• Published 21st Aug 2016
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Dressed to Steal - Tatsurou

Coco Pommel balances being the daughter of Sly Cooper and a member of the Cooper Gang with not disappointing her Law Enforcement mother, Inspector Carmelita Fox.

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Gathering: Take 14

Much as I'd feared when I first started exploring the tunnels, I wound up searching through the entire structure to find what I was looking for...and it wasn't even remotely safe. Not only did each large chamber have built in security, the wider passages between them were regularly patrolled. While the lackeys Magica had hired for he job (the files Uncle Scrooge had shown us identified them as 'The Beagle Boys') were easy enough to evade to the point they could almost be ignored - seriously, I actually walked an entire patrol right behind the biggest one and he never noticed me - the halls also had magical security that was a much greater concern. Not only were the magic constructs far more aware of their surroundings than the Beagle Boys, they followed the weave of the enchantments on the volcano itself. If I broke even one of them, it would set off an alarm throughout the entire structure. Thankfully, they were Dark Magic constructs designed to detect magic anomalies, and I could hide from them if I activated the Mask of Dark Earth and held perfectly still...which would unfortunately make the Beagle Boys notice me if they caught sight of me sitting there. Not. Fun.

While I didn't bother exploring any chamber unless it was the one I was looking for, I did snap numerous pictures as I went through, to get Uncle Bentley as much information as he could. The glowing red stone walls of the various chambers were uniform uneven rock, and otherwise uninteresting. I could only hope the pictures I snapped of the contents would help Uncle Bentley plan some way of assaulting the place if needed.

Finally I found what I was looking for. Magica was too clever for her own good...

The central chamber of the volcano was a straight up-and-down tower-like room that ran from the caldera opening straight down to the magma core of the volcano, where all the magic was anchored. This was the most vulnerable spot of the entire structure, since the shaping of the magic meant the magma core had to be exposed to open air far above. However, it was overlooked at dozens of levels by the paths honeycombing the structure, turning that obvious entrance into a death-trap ambush for anyone trying to get in from the top. The volcano sloped inward towards the top, making each higher overlook vulnerable to the one beneath as a single shot to the right place could send it falling outward and into the magma below. At the same time, all the overlooks on one side were plainly visible to those on the other three, and could just as easily be knocked out from there. There was no safe, direct way to assault the chamber, and trying to lead a rescue force through the tunnels would be just asking for trouble.

And down below, right next to the magma core in a cage of dark magic charged obsidian, was little Felicia...the cage's magic being the only thing protecting her from the punishing heat.

Coco thought quickly as she observed the situation. A cage charged with dark magic could easily be opened with its opposite, and she did have the Staff of Moonfire with her. If she could get Felicia safely out, the whole thing would be over. Despite being tiny for a gator-dog hybrid, she was still big enough to carry Coco on her back if the pony could get her moving. A bit of magic application to the temperature control technique she'd learned early in her career and she could protect Felicia from the heat, and then they could make their way through the smaller tunnels - too small for pursuit - to the outside. Then they could either fly out on the copter, or Felicia could swim them across the bay. Coco could already see the muscle definition in the hybrid's small frame. She could make the distance easily...and even if she couldn't, Coco recognized the shell pendant she wore. It was one Mrs. Ruby had taught Coco to make, an alarm pendant that would send a strong magical signal when exposed to water. Get Felicia in the water, and Mrs. Ruby would make a beeline to them.

It all seemed so easy...until Coco pulled out the Staff of Moonfire. No matter what she did, she couldn't get it to ignite. Damn, she thought to herself. The Dark Magic in the volcano is just too strong. I can't spark the magic within the staff. To use it, I'd have to activate it before entering, and keep it activated as I made my way through...and a Light Magic beacon like that would trigger every alarm system in here.

Putting the staff away, she turned back to Felicia. "Don't worry," she whispered just under her breath. "We'll get you out of here...somehow." Turning, she took several pictures of the area before making her way stealthily back to the outside.

Unfortunately, all the photos got us was a firm realization that as we were we could not assault the volcano or rescue Felicia. Getting into direct contact with Mrs. Ruby was also a bad idea, as she was probably under strict orders about what she was and wasn't supposed to do in order to keep Felicia safe. We were stuck for what to do.

Until Uncle Murray had a stroke of genius...

"...can I ask something?" Murray spoke up as everyone mused over what to do regarding the situation.

"Go ahead," Sly responded. "We're at our wits end."

"Well, this magic battle can't be good for civilians," he pointed out logically. "If the super-crime here is balanced out by vigilantes, how come they haven't gotten involved yet?"

Everyone turned to stare at Murray. "...Murray, you're a genius," Bentley finally stated in amazement.

"...I am?" Murray asked in shock.

"The entire city is crawling with super-powered individuals, or those who know how to deal with them," Bentley elaborated. "If we can't get through the volcano, we just need to look hard enough to find who can!" Turning, he began accessing the net rapidly. "We need someone with a good success record, with a variety of skills, a way to handle just about anything we saw in those pictures, and a willingness to put a lot on the line to save an innocent. And then we need a way to get in contact with them without arousing suspicion, and a way to convince them to help us."

"I don't know about the contacting part," Carmelita spoke up, "but from communications between Interpol and S.H.U.S.H., I know exactly who we need." All eyes turned to her, and she sighed ruefully. "It's going to be three kinds of headaches by the time this is over...but let's get dangerous..."

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