• Member Since 29th Jul, 2021
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


Hallo. I am a connoisseur of clever wordplay and stories with deeper meaning; I very casually run a YouTube channel with my brother called GadZooks where we talk about MLP-related stuff.

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  • 44 weeks
    Am I the only person who thinks the "night market" from chapter 5 has a ton of potential for fanfics?

    ...cuz I feel like the night market has a ton of potential for fanfics. If anyone writes a story involving the night market, let me know! I wanna read!

    2 comments · 68 views
  • 78 weeks
    Emerald doesn't take Canterlot... yet.

    For those of you following me for Bound Elemental and it's sequels, I have some news. good or bad? depends on your point of view.

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    0 comments · 95 views
  • 94 weeks
    Should I Continue Emerald Takes Canterlot?

    At the moment I'm wondering if Emerald Takes Canterlot is really something that I want to continue writing; I'm not sure if there's actually anything in the concept that's truly worth exploring that couldn't be accomplished with a short epilogue or something like that;

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    1 comments · 110 views
  • 102 weeks
    Emerald Flare in Equestria Girls?

    Hey, for those of you who've been reading Bound Elemental, I'd like to say Thank you; all of your comments and support are very encouraging!

    I'd also like to ask you all what exactly you think would come out on the human side if Emerald went through the mirror portal, because I haven't really come up with an answer that's satisfying to me.


    2 comments · 135 views
  • 141 weeks
    Random "what ifs?"

    What if Sunny Starscout named her future filly 'Twilight'? 'Twilight Starscout' has a nice ring to it, I think.

    What if the reason Flurry Heart was an alicorn at birth was that at some point she traveled back in time to before she was born and earned her wings in the past?

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    3 comments · 176 views

Am I the only person who thinks the "night market" from chapter 5 has a ton of potential for fanfics? · 6:38pm Sep 19th, 2023

...cuz I feel like the night market has a ton of potential for fanfics. If anyone writes a story involving the night market, let me know! I wanna read!

Report Kendallonian · 68 views · #G5
Comments ( 13 )
  • Viewing 9 - 13 of 13

Oh, hohoho... I know who you are!

You said you thought my Dudley Dursley story looked interesting, and I was just curious if that was because you liked Harry Potter.

Harry potter? I like the movies, mostly. I have heard many times that the books aren't remotely the same experience. Why do you ask?

No problem.
I hope you enjoy them. You a Harry Potter fan?

"The Elements In Harmony" looked interesting, as well as the one about sweetie belle home alone and that other one about Dudley Dursley. Haven't read any of them yet, but I plan to try them out.

  • Viewing 9 - 13 of 13
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