• Published 20th Jun 2016
  • 5,571 Views, 39 Comments

Saving Daddy - Foals Errand

Morning Star wants to save his Daddy from turning into another pony, all he has to do is get Daddy's regalia.

  • ...

Time to save Daddy

Morning Star squeezed his eyes shut as a beam of bright sunlight invaded his room. It was a fruitless battle, even if his daddy was the mare who guided the sun even she had to obey the sun’s rotation. If the sun is up waking me up, that means...

“Good morning, Morning Star! It’s seven twenty three AM, my sweet boy, and if you don’t get up, you’ll be running behind schedule and we’ll have to shorten our snuggle time!”

Morning Star smiled, though he was certain that his Mommy wasn’t able to see it. “Morning, Mommy. I’m up!” He sat up straight, his navy blue and purple mane falling into his eyes. He giggled as he felt his Mommy’s magic brush it back out of his face.

Twilight smiled. “What on Equestria am I going to do with you, hmm?” Her horn glowed, grabbing hold of the blanket and folding it back releasing her son to jump onto the floor.

“Love me, of course!” Morning Star giggled as his Mommy nuzzled against the side of his muzzle. Some of the other colts might tease him, but he loved to be with his Mommy. There was just something about her. Not that he hated being around his Daddy! It was just...

“Of course I love you. Now, we do need to hurry a bit today, I’m afraid: the nobles are being pushy with your Daddy again and are demanding she return to Canterlot today.” Twilight frowned, despising the fact she’d once again be separated from her wife early.

“But that’s not fair, Mommy! Daddy said she’d play with me after school! She said that when we are here she is just MY Daddy...” Morning Star sat down crossing his forelegs and Twilight sighed sitting beside her small son wrapping her wing around him. “Mommy... why don’t those noble ponies want Daddy to be my Daddy?”

Twilight sighed. The only problem with Morning Star being her son it seemed was his intelligence and curiosity. “Some ponies are jealous, I think.”

“Jealous? Why are ponies jealous, Mommy?” Morning Star looked up at his Mommy who smiled kissing his forehead.

“Well, it was back before Mommy and Daddy got married and before Eclipse and you. Daddy went out of her way to do everything for everypony. Sacrificing her free time even her privacy to help them. But when Daddy and Mommy got married, she started spending more time with me and Eclipse and less time with those ponies. And once you were born and we decided to mainly raise you here in Ponyville, well, there were a lot of ponies who disagreed with that.” Twilight shook her head, remembering the outrage the nobles had that Princess Celestia was abandoning them for a mud pony. It wasn’t often she had seen her wife mad, but oh boy...

Morning Star sighed, his shoulders slumping. “So that’s why Daddy is only here four days a week, Mommy?”

“I’m afraid so.Now I know it’s not fun, but let’s go down to breakfast so we can spend time with Daddy before she has to leave okay?” Twilight pulled her wing back and stood up as she saw her small son nod and follow her downstairs.

Starlight looked up from the table and grinned. “Hey, Rocker!” Morning Star rolled his eyes ever since he moved that big rock off of his cousin Flurry Heart’s doll, his Auntie Starlight had been calling him either Rocker or Rock Star, he didn’t know why, though. It wasn’t like he had gotten his cutie mark from doing it or anything.

Morning Star’s eyes lit up at the sight of his Daddy, but it quickly died out. Daddy was already in her regalia. There was no way that she’d be able to play with him after school. Not to mention he had to be so careful when Daddy was wearing her regalia, even Mommy had to be careful. Normally Mommy and Daddy were always touching even kissing even though he thought that was super gross! Daddy called Mommy Twi or Twilly and Mommy called Daddy Tia. But not when Daddy was in regalia. When Daddy was in her regalia, Mommy had to only walk beside Daddy, not touching her, and she called her Celestia. “Morning, Father...” Morning Star bowed his head, not noticing the stab of pain which ran through Celestia’s eyes.

“Go-good morning, Morning Star. Did you sleep well?” Celestia reached to ruffle her son’s messy mane, but stopped herself as he climbed into his chair.

