• Published 30th Sep 2015
  • 20,661 Views, 3,414 Comments

Just Girls Talking - MythrilMoth

Ponies and their human counterparts talk about various things.

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Author's Note:

This one's a little bit of an After School Special. Kinda preachy.

Nothing specific inspired this.

Pinkie Pie squirmed in the chair in front of Principal Celestia's desk. Her hair was limp and lifeless, and her bright blue eyes were clouded with worry, shame, and a tinge of fear. Her head bowed like a scolded puppy, she snuck darting glances up at the stern face of Principal Celestia before casting her eyes down at her lap, at the top of the desk, at Celestia's nameplate, at anything else she could look at.

Celestia softened her gaze and sighed. "Pinkie Pie," she said in a soft, patient voice, "I didn't call you in here to punish you or to yell at you. Actually, strictly speaking, I can't punish you for this. I mean, this is something your parents have to make that decision about."

Pinkie trembled. "N-no, I...I really don't want them to know..."

Celestia frowned. "I don't approve of lying to your parents, young lady," she admonished sternly. "And what you've done, well...it is serious. They need to be aware."

"You don't understand," Pinkie said, her voice wavering. "Mom and Dad are super-strict. If they knew..." She shuddered. "I don't know what they'd do to me, but it'd be a super-duper overreaction! Like, I mean...well..." She risked a glance up at Celestia. "Can't we just keep this between us and...and maybe my sister Maud? She's supposed to be looking out for me and my other sisters."

Celestia's lips thinned. After a moment, she sighed. "Did you take the video down?"

"Y-yes," Pinkie said. "Umm...I can't promise it isn't, y'know, all over the Internet by now, but the original's gone."

Celestia nodded. "If the video's been uploaded elsewhere, the chances of your parents learning about it are fairly high," she said.

Pinkie shook her head. "They're traditionalists," she said. "The only technology they own on the farm is a landline. They don't even have electric lights."

Celestia pinched the bridge of her nose. "That doesn't mean certain people won't contact them," she said. "Pinkie, I don't think you understand how serious what you've done is."

Pinkie ducked her head miserably. "I was just having a little fun," she whined.

"Fun that puts you at risk," Celestia pointed out. "Fun that gives people the wrong idea about you. Fun thatโ€”"

Pinkie flinched. "Y-yeah," she said shakily. "I've already been getting some...looks." She sighed. "Not that I mind guys looking at me, you know, it's just...I know what they were thinking, and..." She played with the hem of her longer-than-usual skirt. "I don't like it."

Celestia sighed. "I'll see to it Luna handles the boys at CHS in a...discreet manner," she said.

"Some of the girls too," Pinkie said softly.

Celestia groaned. "Of course." She shook her head. "What possessed you, Pinkie Pie? What made you think posting that video to social media was a good idea?"

Pinkie wilted. "I was bored," she said miserably. "I know all about, y'know...girls who post videos of themselves doing stuff like that. It sounded like fun. I mean, I like doing...that, and I'm pretty and...I guess I just wanted to..."

"To do something that made you feel sexy?" Celestia supplied. At Pinkie's weak nod, Celestia sighed. "Well, it's not like you're the first girl who ever did something like that. And what you actually did isn't wrong. I have a whole box full of old videotapes in my closet of myself doing exactly what you did." She snorted. "Hell, some of them are a lot more..." She shook her head. "The problem is, you shouldn't have put that out on the Internet. You should've kept it for yourself. Maybe...shared it with people you really trust. In person. Maybe a special somebody, if you're into that. Butโ€”"

"But putting it on MyStable was a really bad idea," Pinkie said. "I know. I don't know why Iโ€”" She sighed and looked down at her hands, which were now folded in her lap. "I'm never gonna live this one down, am I?"

"It'll take time," Celestia said softly, soothingly, her eyes gentle. "It'll take time. But..." She reached across the desk and lifted Pinkie's chin to face her, giving her a gentle, reassuring smile. "Look at it this way. The entire school got over Sunset Shimmer turning into a raging demon and trying to mind-control them, not to mention all the other horrible things she managed to get away with. If she can live that down, I'm pretty sure you can live this down."

There was a knock at the door. It opened a crack, and Sunset Shimmer peeked in. "Umm...is sheโ€”"

Celestia looked up. "Yes, we're done here," she said.

Pinkie stood up and turned. The door opened fully, revealing all of her friends. Offering them a brave smile, she left Celestia's office, her friends' reassuring hands on her shoulders and back bolstering her.

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