• Member Since 8th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen Feb 2nd, 2022

Speven Dillberg

Bushfires, floods, cyclones and drought. All at the same time. Australia is trying to kill us all.


When a normal, run-of-the-mill Officer Jenny gets knocked out whilst in pursuit of a known criminal, the last thing she expected was to wake up on a different world, and in a different body. But that's exactly what she got, and now she has to cope with the locals and her new powers. Luckily、she isn't alone, but that doesn't mean things are going to be any easier...

This is a side-story set in zeusdemigod131's A New World, a New Way.

I have absolutely no self-control.

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 77 )

I'm really looking forwards to how this progresses, hopefully Jenny won't react TOO badly to Scorch's eventual affections

I really hope someone in Equestria says "boot to the head, and another for jenny and the wimp" and these 2 get the extra boots. Hey it'd fit perfectly wouldn't it?

Regardless, another spinoff gets my approval, like and favorite

yes! let the Madness BEGIN! :pinkiecrazy:

Sorry, couldn't hold it in.

Wait, the jenny we are talking about is one of the two that hunted Gene and Belle:pinkiegasp:

Really interested on how they will realize what is going to happen with this spin off, Can't wait to read more of it!

Looks promising, keep it up.

That or she runs into Gene/Jayce and Belle/Nao, probably the latter pair though.

Making Mystery Dungeons pop up definetly sounds like something Discord would do to me.

4887686 Well I think the Dragon Training Group in the main fic is from the Mystery Dungeon Series, is it not?
If it is then at least part of that world is in this continuity.

4887424 Unless they make their way over to Hollow Shades I think the other pair of Jenny-Growlithe are in that area already; the Meowstic fic hasn't gone to Ponyville yet, if they do at all is up to the writer.

I'm pretty sure they were trying to get to Canterlot, but a Diglett/Dugtrio attacked messed that plan up a bit.

4888442 Now that you mention it I think that they may stop in Ponyville for the race. When Seth and Apple Fritter (From A Brave New World) a pair of Meowstic are seen on the train ride back to Canterlot. It is very possible for them to meet up eventualy. You should probbaly run it by Zuesdemi and CroixArua first, but I highly doubt they will say no.

Only one thing about this story bothers me, how does Jenny know about Nepal if it doesn't exist in the Pokemon world?

Just remembered. you actually responded to one of my boot to the head chain comments in a certain chapter... i believe the comment you posted was responding to one of mine going "elsewhere a jenny-turned-growlithe and her partner take boots to the head"

Speven, you so crazy.. I love it. :pinkiecrazy:

4888840 well you know how different regions are different parts of our world? Probably that

4896146 All I'm saying is I've never played a Pokemon game where there was a town/city that either named after or based on the country of Nepal.

4896213 yeah true... I was just saying what came to my head:derpytongue2:

4896213 and yet places like Africa and I think Asia are referenced in the Pokedex

4918229 What I meant was that if a version of Nepal does exist in the Pokemon universe it would probably be called something else and that is why I was wondering how Jenny understood the pun.

Actually, it was Scorch.
And Growlithes are kinda rare in Kalos (as in, not native, all imported), so maybe Scorch was, before being given to Jenny, living in the Pokemon equivalent of Nepal. After all, the Growlithe line are based on dog statues found in temples.

Well J, you did it, you successfully went to the bathroom! Good girl!

I forget... what happened? someone tell me :pinkiecrazy:

Forgot what happens in the real story. I'll have to reread it, but I don't have a lot of time on my hands anymore.:ajsleepy:

Still, great chapter.

Comment posted by Archeo Lumiere deleted Sep 3rd, 2014

I like how the proportions are kept in this story.
And I will admit it: I don't remember what happened on the main story :P

It's kinda difficult to remember what will happen next when we don't even know where they are. Are they in Trottingham, Manehattan, or somewhere else?

why is that on few of them ecer thought about trying to write? I remember only two stories where character realised that they have the same written language.

Is this where the Meowstic pair appear because that's a side story not the main one

4889495 boot to the head has always been funnier than arrow to the knee after all.


That arrgon isn't going to be happy to know they abandoned him...
As always good chapter! I hope for more :twilightsmile:

And he knows name of that vet. It is going to end badly.

:rainbowlaugh:Poor Scorch, he's been cuddled far less than I'd have figured, considering how Growlithes look. Or are suppoesed to, when not covered in fire retardent foam:pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:

Now we just need to find a Chancy or Blissy named Joy, and all will be right with the universe.

“You’re so warm and soft and cuddly.”
“That’s nice, but you’re crushing my ribs!”

Excuse me, that is a perfectly good reason to crush someone's ribs.

I'm pretty sure there was either a Chancey or Audino that used to be a Nurse Joy as a character that got mentioned in passing in another story.

5013348 chancey in the one with the Meowtastic

Sheesh, just like a guy I used to work with! Kept hounding a chick to go out with enough that she finally told him she was a lez, he then asked her if she wanted to know what it was like to be with a REAL man. Of course he was apparently NEVER all that intelligent! When he was younger he apparently tried to start a BB gun war with his older brother, he shit his older broother in the ass with his BB gun his brother turned around and shot him in his head with a 22 Long:facehoof:

Except that guy couldn't use pheromones (and that's what I'm basing Attract off of) to make females a bit more agreeable.

I had way too much fun helping with this chapter

Yes, thanks again for so impressively channeling douchebag Glaceon.

Really? Jenny nearly got the Pokemon equivalent of date-raped and that's all you can comment on?

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