Morning Star hated the regalia. It turned Daddy into another pony! “Yes, Father I slept well...”

Celestia nodded, finishing her coffee. “I’m sorry I have to leave so suddenly, but I...” She glanced down at her son. “I’ll make it up to you my... Morning Star.” She saw him nod and swallowed hard, her horn glowing as she vanished in a flash of sunlight.

Morning Star angrily wiped at his eyes with his fore hooves. No you won’t, Daddy. You never can; they won’t let you. He looked down at his oatmeal and ate a few bites to satisfy his Mommy before slipping on his saddlebags, a packed lunch in his mouth.

Twilight smiled, though the corners of her lips not reaching her eyes. “I know you hoped Daddy would walk you to school today, but is okay if I do? Auntie Applejack wanted me to come over to help with some blight today, and the schoolhouse is on the way.”

Morning Star nodded and followed his Mother out of the palace they lived in and once more hated the fact that his name began with Prince.

“Morning Star, over here!”

Morning Star glanced up to see his best friend waving at him from the front door to the classroom. Twilight smiled and bent down kissing the top of his head. “Go on, have a good day. Good Morning, Tomato Soup!” Twilight called over to the red coated unicorn.

Tomato Soup grinned. “Morning, Auntie Twilight! Mommy wants you to stop by today; she has some super yummy in the tummy cupcakes for you to try!”

Twilight nodded. “I’ll make sure to do that!” She gave Morning Star a small nuzzle and nudged him toward his friend before turning and walking the other way.

Tomato Soup ran over, her head cocked. “I thought your Daddy was bringing you to school today.”

Morning Star frowned, his lunch beside him where his Mommy had floated it over. “She was gonna, but that stupid regalia transformed her again and made her leave!”

Tomato Soup shook her head. She never really understood the weird transforming regalia that changed her Auntie Tia, but she liked it just as much as Morning Star. “I’m sorry, Starry… We better get inside, though, or Miss Cheerilee will be upset. Rock Steady and Apple Cobbler are already here.”

Morning Star smiled at the fact the four of them would be able to play together at least and followed Tomato Soup inside, climbing into his desk in the front row next to Tomato Soup. He looked up as Miss Cheerilee walked in. “Good morning, my little ponies! It is a very beautiful Friday today, isn’t it? As we all know, Sunday is Father’s Day, so today we are going to create gifts for all of your Dads!”

Morning Star frowned and raised his foreleg waving it around a bit. “Miss Cheerilee, what is Father’s Day exactly?”

“Well, Morning Star, Father’s Day is a day where colts and fillies celebrate the stallion or mare who is their daddy and do something extra special for him or her!” Cheerilee smiled down at her inquisitive student, who seemed to nod deep in thought. “All right, well, we’re going to be making different projects depending on your grade! Morning Star and Tomato Soup, you both will be making hoof prints in clay. Apple Cobbler, Meringue, and Sky Dancer, you will all be making A card. Skye, you will be making a bowl. Rock Steady and Chocolate Swirl, you boys will be making a coupon book for your Daddys.”

Morning Star tuned his teacher’s voice out after that as she spoke to the much older colts and fillies thinking about what she said. What can I do that is extra special for my Daddy…? Slowly, an idea began to form in his mind.

“You want to do what now?”

Morning Star looked up at his older friend and grinned. He always felt comforted by Rock Steady’s even, southern drawl. “I wanna hide Daddy’s regalia so that she won’t turn into that weird pony any more and can just be my Daddy!”

“Oh, oh, oh! Can I help? Please, Starry, pleaseeee? I have super sneaky spy suits and everything!” Tomato Soup bounced in place as Rock Steady sighed. They were waiting for Apple Cobbler to be released from the corner.

“I don’t think I can let you two do this on yer lonesome an’ I know yer gonna talk Apple Cobbler into helpin’ y’all, so I’m in too.” Rock Steady nodded firmly. “But I thought ya said yer Daddy went back to Canterlot this morning.”

