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Chapter 22/Notice (For real this time)

Chapter 22

A brigade of massive firepower fired upon a large mechanical planet looking being. An armada of massive warships fired continuously on it. The armada consisted of at least 500 warships, made of both Autobots and Decepticons. Many Cybertronians were out in space, namely fliers of both sides ready to go forward and start and closer assault on the planet destroyer.

Optimus Prime and Megatron were out in space as well, ready to start their operation. The plan was simple but still a bit difficult. The assault with the massive invasion was only to get Unicron’s attention, preferably get him to transform. Pervious experience, at the cost of using one of Cybertron’s moons, they believed that Unicron was more vulnerable in his robot mode. They also were expecting something to come out to assist him as well, namely Celestia, assuming Starscream and Elements were unable to cure her. Once the brigade and the main assault began, Megatron and Optimus would enter into Unicron and do what they had done before, open the Matrix and destroy him once more.

The brigade continued, rays of energy flew and hit their large target, both factions ready to continue on with their next phase of the plan.

“Continue the assault!” Megatron cried out firing his own weapon at the Chaos bringer “He’ll react in due time.”

“Unicron will call someone to his aid in due time.” Optimus said, mostly to himself. He knew Megatron would only make some kind of comment to it if he talked to him.

The assault continued for several minuets just with continues fire till finally, Unicron seemed to give him his attention. The center core where the two large claw like horns started to show movement and middle core glowed a bright yellow.

“Only a matter of time now.” Megatron growled, knowing that the moment they were waiting for was finally coming.

“We need Unicron to transform.” Optimus said getting his weapon ready “But if Starscream and the others haven’t succeeded-”

“Which is the most likely.” Megatron said, making a snarky remark.

Optimus ignored him “Then Celestia will be coming to his aid soon.”

Finally, after a few moments of the continuous assault, something came into sight from the shining core of the planet destroyer, it came to be as a silhouette of an Alicorn, though it didn’t look entirely like Celestia or Luna, like Optimus and Megatron were familiar with.

The Decepticon leader lowered his primary weapon as the Alicorn came into view, while still a distance away, they were able to make out certain details like the garments and the helmet crown it was wearing “That’s not their leader…”

Optimus made note of this “You’re right. Looks more like Luna than Celestia…”

Megatron but a servo to his chin, letting the ships behind them continue their brigade “Both leaders are planning this?” Surprisingly, this didn’t seem to be an accusation as it was a theory that he was throwing out there.

Optimus shook his head keeping his weapon ready “No, this isn’t Princess Luna.”

“Optimus Prime! Megatron!” The Alicorn cried out as he flew toward them suddenly, avoid the onslaught of firepower on them “You should’ve waiting for your new ruler, she might have spared you!”

“No one rules over Megatron!” The Decepticon leader cried out as he flew toward the dark Alicorn firing his fusion cannon. “I’ve destroyed Unicron before and I’ll do it again!”

Optimus knew that statement wasn’t entirely accurate but this was no time for correction or start a fight with his rival “Megatron wait!”

The dark Alicorn chuckled as she charged a spell her horn and fired a beam of energy at the Decepticon leader. Megatron dodged the attack doing a roll through space and now using the momentum through this stunt he fired his primary weapon at her and was able to successfully land a hit on her but like Celestia it showed little effect but it did make her fall back.

The Decepticon leader activated his jet thrusters toward her and materialized his energy flail and with all his might hit the Cybertronain sized Alicorn making her fall back further. He laughed “Unicron may be weaker than before.” At this moment he noticed Optimus Prime was hovering toward to where he was. “Galvatron and his cheap imitation of my men were more of a challenge than you are!”

The rain of energy continued toward their primary target but still Unicron showed little movement, perhaps waiting on the results with the two leaders and the Alicorn. “Galvatron?” Optimus questioned.

Megatron chuckled “Before we called upon you to fight Unicron, he captured me and men and turned us into new Cybertronians, spawns that took over us through influence. I broke through the influence and destroyed him along with the influence he had over my men.”

