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Damn, that was HOT~
Dat cover image ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I'm surprised it got approved. I was certain the mods would reject it.
5127320 They must have been overcome by its hypnotic appeal.
5127320 Well it isn't showing anything TOO explicit like her marehood and tits, so I guess as long as those are unseen, it's okay I guess.
Maybe you could have used a different phrase other than "royal rump".
Yeah, repetition tends to happen when I write a story in small fragments over the span of 6-8 weeks.
A bag of plums for you, for helping me out there.
Slutty Cadance is best Cadance. I'll give it a look tonight.
Seriously though, nice clopfic.
Not filthy disgusting futa? Upvote.
I always find it fascinating that a fandom that prides itself on being accepting is often more judgemental than other fandoms.
Just food for thought.
I do not pride myself on being accepting. Futa is vile.
5129176 The general idea of being a Brony is love and tolerance.
You don't have to like what everyone else likes, they don't have to like the same things you like either. You're entitled to your opinions and preference and so is everyone else.
I just think it's interesting that something is only "vile" or "disgusting" if you aren't into it.
Then I guess I am a poor example of a brony, but if it makes you feel any better, I'll provide a brief explanation.
It isn't penises that I dislike, or homosexuals. If that's what you're into, that's cool. Whatever breaks your boards. What I don't like is slapping a penis on a female character for no reason other than "becuz lol".
Why not read gay fanfiction? There's plenty of that and I have no problem with it, but why degrade female characters with unnecessary and unwarranted genitalia?
5129341 It's not your say to judge whether it's actually degrading to the character. You can interpret it as such, but it's more than likely just your viewpoint taking precedence over having an open mind.
I don't need to know your reasoning, It's not my say in how you feel. I just think that it's hypocritical that you would have interests that other people would view in the same light you view futa and you seem to want to condemn people for it.
Finally, "becuz lol" is never the reason. People are into it, there's a demand for it. It's done for the same reason fics like this are written.
Love and tolerance? You mean that thing started as a gag on 4chan that was originally a mean spirited joke?
Yeah, sure, sure.
Just a non-brony passing through...
Who's the artist who drew that picture?
Then I will go with hypocritical, because I will not capitulate or apologize regarding my disdain for futa.
5129464 Love not so much, but Tolerance should be a general theme for everyone
ass>tits in my professional opinion
Cunnilingus is vile. Have you even LOOKED at a vagina? I mean, just gotten down there and had a staring contest to see who winks first? We're not talking about some camwhore model vagina, where it's all perfect and primped-up, I mean a real woman's canyon, beef curtains and all.
Meanwhile, Futa is still 'dick goes in hole' which is the essence of FUN sex, be it male dick, chick dick, or rubber dick. Just with TWICE the jubblies, which is something most men and women can agree is always a plus.
You are totally welcome to your irrational fear of tits+dick, and I would not seek to cure you of it because I'm sure that would leave a hole in the tapestry of your stellar personality. But, can you tone it down a little? This is like the sixth time I've seen you screaming about the evils of futa, which probably means it's been at least ten times that. Relax, chiillll. S'all good, baby.
*click* Nice.
5127615 What the hell does Bukkake mean?

According to Urban Dictionary it's Japanese for "Splash" or "Dash". So I guess in Japan Rainbow Dash's name is Rainbow Bukkake.
5130195 Aaah it refers to the "Glazing". Right. Whatever. Everyone wants to use fancy japanese shit just to showoff sometimes. Ugh...
Short answer? Repeated ejaculation on a woman by a bunch of dudes.
5130200 It's already been explained. It means to shower someone with something from what i figure.
Who's showing off? The word is Japanese. There is nothing fancy about it.
I thought you wanted the literal definition of the word before it became known for "Repeated ejaculation on a woman by a bunch of dudes".
5129176 no futa is not vile it is so hoooooooootttttttttttttt
5130255 It's a whole other subject. Some are some are not.
5130195 Why do so many fetishes have Japanese titles?
Well I certainly agree, however you're making too big a deal out of it. Tolerance is just basic human decency. For instance I'm as straight as a path of a photon that is travelling through no net gravitational field. However, there are many homosexuals about. I might be uncomfortable with homosexuality, but that doesn't mean it's any of my business.
You want to be gay? Fine. I'm just going to keep watching anime.
Tolerance is something any person with an amount of sense has. Tolerance, however, doesn't extend to opinionated things such as literature. Your friend there might be a bit of a twat with his opinion, but honestly, there's no problem with that.
Why don't you just tolerate his opinion, and move on, hm?
5130856 I never said CL wasn't allowed to have an opinion, I'd just prefer it if people would keep their overly negative opinions private. Just because it's not your cup of tea doesn't mean you should try to ruin another person's enjoyment.
This is especially true when it's got nothing to do with the subject matter.
I've got no problem with CL having that opinion, I could make a much bigger deal about it. The problem I have is when people would dislike an otherwise well written story (or stories) based on their dislike of one thing.
I also have to disagree with you, tolerance as an idea has everything to do with literature as it still falls under the opinions of the interpreter.
No, tolerance doesn't extend to literature. I'm not going to tolerate bad literature, I'm going to call it out. I'm not going to tolerate needlessly offensive literature, I'm going to call it out.
The truth matters. Whether or not it's a nice one you need to get everything in the open.
5130913 I'm sure you know that's not what I meant with toleration of literature. There are controversial topics and works that are tolerated, even though they could be deemed horribly offensive or vulgar because they either send a message or could be considered great works.
There are always two sides to an argument, I wouldn't disagree with calling out bad literature but that doesn't mean tolerance isn't involved, it would mean you have a low tolerance.
I could argue that even bad writing should be tolerated because often times the only way to get better is to fail a few times and take the constructive criticism to heart.
Speaking of constructive criticism, my point is that if you're attacking people over their opinions just to be rude, keep it to yourself. If you've got something meaningful to say about it, by all means speak up.
For example, if CL would have started with a proper explanation of why they disliked futa, I would have had much less of an issue. Instead of starting off reasonably, there was simply a quick jab at anyone who shared a different opinion.
5131918 Pfft, the day-to-day life of Princes Cadence and her giant rear end. "My throne doesn't fit anymore!"
I was smiling so much that my eyebrows were low enough to block most of my eyesight.
urgh.....i CANNOT believe i read this......
5133885 Careful, that's probably someone's fetish as well.
The balcony door.
5134184 WOOP WOOP