• Member Since 17th Mar, 2018
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


Walk, don't run. Unless you're late for the bus.



It's a hard thing, trying to live your life while you're always in the spotlight.

More so when you've found your one true love.

Written for the Change of Pace Contest.
A very late entry into the AppleDash Warm and Fuzzy Feelings Event.
Edited by Shakespearicles.
Original art by Reysi.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 9 )

Sweet. I like the way you made the plot revolve around Lyra and Bon Bon's vow renewal and still perfectly portrayed the real central theme -- Applejack and Rainbow's relationship. This was a great perspective of Applejack's thoughts. She, Rainbow, Rarity, and the others are in character and realistic, and the dialogue and descriptions are enjoyable. Good job writing. You have talent. ;)

Dashie, you goofball. Well, that's one way to go about it, silly little airhead that she is. Appul is a refined mare of the earth, who don't need no big Changeling / Canterlot wedding. Really liked the character portrayal, feels like they actually matched their personalities.

Applejack is a mare of few words, but surprisingly deep perspective (Who sometimes takes the world on her shoulders, and needs to take some time off, and maybe get some good snuggles), and Rainbow goes fast, thinks faster, and sometimes forgets to think past her actions. Almost could be an episode of the show. Nicely done, Freglz.

Well, that was an interesting one. I would suspect that there'll be at least some aftermath with Rarity and Twilight, talking things out and all that. RD apparently grew enough to feel more comfortable with her girly side, which is nice to see.
Entertaining story.

Thank you.

Hi there!

Quite a while ago, you submitted this story to be reviewed by the Pens and Couches Review Group. This group has since undergone some changes and rebranding, and we finally reviewed your story!

Check out your review here!

“Tell ya what, Dash,” I said, barely keeping the shakiness out of my voice as I lay one of my hooves over the ring and gently lowered it, smiling at her all the while. “You keep it for now. You keep it, and then you spring it on me again sometime when we're back in Ponyville. We both know what the answer's gonna be. The real question… is how you'd surprise me.”

Wow. This has to be the least romantic proposal… proposal ever. Not that Rainbow’s reveal wasn’t a mood killer, but man… “Do it later. We both know what I’ll say”… Oof. Just say yes, you stupid horse!

Short and sweet! Also, I don't think I've read a first person perspective on AppleJack but you did a really good job captivating her character. Love the flow of the story and the dialogue was superb. Good read! :ajsmug:

The foreshadowing is strong with this one

Such a lovely gem! AJ and Rainbow’s characters were super compelling and really felt like themselves. The plot was simple but tight and effective.


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