The dark Alicorn chuckled overhearing this “So you remember” The Alicorn’s voice suddenly changed to a very deep masculine voice “Surely, you will remember me.”

The two faction leaders turned to one another then back to the Alicorn. It was then they saw with a bright flash a familiar looking Decepticon, at least to Megatron and a number of other Decepticons.

“Cyclonus?” Megatron questioned.

Optimus didn’t recognize the Decepticon at all and the fact that Megatron seemed to question the idea of him being right in front of him seemed to alarm him more so than the fact that it just morphed into a totally different being.

“I thought I eliminated you after we freed Skywarp!” Megatron growled raising his fusion cannon.

The former Alicorn chuckled at the Decepticon leader’s confusion “I was never your idiot solider. But you and I did meet once, when Unicron influenced you with Galvatron…by the time you broke free, I already had disappeared to watch the conflict you had with Unicron along side Optimus Prime and the Autobots.”

“I don’t have time for this! I’ve destroyed all of Unicron’s spawns before and I will do it again!” The Decepticon leader cried out firing his weapon.

The dark Cybertronian chuckled as he return fired with his blaster pistol. At this moment, Optimus also assist the Decepticon leader firing his own weapon of choice. Through the brigade of firepower, Cyclonus seemed to be enjoying the whole charade, dodging projectiles from the two faction leaders.

Cyclonus knew he couldn’t win this fight, regardless if he was in this form or as an Alicorn, he was fully aware that either Optimus or Megatron would destroy him, unless Unicron came to his aid. While being totally loyal to Unicron, he knew that he was expendable. After all nothing can really stop him from making more spawns of some sort. But it didn’t mean than he didn’t have a contingency plan…one that even the Queen herself didn’t know.

Though the fire fight, Cyclonus chuckled darkly and silently “Come aid your new master…”


The city was still under much heavy reconstruction from the long grueling attack from the Decepticons and their newly crowned Queen of Equestria and possibly the whole planet. The repairs were being done by both official construction workers hired by the Equestrian government as well as volunteers from both its own citizens as well as neighboring towns.

And one of these volunteers was a brown earth pony stallion named Doctor Whooves. A well known inventor and scientist known for being educated in working with time related science. However, his reasoning for being in Canterlot wasn’t necessarily for the same reasons as others were there.

After several hours had been a bit hectic for him and his small family; just a few hours ago he was at home trying to keep the peace with his wife and child before going to investigate some loud noises that occurred in the suburban part of Ponyville. When he arrived, he saw the two Cybertronians teleport out before running into a large black stallion asking for his help.

At first he didn’t know how to help, after all he wasn’t a fighter at all, nor did he believe that he could contribute anything that would be of much help. He was confronted with another larger red stallion and a small baby dragon that filled him in on the details on what was happening. Being somewhat a friend of Starscream, and feeling that he could assist in one way he agreed to help them. It was then they met across another white stallion, out of breath coming to aid his sister, knowing that the ruler was coming to her.

He didn’t know much of what they wanted him to do but once the black stallion, who identified himself as Duke, he felt that he could be of some use knowing that they wanted to be at the large planet looking being looming over the planet. He realized that he could do this with the Space Bridge the Decepticons built. The only reason he knew about this was because he heard various citizens talk about it and eventually saw it himself via Duke.

But regardless, he did know about Unicron and Celestia crowning herself as Queen. He still didn’t know exactly what to do though, he knew that their only chance was the Decepticon Space Bridge but it did not mean he was able reprogram it…which was obviously what they wanted. This was a serious risk but they all seemed to be willing to take it. And if the situation was reversed, he was also be willing to do the same for his wife and daughter.

The young dragon chose to stay…or rather one of the stallions convinced him to do so. The unicorn stallion transported them and himself to the Cybertronian Space Bridge. The white unicorn then transported Duke and the red stallion someplace else that Duke told him about.