Morning Star nodded as he tapped his chin. “Yes, but Sunday is Father’s day, and if I know Mommy, then she’ll make sure that Daddy will be home to celebrate. She probably is planning a family dinner with Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Shiny, Auntie Cady, Auntie Luna, and Flurry Heart. Maybe even Eclipse, but I dunno if she can get out of University. She always says shes soooo busy!”

Tomato Soup nodded. “Right. Your Mommy would go nuts if her schedule got messed up! So your Daddy will have to be there!”

“So what is the plan, Morning Star?” Rock Steady sighed, shaking his head.

Morning Star stood up as he heard his Mommy’s hooves coming closer. “Daddy should be home after dinner tomorrow, so come over after Auntie Luna makes the moon wake up… But wait until your Mommys and Daddys are asleep. This is a super sneaky mission!”

Tomato Soup and Rock Steady nodded as Morning Star ran over to where Twilight was waiting his hoof prints packed carefully in his bag. He looked back and waved racing after his Mommy.

“You think this will work, Steady?” Tomato Soup munched on a cupcake she pulled from her mane.

“Maybe, I reckon it might help at least. You better head home, Tomato, I gotta wait fer my little sis. See ya tomorrow night.” Rock Steady smiled as the little unicorn bounced off.

“Morning Star, sweetheart, you need to eat your dinner.”

Morning Star stared at his plate, trying to avoid the fact that his Daddy’s chair was empty. It’s not fair! I can’t save Daddy if she isn’t even here…

Twilight sighed glancing over at where Starlight was sitting and mouthed the words ‘help me.’

“Hey, Rock Star, I know you hoped your Daddy would be here for dinner, but she is a super busy pony and that means…” Starlight trailed off as Morning Star looked up from his plate the fur under his eyes wet from his tears.

“Mommy? Does Daddy still love me?” Morning Star looked over at Twilight, his lower lip trembling. “Did I do something to make Daddy not like me?”

Twilight shook her head, wrapping her forelegs around her son. “No, no, baby! Daddy loves you very much she is just very busy that is all!”

Morning Star buried his head into his Mommy’s chest crying softly as Twilight gently cooed in his ear her eyes narrowed as a bright flash of light filled the kitchen.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Court ran long!” Celestia stopped at the sight in front of her. Twilight, her beloved wife, glaring at her while their son sobbed into her chest. “Morning Star? Is everything alright?”

Twilight just shook her head as Morning Star turned to look over at Celestia, her regalia shining in the candle light. He squeezed his eyes shut tight, trying to stop his tears. “Hello, Father… I-I’m not feeling good. Can I be excused… please?”

Celestia simply nodded her head and watched as her son walked away, tail tucked behind his legs before Twilight stepped into her line of sight her ears pinned back and eyes narrowed. Celestia swallowed as she got ready for a very long discussion.

Morning Star had his head covered with his pillow, still in the same position he had been in when he came upstairs a few hours ago. At least Mommy isn’t yelling anymore… It had been quiet for around an hour, which meant that either Mommy and Daddy had left the palace or they were asleep. Either way, though, Daddy’s regalia would be left on the ponykin in their room.


Morning Star pulled his head out from under his pillow and walked over to his window and opened it to see his three best friends. Rock Steady had tossed a few small pebbles at his window and Tomato Soup was gesturing him to come down. He nodded and closed his window before carefully and slowly sneaking out of his bedroom being mindful of the crystal floors. He passed by his Mommy’s and Daddy’s room and stopped at the closed door, wondering if they were inside or if they had gone out…

Morning Star opened the front door and ran over to where his friends were waiting. “Thanks for coming… I know this’ll work; I just needed the help.”

“Shoot, ain’t no problem, Star. We just had ta wait fer Tomato Soup to come out.” Rock Steady tossed the remaining pebbles over his shoulder.

“Yeah! Sorry! Mommy was still up for a super long time! It’s like she somehow knew! But she finally went to bed but kept the closet with her super sneaky spy outfits open! It was really weird, but here!” She passed over the three black outfits, already wearing one herself.

