• Member Since 25th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen Nov 9th, 2021

Rocks with Salt

Apparently I had this account for 6 years and never realized it. Well, let's make some use out of it. I've got some fanfiction backstock I've accumulated over the years.

Comments ( 40 )


There's going to be a sudden uptick in Dragon-pony hybrids in about 9 months or so XD

Would not mind a sequel.

Where did you get the picture from

I love a good old fashion hot tub sex orgy

I liked it but it kinda just ends doesn't it. I mean it seems it's gonna be Spike centric then Dash kinda takes over.

Course a sequel might address that.

Lotus and Aloe must be used to thoroughly cleaning the hot tub on a regular basis, since this is apparently part of the usual service package for them. :pinkiecrazy:

It's a brand-new not-even-on-derpibooru-yet piece by Frist!

htt ps://derpi booru.org/tags/artist-colon-frist44
htt ps://twitt er.com/FristART

There is no better reason to fuck someone again.

Holy cow, that was hot! Will you write a sequel?

Wow. This turned out better than any of us could have possibly imagined.

Fantastic work! XD

Celestia damn it, Dash. :facehoof:

TACT---Learn it and live it. You're lucky it turned out so good ultimately but damn, sometimes you gotta leave the guy alone. There were times I was thinking you were doing this for more than just to tease the sole male of the group.

So what you really hiding Rainbow? Jealous of Rairty or Starlight; those two seem to be the closest to the dragon--maybe even your former classmate Fluttershy?

If you wanted to bang Spike so badly, I think the Spa isn't quite the best place....that could be like a 3 or six-month anniversary with getting intimate in public...

I kinda agree....Spike gotta take some payback on Rainbow Dash at least....

We need a prequel about Spike and Twilights escapades. Then a sequal to this.

[Mane Six] is a character tag btw. Just saying since AJ is in the fic, and art, and not listed in the character list.

Not bad, not bad at all!:moustache::twilightsmile:

Great story.

Prequel and sequel, please ... :rainbowwild:

I'm normally not a fan of anthro, but this story was just too good for it to matter to me. For Pony's sake, keep up the good work!!!

Wait, when did Spike and Twilight f*** with nobody around??? :pinkiegasp: :rainbowhuh: :twilightoops:

Wow this is great. I found you through frist, love the story. You should do more with spike or even one of the main six getting Humiliated. Maybe touch on some of rainbow's countless story's of getting hard wings and horny. If you did make a collection with a new take each chapter I'm sure it would be a success!

PS it is a little strange how some lines rainbow says fuck and others frick

This was utterly fantastic.

Keep going! I want more ass-eating!

9727753 Agreed wholeheartedly! :pinkiehappy:

As a big fan of Frists work, it was fun to spot some of the easter eggs. Fantastic read as well.

Raunchy and hilarious. Most excellent.

All this going on with Celestia and Luna watching via crystal ball, guards at their doors trying REALLY HARD not to enter the Princesses chambers, and one guard outside the room at the Ponyville Day Spa to keep "uncouth individuals" from taking advantage of the girls per Celesetia's request, that guard trying REEEEEAAAALY hard not to join them and see just how friendly they all are.

That's what spells are for!

Fuck... Spike would probably keep a cool head, I'd probably be out here like, so... uh... nice tittie.. weather we're having today, huh?

This was a fun read :) I sincerely hope we get to see the remainder of the spa treatments.

What Spike needs is his own harem cause him and the Mane 7 are bland.

My cousin does that.

horndog! My favorite word was used!

“FUCK HER AGAIN SHE MAKES CUTE NOISES!” screamed Rainbow Dash giddily.


This was nice funny and pretty good. Honestly reading this with jazz made it even more bettercdn.discordapp.com/attachments/601227985676402699/603424238208286750/dak2vhz-26d683b9-adec-4a6d-bb76-3f36e42880b0.png

This piece of juicy art really needs a second chapter :pinkiehappy:

Dash was as unsubtle as she was blunt: “Which one of us do you wanna fuck the most?”


This was all fun until Spike went down on Twi and then we completely forget about them until the very ending where they get a "and they came" summary. This is especially souring when The story put so much focus on Spike until that point then just goes off into lala land.

Good grammar, spelling and scenes but the sudden focus shift was painful.

But Rarity’s mind was already made up, and she had to make sure that Lotus understood. “I am intimately aware of each and every treatment offered as part of the package and what is required from us, Miss Lotus,” she confidently affirmed. “And we would like to go ahead and begin with the group spa as usual.”

After reading the story. Very nice innuendos :raritywink:

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