• Member Since 29th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Sep 11th, 2024

Good Christian Ethesto

I have a lot of friends and I make a lot of money, my rhymes are so sweet 'cuz I dip 'em in honey.


While at town hall celebrating autism in the community, something goes horribly wrong, and it's left to Twilight and Friends to clean up the mess.

www.Autismspeaks.org <educate yourself

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 86 )

Autismspeaks? Educate yourself?! That's a fucking hate group!

Clearly you aren't very educated on autism.

5815398 I am autistic actually. Autism speaks views autism as a terrible thing and has not a single autistic member.

I'm sorry your views differ from mine, but happy Autism Appreciation Day anyway.

I'm not about to appreciate something invented by the government with the purpose of killing us in our sleep. Learn more at http://truthism.com/


>implying autism is a good thing


Didn't Albert Einstein help create the atom bombs which killed hundreds of thousands of Japanese in Hiroshima and Nagasaki?


You're implying he was smart or capable because he was autistic. That's dubious. I've actually met a fair number of autistic people, I used to volunteer for a psychologist friend of mine, and the one thing I can tell you about 80% of those dense motherfuckers is they were dumb as shit. This is anecdotal, of course, but my point is I have no reason to accept autism correlates with intelligence.

Perhaps Einstein was smart because of something that's NOT your little pet disorder? Hell, was he even autistic, or did you just assume no one would call you on a bluff?

You're going to have to do better than memeing to convince me it's not a bad thing. Hell, maybe you're also going to try to tell me my hearing loss is somehow a good thing too, eh? That I'm BETTER than everyone else because I'm simply not normal? What a fucking cunt, that's bigotry.

5816128 no, I'm not. Albert Einstein is proof that autism doesn't make people stupid.

I never said "autism makes people stupid", and that's still assuming he was autistic (and that statistics work that way). Among other things, autism fucks with a person's ability to filter input and makes it harder for a person to respond appropriately to social situations. That sounds like a bad thing, bro.

Majin Syeekoh

5815459 I read this instead of the story.

as soon as i saw the story cover (and knowing what you do) i knew what was goin down... time to read.


Bro. You're taking it too seriously. Just read it for the hilarity. Remember, Ethesto hasn't even seen the show.

After watching the show 4-5 times, I'm confident in my assessment that Applejack has autism of at least stage 2(and that's being optimistic)

According to my last post, I've watched the show 4-5 times. Now he knows I'm lying :<

I've never appreciated autism so much in my life


You're taking it waaay too seriously. Relax and stop worrying too much about fucking canon, that's not the point of the story. It's just supposed to be an amusing congregation of autism misconceptions and cliches bunched up with ponies, and to take it as anything else is to be a DENSE MOTHERFUCKER.


I myself have a light form of autism. Research has taught me that people with autism will be able to learn alot about one thing, but seem dumb or stupid with others. They will often specialize in said thing while incompetent in various other fields.

If was a funny story, but its improperly placed. This is not a clop fic, so please label it appropriately.


You really don't understand that the story is meant to be humorous even though it doesn't have the comedy tag? I was just kidding at first, but I was right. You really are a DENSE MOTHERFUCKER. It's almost like you actually have fucking autism.

p.s. I don't caps lock like a fucking shrub, I use my pinky to press the shift button. My caps are calculated and intentional.

I get off to this, so I figured maybe others would too.


If was a funny story, but its improperly placed. This is not a clop fic, so please label it appropriately.

I came here with high hopes of awkward autistic sex and left disappointed and sexually frustrated.

5823960 The goddamned comments in this fic are better than the story itself!


You know, I'm not above joking about autism.

That's like saying "I'm not racist, buuut...".

Beautiful Story. 8/8

5823940 Hey...if I may ask, just how much do you know about autism? Because, being on the ASD area labeled Aspergers' thats kinda high-functioning form of autism, I find the story humorous and (at least 1/8th offensive) but I still enjoyed it.:pinkiesmile::yay:

Autism speaks
and were forced to listen

10/10 would make autistic jokes while being slightly autistic myself again.

it's like a black guy making jokes about black guys.

Yay! 11.5 potatoes/10 - IGN

im going to take the safe bet and assume all the comments along with the fic are trolling....

but i still want to share that a new local cannabis medical dispensary in my town was raided by the government mafia on this autism day and they stole over thousands of dollars worth of medical supplies that the dispensary was getting ready to ship to another dispensary to i guess help them out to meet the demand of people that were needing this medicine to treat those with this autism , sooo yaaay let's celebrate a medical condition awareness day by preventing people from being able to cure themselves of it!!...?....

5823387 Applejack is a background pony. How is that rock you've been living under?


5821881 Dash is the most likely, she already has ADHD, and Autism usually has another disorder along with it.

You're still going on with that? How much do you have to insult autism before you feel better about yourself, you little creep?

6065666 I'm not insulting autism.
Why don't you actually read the link?

Why would I click something you linked when you're obviously a troll and a jerk? I'm not stupid.

6067606 I don't know how the hell I'm a troll or a jerk.
I also don't know why the fuck you would be stupid, I have presented a link to an explanation of my point yet you refuse to click it.

I also don't know why the fuck you would be stupid

And you wonder why I call you a jerk? Is there any more obvious bait to get me to click the obviously virus-filled link? You're just another liar, and I don't appreciate your poor attitude.

That link doesn't seem to work, friend.

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