• Member Since 29th Jan, 2015
  • offline last seen April 5th


Chaos, constructively

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Not dead, just tired · 6:08am Jun 3rd, 2017

Two years ago, in a fit of depression, I wrote up a number of dumb ideas and published the most coherent among them.

That...did not go well. Most of the ideas should have died stillborn.

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Report Ryvaken · 722 views · Story: Watching the Watchers ·
Comments ( 10 )
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Hey, man! Thanks for adding You have Made Your Bed to your library. I really appreciate it.

1926168 Not really. I've done worse. Although it was interesting to see a story I haven't glanced at in so long come back on my radar. That was a bad one. Lots of potential, terrible execution.

And then I realized that the comment you made, which I replied to, was from months ago. My bad.


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