“What is the exact plan, anyway, Starry? I mean, what are we going to be doing?” Apple Cobbler struggled climbing into the black suit that was her size.

“We’re going to take Daddy’s regalia and hide them somewhere so that she can’t turn into that other pony anymore. Rock Steady, can we hide them somewhere on the farm?” Morning Star looked up at the taller colt who seemed to be deep in thought.

“Eeyup. My Auntie Applebloom showed me a club house she an’ the other original Crusaders used ta use. I reckon we can hide ‘em there.” Rock Steady tugged the hood over his head. “Do ya know where yer Daddy keeps her regalia?”

Morning Star nodded, walking back toward the front door. “Yeah, if she isn’t wearing it, then she keeps it on a ponykin Auntie Rarity gave her. We can put the regalia in my saddle bags.”

Quietly the four little ponies snuck into the palace, unaware that Starlight was still awake and had been listening to them talk. She stayed in the shadows and watched as they climbed the stairs as quietly as they could which admittedly was still rather loud. It’s a good thing Twilight and Celestia went for a long walk…

Tomato Soup poked her tongue out as her horn glowed, sparking a bit, her red aura grasping the doorknob and slowly turning it. “We’re in!” She hissed quietly as the door opened. She and Apple Cobbler stood outside the room while Morning Star walked in, followed by Rock Steady.

“See? There they are.” Morning Star slowly walked over to the ponykin, which was wearing his Daddy’s regalia.

Rock Steady looked to the other side of the room to see another ponykin wearing regalia. “Ain’t those the ones yer Mommy wears? Why don’t we take them too?”

“Mommy’s regalia doesn’t turn her into another pony…” Morning Star shrugged. It was true, though even when Mommy was wearing her regalia, she insisted on being called Mommy still and the one time he called her Mother she grinned and asked him if she really looked that old and tickled him until he couldn’t stop giggling.

“All right, then, you better open yer bag so I can put em in there.” Rock Steady got up on his hind legs and unsnapped the clasp on the chest piece wincing as it crashed to the ground. “Sorry, was heavier than I thought it’d be.”

Morning Star shook his head. “It’s okay. We just have to be careful not to wake up, Auntie Starlight.”

Rock Steady picked up the chest piece and put it into Morning Star’s saddlebags, followed by the crown and finally the shoes. “All right, that's the lot of it. Now let’s git.”

Slowly, the colts backed out of the room and right into the fillies, who had backed into the room “What are you two doing in here? You are supposed to be standing guard….” Morning Star looked up to see his Mommy and Daddy staring down at him. “...Uh oh…”

Twilight sighed as she looked down at her nieces and nephew and shook her head. They all looked fairly silly She forced a stern look on her face struggling not to laugh at the very familiar black stealth suits. “Tomato Soup, Rock Steady, Apple Cobbler, you three will be staying here the rest of the night, and tomorrow, I’ll take you home, so you can explain to your parents why it is exactly that you are here at one in the morning.”

The three little ponies slumped before nodding. They were surrounding Morning Star, who Twilight turned her attention to.

“Morning Star, Everfree, I am very disappointed in you! What did you think you were doing going into Daddy’s and my room, not to mention taking Daddy’s regalia? You know how important Daddy’s regalia is!” Twilight watched as her son winced before looking at her in the eyes.

“I know that! I know that, Mommy…” Morning Star’s ears pinned back against his head. “But I had to! I just I don’t want Daddy to turn into a different pony anymore! I want my Daddy to be Daddy!”

Celestia stepped forward and blinked, confused. “Twilight, may I?”

Twilight shrugged and stepped back as Celestia sat down to better look into her son’s eyes. “Morning Star, what do you mean that the regalia turns me into a different pony? I’m still me when I wear it.”

Morning Star shook his head. “No you aren’t, Daddy! Yo-you become Father, and Father isn’t my Daddy…”

Celestia blinked. “Oh, Starry, you don’t have to call me Father when I wear my regalia.”

