Twilight Sparkle is one of the brightest mares in Equestria, both in knowledge and friendship. For some reason however, the mare's wings are doing their best to destroy her sanity. Who else would she run to, except the Princess of the Sun, who let's admit it, when confronted with the defiant appendages and their tendency to rebel around somepony they have affection for (whether they know it or not) has the same problems when around.... Well, let's not get ahead of ourselves ;)
Edit: Sex tag added due to slang terms and sexual references. Nothing too bad, I promise!
definitely gonna follow this one
LOL hope to read more soon
This story is amazing
6508227 Thank you!
What are the pairings, if you don't mind?
6511269 The pairings would reveal too much of the plot, so i hid them behind a clever black line
It's going to be a Twilestia Story with Rarity involved heavily in the plot(Mostly setting up dates and "alone time"), while Luna, like the Night Princess she is, will operate within the shadows, guiding these two smitten lovers behind the scenes.
I really like the story so far hope to read more soon
6509426 you what
twilight woke up got ready for her day ate breckfast chated for a few minuets with celestia an then its suddenly dark again
6756222 Sun-butt knows how to troll to get her mare ;)
This is awesome! I love it! Fav!
Huh. I wonder where this little gem sprang up from!
I've taken the liberty to add it to a few relevant groups, so it'll likely get some more well-deserved readers!
6756703 nope...cant read it. Celestia is way too OOC. I know its a comedy, but this is just horrible
And this? :
Celestia would not forget the Mane 6's names. Recall? Know she knows their names by heart.
could not even make it past chapter 2 without giving up on it.
How did I find this again?
But this is TwiLestia, right?
6826911 thats what drew me to this in the first place, the promise of Twilestia, but i cant deal with how OOCccelestia is. I can deal with some OOC but this is way too much for me. I couldnt make it past the 2nd chapter before leaving
6826970 I am really, really sorry to hear that this story was bad!!!
If it helps, I am totally available to talk about how I can change it so it's better. Honestly, i started this thing as a little idea, and even I have to agree that it became a mess after a while.
Please PM me so I can rework it into something better. I'm gonna take it down and we could all work on the chapters.
Where did this gem spot up from. I'm loving it, my only probably is Celestia is a bit OOC.
Sorry for bugging you but do you know when you might be posting a new chapter to this story???
I am enjoying this story. It is cute, fluffy and sweet.
That being said, Celestia is a bit OOC. I can understand her wanting to act normal, and even being flustered by Twilight's questions.
My biggest issue with her is her seeming to not care about the other EoH, not even remembering their names. She had interacted with each of them before Twilight's asention to royalty. Otherwise, I do look forward to reading more.
6834784 I understand that she feels OOC right now, but her actions and even her playful demeanor will start to settle down in the next chapter I'm working on.
Also, the name thing; Think about it like this: You're in a position of power, and constantly have to remember names. Although the Elements are very important, Celestia's gonna have to clean the gutters to remember delegate names and keep the peace. Basically, she wasn't sure if she still remembered. Plus she's a thousand years old! She's got some old lady in her, bruh!
6834342 I'm working on one right now, but it's gonna take a while to get it out. I just picked up a new job, and that'll soak up most of my time. Sorry If it's a substantial wait
6835200 it is alright I understand. I wish you the best of luck with you new job
Speechless; best sibling relation evah!
Buckin' Rarity
Umm... Did Celestia seriously screw up? I mean, Twilight just woke up, reads Celestia's letter, and then Celestia... lowers the sun? And goes to sleep? What happened to the rest of the day?
7038120 As for the letter, she totes threw it off the rails, and Nothing else really happened. She was kinda stuck in autopilot after lowering the sun, said her goodbyes and crashed on the couch. I tried making it one of those quick and fast paced awkward scenes where Celestia was stuck in "Flashback Zone" While everything just kinda ticked along.
Just imagine while she was on a trip down memory lane, Twilight and Spike shrugged their shoulders, like it was a casual thing.
Or, just play with your imagination a bit, it's open for interpretation :)
Note to self: Srsly put more depth in future stories!
Twilight just finished eating breakfast. Celestia just set the sun at like 10pm, at the latest.
In addition to the massive technical errors(using nouns as adjectives? REALLY?!) this lacks narrative cohesion and clarity.
7076857 In all honesty, I've been thinking of scrapping this story. It was just meant to be an idea that turned into a whole mess of bad shipping.
yea, and I am surprise the princess was able to handle the pinkie,
7079637 It's alright! There's a few reasons behind cancelling it:
The first is I really don't have the drive and motive for this story anymore. I know a few people were still reading it, waiting to see what happens in the next chapter, but I just don't have a feeling for it anymore.
the Second is i am working on a secret sTory project And it's taking all my spaRe time pouring stuff into it! it should be released soon, With the wAy i am just pouRing stuff into the firSt chapter alone!
PS the hint for secret project's theme is in the previous sentence ;)
The third is I am still having issues trying to find a job in my MASSIVELY SMALL TOWN LIKE SERIOUSLY IT'S SO SMALL!!! But I did go on a job hunting spree recently, so this reason is basically taken care of, just gotta wait for that interview call :)
7079996 okay thank for letting me know
7080188 of course!
As an added bonus, turns out I finished the first chapter for my project but I forgot to submit it like a goof!
Star Wars: friendship divided is the name if you're interested ;)
I'm really enjoying this story, please keep going when you have the time, no need to rush to meet some type of deadline. I hope to read more soon.
7076857 I think that's the joke
7080198 why did you cancel the story?
7648922 my explanation is in sakuralovelight's reply, it says everything.
Twilight only wants to know how to control her wings, not sure where they got the information that Twilight has a crush on her.
It's getting dark out? I'm sorry, what?
Didn't Twilight JUST get out of bed and open the door? Wouldn't it still be morning? How did it go from Twilight getting out of bed to it's getting dark in less then 10 minutes!?
It was a book.
Or more accurately, what was in the book.
How long does a day last in this story? It sounds like about 2 hours and then it's 8 hours of sleep.
The amount of assumptions going on in this story is driving me insane.
We don't even know if Twilight has any feelings for Celestia.
So far the only fact in this story is that Celestia has feelings for Twilight, everything else is unknown.
NO! You wouldn't want to burn down your Faithful Student's house, would you?
Oh dear.
Kinda funny how that's how real life works, or atleast those who aren't immortal. Parents takes care of there children, and eventually the children takes care of there parents.
Why does a day last so short in this story? I don't get this.
She is easily able to overreact over the smallest situation.
Although, atleast if Equestria was ruled by a tyrant than Twilight will most likely be fine.
.... Celestia isn't helping.
I can only imagine a universe where this prank goes horribly wrong and Twilight starts crying her eyes out thinking of the worst punishments imaginable.
Ok so Twilight does have feelings for Celestia, good to know. It's unknown if she realizes these feelings.
This is gonna be a disaster, or would have been.
I hate cancelled stories, and I don't believe this story will ever be continued especially given the reason behind it being cancelled.