Rainbow Dash wakes up to Twilight Sparkle standing at the foot of her bed in a wedding dress. Surely, things can't get any stranger... can they?
Now with a fantastic audio reading by the wonderful Skijarama! Link!
(He also made the cover art that I totally stole. Because he's just that awesome, I guess.)
This was entertaining. And I loved this:
Because of course Spike would.
Gotta wonder about Celestia.
It's been a long time since a story got me to laugh this much. It's a nice change of pace from all of the dark and adventure stories I have been reading.
If the time she used starswirl's spell before was lesson 0, would this be lesson 1?
So daft, but utterly brilliant.
Honestly the TwiDash is nice but personally I ship Fluttercord.
Also how is Fluttershy going to get back to the future? She doesn't have a horn, and also how did she get to the past without a horn?
That was insane and I love it.
Did the toothbrushes taste like Skittles?
Well either Twilight used some sort of altered version of the spell. Discord is involved or it’s just a plot hole.
This was so stupid and I loved it. Persona;;y, I think Twidash is the best shipping, but that’s just me
This was brilliant, and I laughed aloud many times
Discord sent her, of course. Maybe they’ll be a threesome.
In the original episode the spell had a time limit after which Twilight was automatically brought back to the present, no magic required. That's like, the entire reason the episode happened. Just needed a unicorn to cast the spell on her once.
The headcanon that I totally didn't make up just now is that Rainbow special orders brushes with soft bristles cuz she has super sensitive teeth. Celestia likes them, but is too embarrassed to order them herself.
Glad you enjoyed!
When I was thinking on it I thought maybe Rainbows saliva tastes like skittles. Yours makes a lot more sense.
This was amazing
Ah my morning helping of adorkable silliness, or at least it would be if I didn't workk the graveyard shift. Let's start over: Ah my pre-bed helping of adorkable silliness it goes great with my dinner which is cereal b/c what else would it be does anyone seriously expect me to eat actual dinner in the morning that's ridiculous. What was I talking about again? Oh right fun to be had all around. Okay good morning I'm going to bed.
Suddenly Thanos!
But, Starswirl bumped Equestria a few minutes into the future so it missed them.
Best thing I've heard all day, and I intimately talked about the Bible today.
I'm not normally into shipping, especially among the main six, but this was fun enough for me to overlook that this time.
maybe a sequel would say how but maybe future Rarity sent her back or maybe Twi did
Damn fine work.
Gotta love a good self fulfilling prophecy.
~Skeeter The Lurker
This is referred to as the 'boot-strap pardox' and its one of my favorites
Very fun! Thanks.
That was pretty funny.
her head
surprisingly strong
a deadpan
Um *cough* uhhh...... I don't really know what to say.........
Dash and Twilight getting together because shenanigans is my favorite genre.
She's right. It really couldn't have gone any other way.
I have no words
Brilliant, original and very well written - great work!