“Yes I do! Y-you don’t ever answer if I call you Daddy an...and you don’t hug me or Mommy…” Morning Star wiped his eyes. “I asked Blue, and he told me it was because you have to be a different pony when it’s on…”

Celestia paused and her ears pinned back. “Oh, Morning Star… D-do I really do that?” She frowned and wrapped her wings around him. “I...I guess I never noticed it. I just fall into the role of being Princess Celestia. But, Morning Star, I want you to listen to me, all right?”

Morning Star looked up at his Daddy as she pulled the hood down, releasing his messy mane.

“Even if I am wearing the regalia, I am always your Daddy, and I love you so very much… Now that I know how you feel, it helps me make a decision that I’ve been talking to Mommy about. From now on, I am going to be here every day. I will leave at the same time you do to go to school to run court and will be home in time to help Mommy cook dinner, and if the nobles don’t like it, well, they can come here and complain about it.” Celestia smiled as she watched Morning Star’s eyes light up.

“You promise, Daddy?”

“Of course. I’ll even Pinkie Promise. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye. Because everypony knows that breaking a promise is the quickest way to lose a friend’s, or my son’s, trust…”

“Forever!” Pinkie popped out of an open door. “Oh, hey, Twilight, hey, Celestia! Thanks for keeping Tomato Soup tonight!” Pinkie grinned, ruffling her daughter’s mane before vanishing back outside.

Twilight just shook her head. “All right, kids, let's get you all to bed. Starlight rolled out sleeping bags for all of you in Morning Star’s room come on now.” She turned and led the three upstairs as Morning Star snuggled into his Daddy’s warm fur.


“Hmm? What is it Starry?” Celestia smiled enjoying the feeling of just holding her son.

“I have something for you. It’s in my bag under the regalia.” Morning Star smiled a bit nervous as his Daddy slowly pulled her regalia out and set them on the floor until her magic grabbed a new object and lifted it out. A pair of small hoof prints in clay. She smiled and turned them over on the back ‘Morning Star Age 5’ was carved into the back with the date.

“What is this, Starry?” Celestia smiled as she brushed her own large hoof over the tiny ones in clay.

“It’s a project I made in school for you, Daddy. Happy Daddy’s Day.” Morning Star smiled up at his Daddy. His plan had been a success! Daddy wasn’t going to be turning into another pony anymore!

“Oh… oh, Morning Star, you are the best son a Daddy could ever want, but let's get you to bed before Mommy gets angry. After all, she has a big party planned for later today, and we don’t want to sleep through it!” She looked down to see him asleep cuddled up to her. “...I promise, Morning Star, I will be a better Daddy for you. I’m sorry I never noticed before. Sleep tight.”

Comments ( 39 )

10 live readers?
Geez, Foals, you have some dedicated followers!
Edit: First comment!

Great story though!

I'm glad you enjoyed it. :twilightsmile: I like my little verse i'm creating!

"Hnngh! Ack! Nooo... I just got this heart repla---"


I can't decide if I want to be happy because this was so adorable, or sad because I know from personal experience that such a happy ending to a "busy Daddy" issue is about as fantastical as magical pastel ponies...

Either way, I very much enjoyed reading it, and am excited to see your TwiLestia Universe grow!

This story was just adorable!:twilightsmile: I loved Celestia and Twilight as parents and Tomato soup was just awesome. Cannot wait to see more in this universe.


You owe me a new heart, you Trixie minx, you.

This was very cute, Foals. Looking at the situation from a child's point of view was very insightful and hilarious at times. From the mouths of babes, it is said....and mostly closer to the truth than we care to think about! Great story, though it brings up some painful memories. Delightful nonetheless. Thank you for a wonderful story.

Oh my gosh. This was super cute.

Sorry Mister... *adorable big eyes*

Lets go with happy! After all this is a magical world! And i'm very glad you enjoyed!

Tomato Soup is Pinkie with a unicorn horn. Be afraid, be very afraid!

Is a chocolate heart okay? :heart:

I'm sorry it brought up bad memories, but i'm glad you enjoyed it!

