• Published 15th Jun 2021
  • 3,559 Views, 41 Comments

Funeral for a Friend - Graymane Shadow

Nopony expected to attend Twilight's funeral so soon.

  • ...

Saying Goodbye

Funeral for a Friend

Princess Cadance watched with puffy eyes as her attendant straightened her tiara, nestling it gently into her elaborately coiffed mane.

The attendant, Handy Pin, stepped back, examining her work with a critical eye before nodding solemnly.

“Is there anything else I can do for you, Princess?” Her tone was just the right mixture of apologetic and serious, something Cadance appreciated.

It wasn’t every day you attended a funeral for a dear friend.

The door to her dressing room opened, and Shining Armor, wearing his finest, walked in, looking tired. Cadance knew he’d been up for days trying to organize this funeral, and she was so grateful that he’d been willing.

“Everything’s ready downstairs,” he told her, putting on a tired smile.

Feeling a wave of tears coming on again, she quickly reached for a few tissues, dabbing at her eyes to avoid ruining her makeup.

“I think that’s everything,” she told Handy Pin. Looking to Shining, she felt her heart skip a beat. “I…I guess we should go.”

The trip down the stairs was somber, with Cadance feeling unsteady on her hooves. She leaned against Shining at several points, glad he was there to be her rock.

I don’t know how he does it, sometimes. He’s just so strong. But he must be hurting too, to lose a member of his family.

In the main throne room, chairs had been lined up for the many guests in attendance. Princesses Celestia and Luna were seated in the front row, both wearing black veils over their faces. Next to them were five of the Elements of Harmony; Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy. Each of them were wearing dresses suitable to such a sad occasion, all hoof-stitched by Rarity herself.

As she made her way to the chairs open for herself and Shining, she greeted each of them with a hug, a hoof, or a quiet word, as the situation dictated. Luna was shaking behind her veil, something Cadance could understand. Luna had been close to the small figure in the casket as well; strong grief was only natural.

Celestia, by comparison, was much more resolute, her ever-present mask of calm neutrality in place. Cadance didn’t mind; she knew that as the absolute leader of the nation, Celestia had to project an image of calm.

She was sure that inside, the alabaster mare was grieving just as much as she was.

The Elements themselves were mostly subdued, though Cadance thought she caught a glimpse of annoyance from Applejack. She understood that too. Hard working earth pony farmers tended to favor simple, humble ceremonies. But Cadance had refused to even consider something like that. The life that had been lost deserved so much more, and even a full state funeral in the Crystal Palace felt inadequate to Cadance.

Night Light and Twilight Velvet looked shellshocked, returning her whispered greetings with only the faintest of nods.

Once the necessary greetings had been paid, she collapsed into her seat, breathing heavily. She hadn’t slept well for a few nights, and the fatigue was catching up with her.

Shining moved to the pulpit that had been set up, pulling a few notes from his jacket pocket, which he quickly skimmed before setting them aside.

“Honored guests, friends, family. I wish to thank all of you for coming here this day, to commemorate the life lost in the service of Equestria and the Crystal Empire.”

Behind her veil, Luna began to shake even harder, so much so that Celestia engaged in a breach of decorum to elbow her.

Cadance wanted to go over and hug Luna, wanted to tell her that everything would be okay, but she felt too heavy to even move. A familiar flush crept up her face, and she pulled a fan from her dress, using it to try to cool off.

“It’s never easy to lose a member of the family, and doubly when it is one so young,” Shining continued, his eyes locked forward, as if he were avoiding looking at anypony else.

“Twilight was…she meant a lot to all of us, my beloved wife in particular.”

Cadance smiled at the emphasis Shining put on beloved. Yes, she was the most important mare in his life, and he didn’t hesitate to let her know it.

“As such, I feel inadequate to be the one to describe her life in full. I’d like to invite Princesses Celestia and Luna, as well as all Twilight’s other friends, to say a few words about what she meant to them.”