It was all guessing but the Doc actually had a pretty good idea of what he was seeing. And he had Starscream to thank for that. Because he spent all that time trying to build the device so Starscream could change to his Cybertronian form to Equestrian. Through analyzing it, he had it made so it would be part of Starscream’s previous Cybertronian form and basically, just through that he was able to alter the path. It also helped that Starscream taught him some of the basics of the Cybertronian alphabet and dialect…well along side Twilight Sparkle anyway.

He still had his doubts; even after a few hours of working on the thing he still felt it was too risky…he wished he could’ve tested it first. But when three other stallions returned with weapons he wasn’t too familiar with, they demanded they took the risk. He informed them that it was a one way trip, even if it did work like he hoped but they all seemed to be willing to take the risk.

He activated the bridge when they all walked in and that was the last he saw of them. He was wishing to the Creator that he was successful…he didn’t want three lives lost because of him.

It was then that he was confronted by three large metal creatures. Not as big as the average sized Cybertronian but still much bigger than him. He was violently taken by one of them and was taken to Canterlot and was told to work on restoring the city. The other two stood by the entrance of the bridge, obviously guarding it…it really was only a one way trip.

And now he was here, currently trying to rebuild the large once beautiful city. He had full intention of being part of the effort eventually, but he didn’t expect to be forcefully put to work.

The Earth pony sighed as he gently started staining one of the boards that was on top of a couple of 2x4s. He tried to focus on his work but the large Cybertronian/Pony hybrids were constantly patrolling around them. It was unsettling, just these massive…creatures… just looming over him and everyone else. It didn’t necessarily feel like slavery, the large beings didn’t punish them for taking a breather and he even noticed a couple of them going home and they didn’t stop them. He would love to do the same but he felt he was put here for a reason, messing around with the Space Bridge maybe wasn’t the wised move for him.

“Daddy!” a voice called out behind him. He immediately turned around, only to have a small unicorn filly jump up to him and place her hoofs around his neck. He greatly returned it “Honey, glad to see you are okay.” He looked up to see his wife looking at him with a smile “Thank goodness, you two are safe.” He lowered his daughter and gave his pegasus wife a kiss. “What are you two doing here though?”

The grey mare made notion to her mail bag “Package for a resident here…two day delivery!” She chimed with a smile with her wall-eyed expression. The Doctor always seemed to be drawn by the innocent mare’s impairment but she was far from mental, in fact she was fairly intelligent…just a bit clumsy. One may say that such a love for a scientist would be disastrous but he didn’t let such a thing get between his work and this lovely mare.

“Oh, well why is she here?” The brown Earth pony asked, rubbing the young unicorn’s mane.

“School was out. I think the town has been a little too scared to do everything like normal.” She explained a bit of concern in her tone.

He nodded “I see…” he turned back to his work before taking a look at one of the patrolling Cybertronian/Pony hybrids.

“Is this what Celestia made?” the naïve filly asked her father and mother.

Her father nodded “Yes Dinky…I believe so.”

“What are you doing here? I was wondering why you didn’t return home when you went to check out everything with the noise.” Ditzy asked her husband.

He paused for a moment before finally answering “I had to help three other stallions get to” he motioned his hoof to the large planet looking being, though it was a little difficult to see due to it being daytime “him. I hope they made it. Since then they took me here to start working on the relief effort.

It was just at that very moment a loud whirling of machinery was heard. The large metal pony like machines that were once patrolling the city suddenly stopped in place and started emitting the loud sound. The small family immediately went around one another, after making a short distance away from all the once moving creatures. Both parents covered their only daughter and looked around at the large beings.

“What is happening?” Dinky asked scared, cuddling up under her mother’s wing, almost crying.

“I…I-I don’t know” she responded, trembling a bit “Just stay with me and your father…everything will be okay.”

The town of the working ponies around the city had similar reactions, most of them running away from them as others went inside of the habitable building, hoping to remain hidden from the large machines.

It was at that moment, the Cybertronian/Pony hybrids immediately, almost in unison jumped into the air and activated jet thrusters and flew into the sky, abandoning what they were doing previously. All of them headed into the sky; seemingly heading toward the planet looking being that was ‘protecting’ them.