God dammit my heart just melted. I'm all sappy now. Love the story btw.

So cute!!! Uggh :pinkiehappy:

Jesus enough of this lesbian crap already!

7322952 I couldn't agree more. Honestly, I grow weary of clicking on stories that have foals of cannon characters, only to find that two mares. (Never two stallions for whatever reasons) somehow had a foal.

It was acceptable at first, but after the first twelve million stories like that, it got as old as I look.

Also, Fun Fact: A Morning Star is a medieval weapon similar to a mace, only it was an iron and/or steel ball covered in sharp spikes. It was used against heavily armored soldiers to cause a mixture of blunt and piercing damage. :pinkiehappy:

The most poignant memory was when I was called to deploy, yet again, to the Middle East. I had just walked in the door from work and the phone rang. My first sergeant told me to pack up and return to work and be prepared to deploy immediately. As I was gathering my bags, my daughter, then 10 years old, walked in and saw I was packing. "You're leaving again?" she asked, tearing up. I told her it was likely I was. She looked at me with great sadness and said " This is the third time you've missed my birthday." It broke my heart. I don't think I've ever been able to make that up to her and it's been 20 years.

I loved your story though Foals. I really liked how Celestia and her son were able to work it out and be together. It made me happy that they could. Thanks again. You are a wonderful writer.

Ok, while my preconceived notions on the use of "daddy" made reading this rather muddled, it was fairly interesting all the way through. All in all a solid addition to the series!

That was adorable.

Though, because of his name, I can't help but think his rebellious teenager phase is going to include introducing Equestria to heavy metal.

7319840 *Looks around, seeing nopony*
Well, they won't be needing their wallet anymore... Or their tech... I'll just borrow this as well... Just stroll away quietly... Nothing to see here. <_<


So... Adorable... *ded*

7324183 *Coranth's revenant rises and chases you relentlessly* "Give me back my teeeeeeeeeeech!"

It's sad how a story's popularity tapers off through sequels. While the story progresses naturally and with a rich narrative that some may argue refines the source story, so few tend to take the time to continue reading the story through its progression.

Again, very sad.

And this comment has very little to do with the story itself. But you know what I mean.

Pretty cute story and I'm guessing from the name you gave Pinkie's kid she hooked up with Cheese Sandwich?

3:28 seconds
Cheerilee: I just need to get your mom or your dad to sign this waver so you can continue to go to school in Ponyville.

Morning Star: Um What?

Cheerilee: Apparently some terrorist of the week (or something) blew up the science wing and we need to get your mom or your dad to sign this.

Morning Star: Mom and my what? There's that word again.

Cheerilee: Maybe I'll just ask one of your parents directly.

Morning Star: Mom and my what?

Cheerilee: What?

Morning Star: you keep saying my Mom and my something else.'

Cheerilee: You mean Dad?

Morning Star: I can make up words too you know.

Too buckin cute for me ;w;


Brutal af stealing a dead man's wallet

I love how you kept the whole Father's Day thing all-inclusive... not many will think to do that. :twilightsmile: Cute little story

I know you hoped Daddy would walk you to school today, but is okay if I do?

Think you meant is IT okay there.

“Well, Morning Star, Father’s Day is a day where colts and fillies celebrate the stallion or mare who is their daddy and do something extra special for him or her!”

(emphasis mine)

And my first thought, after I finished laughing, was... wow, okay, I guess we do need such language now... That was... suprising. Accurate. I guess it didn't register until that moment.

did Celestia change gender ?

Only long enough for them to conceive.

So,,. Moning Start know that his daddy a a mare, he can see that Celestia is a mare, that she had a mares body, and ..
It was just to be a Plot Twist the, My daddy becomes a different pony when he puts on the Pincess regalia !?

The different pony bit is the fact when she wears her regalia shes Princess Celestia IE, proper princess. Without the regalia at home, she can just be a normal mare. As Morning Star is 4 he sees it as the regalia turning her into a different pony.

I know I relised that at the end
but you were doing a plot twist, making us thing that her body change

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