right about Scoots father, its a difficult type of character to write for, for me because I can't stand that type of person but we might not be done with him just yet... Still I am glad you like it please feel free to comment any time you like.
1487954 Those feels can really kick you around eh?
1485548 Thanks!
1485862 hehe
1485919 And shes so darn cute too.
1486151 Aww thanks.
As always thanks for reading, I really do appreciate it.
Hes got lots more bouncing around in his head. He just needs me to straighten it all out for him.
1489854 Oh throw you into a wall that's a football field away
please tell me this isn`t the last chapter I love this fic it`s awesome this chapter made me
All in a days work, no problem.
Keep delivering us these long and well written chapters :)
and I wonder if someone who knew rick comes to equestria as well
Such a happy sham if something bad happen