As Celestia ascended to the pulpit, Cadance felt a fresh wave of tears forming. Her aunt looked so majestic, so regal, but so unable to truly express how she must have felt.

Cadance hoped that one day, Celestia would be able to cry again, to truly express her grief.

“Twilight was many things to us,” Celestia said, her voice cool. “She was a trusted and loyal companion, and a dear friend to all of us.” She paused, as if marshaling her thoughts. “Truly, Equestria has much to mourn this day.”

Luna, who had managed to pull herself together somewhat, bent over double upon hearing Celestia’s words. She shook harder than ever, bringing her forehooves up under the veil to press against her face.

Celestia, sighing as she took her seat next to Luna once more, mouthed ‘I’m sorry’ to Shining Armor, who nodded, gesturing for one of the Elements to go up next.

“Twilight was always so good to all of us,” Fluttershy said, wiping a tear from her eye with one fetlock. “I…I’m so glad I was able to know her.”

Rarity was similarly brief. “It is never easy to lose a friend, but I imagine that somewhere, Twilight is looking down upon us with a smile.”

“I remember Twilight’s first flight. It was, uh, really something to see,” Rainbow Dash said. “I wish I could have flown with her more.”

“If Twilight were here, I would throw the biggest party ever! But she’s not, and so now we all have to be sad.” Pinkie frowned, before looking to Cadance. “I know it hurts right now, but one day you’ll feel better, and then we’ll throw a big party to celebrate!”

Cadance sniffed, deeply touched by Pinkie’s words.

Finally, it was Applejack’s turn, but the stubborn mare refused to go up. Cadance heard a few snippets of the conversation, with Rarity in particular sounding quite cross.

Fine!” she finally heard Applejack hiss. “But I ain’t doing this again!”

The earth pony made her way up to the pulpit, still looking upset.

“Twilight was a good friend to Cadance, and I’m sorry for her loss.”

Her piece said, she stepped back down.

Shining returned to the pulpit. “And now, the Crystal Guards will bear the deceased down to the cemetery, where a private ceremony for friends and family will be held. To everypony else, thank you for coming.”

Various carriages were summoned to bear the aforementioned friends and family to the small cemetery at the edge of the Empire. They all rode in silence, none daring to speak.

Cadance imagined they were all trying to deal with their grief.

When the time came to place the casket into the ground, Cadance finally lost it. She started to weep, no longer caring if her makeup were ruined. Shining pulled several tissues from his jacket, passing them to her.

When the last shovel of dirt had been cast, she fell to the ground, beating her forelegs against it.

“Why, Twilight, why!? Why did you have to leave us so soon!?”

Flashing an apologetic (and grateful) look to the others, Shining helped Cadance back to her hooves, and guided her to the carriage.

Once they had left, everypony else let out a sigh of relief.

Rarity was the first to speak. “Oh thank heavens, that was positively dreadful!”

“It wasn’t that bad,” Fluttershy replied. "A little dramatic, maybe."

“If any of you repeat what I’m about to say, I will send you to Tartarus,” Celestia said, eyeing each of them carefully. “Yes, it was that bad. Of course, some of us made things harder than they needed to be…”

Luna finally gave into the impulse she’d been fighting, and fell to her back, howling with laughter. “Oh…oh my!” she gasped. “That was the hardest I’ve ever had to try not to laugh! I don’t know how you all managed it!"

“Some of us just have more self-control, darling,” Rarity replied, her tone reproachful.

“So when’s the baby due?” Rainbow Dash asked, as they made their way to the carriages. “Cause I hope it’s soon. I can’t take any more of these things. All these mood swings have to be killing Shining Armor.”

With a pop of displaced air, Twilight Sparkle appeared next to them. “It’s over, right?”

“It’s over,” Celestia confirmed. “And thanks for abandoning all of us.”

“Hey, I totally had a good excuse. Spike ate too many gems last night, and I didn’t want him to be alone with a tummy ache.”

“And who gave him all those gems to eat, I wonder?” Applejack asked.

"Why, Applejack, I don't know what you're talking about," Twilight replied, grinning. "C'mon, I'll at least pay for lunch. You all look like you could use it."

"After attending a full state funeral for a bird, yes, yes we could," Celestia replied.

Behind them, the headstone read,

Twilight Mi Amore Cadenza Sparkle
Loyal Bird and Companion
Forever May You Soar

Author's Note:

I apologize for nothing.

Any errors, well, this was written in about 45 minutes.

Comments ( 41 )

That. Was. EVIL! (In the best way possible, of course.)

Have a well-deserved mustache. :moustache:

RDT #2 · Jun 15th, 2021 · · 1 ·

This story needs a Sad tag.

This cracked me up. I really thought Twilight died.

This was extremely mischievous and mean spirited, and I'm offended. I love it. Please write more. :rainbowlaugh:

What a twist, I love it.

Hm that may be a bit too much. I understand that tagging it comedy would ruin the punchline, but let’s no subvert the tagging system completely…

Absolutely brilliant twist! Had me gut laughing.

What a surprise :twistnerd: ending!

i dont understand this? was it a prank? or what? at the very least it seems like a waste of money. but i dont understand what the goal was.

Pft. That was hilarious.

Wait what -
someone explain -
poor cadence that was mean -

Pregnancy is making Cadance do stupid things.

I just finished reading this and I thought Twilight actually died but it was bird that died


Losing a pet ain't a particularly pleasant experience either. And my comment was also trying to throw some people off. (And I don't think the Sad tag is policed.) That said, deliberate mis-tagging might be an issue.

This story just took me way back to my emo years...

Comment posted by Dragon Shimmer deleted Jun 17th, 2021

Can’t believe I got suckered like that. That explains why it was on the featured list for a few days.




Cadance is pregnant with Flurry, and is experiencing some wild hormone swings that are affecting her emotions and empathic abilities. So, yes, the full state funeral for a bird is total overkill. Everypony is going along with it because an angry Princess of Love is something they learned to avoid after the first time they told her no on something.

Originally, the climax was going to have Shining carry 'a box' into a crypt, where there would be four or five other small boxes, all little creatures that Cadance had found dead in the past month and demanded a funeral for, but I felt that was a little too over the top for a story that was already over the top.

nah that would've been more hilarious -

Oh jeez lol. No wonder everyone was just going through the motions

No. Oh no. What did I just read? And why can't I stop laughing?! :rainbowlaugh:

Loved the surprise twist at the end. I definitely didn't expect it.


Here's my question.

Who named the bird?

And why didn't they use its full name as they should have done for a State Funeral?!

0/100 Not enough angst! Not joking enough! Not enough horomones!

Come on Cadence! Are you pregnant or do you just like messing with everyone?!

You are killing me here!

I was going to say something.
Then I realized the deceased was a Fucking BIRD.
Then I died myself.
Good laugh, good loophole, good story.
I'm out.

You...magnificent bastard.

You have earned a follow!

Ah yes; the most emotional loss since Speckled Jim. :rainbowlaugh:

I did the same thing for my parakeets when they died.
Thankfully no one laughed.


Twilight Mi Amore Cadenza Sparkle actually isn't a pet. Cadance found the bird on one of the palace balconies about a week prior, and likely would have called Fluttershy to come look at it, with Rainbow Dash accompanying.

I'm even more depressed now.

You had me in the first half, not gonna lie...

The ending really does tie it all together

Woooooow, damn that ending was brilliant.

Great twist ending! I loved this

I didn't understand what was going on until I read the comments.


Thanks for making me hold in my rather insane laughter for the second round.


10/10 best twist I've read for a good while.

Gosh dang it, this is the first fic in a while to get me good like this! I'm simultaneously so upset and howling with laughter at this. I can't believe I didn't look at the tags before reading it. Bravo!

Top 50 best stories I read so far.

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