From there jettison into the air, much impact and smoke covered the city but it cleared out within a minuet or two. The small family finally broke apart looking around the city, seeing the citizens of the town getting out of their hiding places and looking up into the air.

“Where did they go?” Ditzy asked, holding her daughter close.

“To that…thing…” motioning Unicron “Maybe they did make it…” he sighed “We need to head home. Now!”

--Inside Unicron--

“I don’t care what happens to this Planet…Shockwave prepare energy collectors to gather the remnants of the planet.”

Rainbow Dash couldn’t fly like she usually would…her head was filled with Starscream’s voice saying all sorts of horrible things. When she was knocked out by whatever spell Nightmare Moon left her with…she saw something play through her mind.

Starscream and the other Decepticons breaking into a place in space where all of them killed several other Cybertronians, they all mocked their deaths, and planned on their next target. She saw them destroy another base of other Cybertronians, killing thousands, leaving their own behind and escape. Starscream however stood out…he didn’t care what happened, he was willing to have anyone pay the ultimate price if he got what he wanted in the end. He wanted power…take over the Decepticons…he didn’t care about anyone, comrade or anything other than himself and power.

He mocked his leader, took his position and even when Megatron returned and gave him a second chance…he continued scheming and attempting in many ways to overthrow Megatron, even at the expensive of an entire planet of another race she wasn’t familiar with.

“Um…Rainbow Dash.” The colorful mare turned to the right of herself from the seeker’s shoulder to see Fluttershy flying up and landing next to her “Are you okay?” She asked gently “Since being freed you haven’t said a word.”

Rainbow groaned. As strange as it sounded, she felt vulnerable. Her mind was still replaying her lover’s possible past history. She really didn’t want to speak about it, especially with them being on Starscream’s shoulder. “Not really…” she admitted.

“I thought so…is there anything you want to talk about?” her kind friend asked.

Rainbow noted that Starscream gave a subtle turn of his head, perhaps trying to listen in “No…not now anyway…thanks though.”

The yellow mare gave a light sigh “Okay.” With that she flew back down to the group of her friends and the three stallions.

Rainbow herself made another sad moan, scrapping her hoof into the surface of the seeker’s red shoulder, not facing his large head. She couldn’t tell if she was now afraid of Starscream or if she was just digesting everything that was being showed to her. Part of her wanted to believe that that Unicron or Nightmare Moon was once again playing his/her games, making up false images. But from what little Starscream did tell her about who he was and what he had done it seemed plausible. But how? Maybe it was both, perhaps Unicron was trying to make her and the others turn on him and showed her in detail what he had done and who he once was. She wanted to ask Starscream about it, but with the constant vibrations and loud banging of various forms of firepower hitting the surface of the planet sized being.

“It’s hard to believe something like this could even exist.” Rarity said idly, looking around the narrow tunnel they were all walking through.

“It is quite a sight.” Shining admitted “Then again, I didn’t think someone like Starscream existed either.”

“There are millions of different star systems. All of them have unique ecosystems in their biospheres. Some may be similar but inhabitable for you creatures.” Starscream didn’t face them, he kept his gaze forward as he continued to inform them “Many are different in their own ways.”

“Star systems? Different from our sun?” Celestia asked.

Starscream smirked, he wanted to blow their minds. Did they truly believe that they controlled the stars and manipulated the rising and lowing of the sun and stars of their system? They had no control over that. They merely control the rotation or the air pollution within the planet’s atmosphere they could control, giving the illusion of brightening or diming stars or changing placement. When Twilight explained how their planet worked, he didn’t believe it for a second. He’d been to thousands of planets and all of them spun on an axis, orbiting a sun and rotating, showing where the sun would shine. There is no reason why this planet would be any different. When Luna ‘raised’ the sun, the shadows were too far off, for the time of day, the only way this could happen was if is the rotation was altered. There was no magic in the forthcoming of day or night, merely nature. He figured all this out piece by piece, thinking of both planet Earth and Cybertron…there was nothing unique about the planet itself really when it came to the sun.

He told Twilight on one of their trips from Canterlot and while she didn’t believe him at first, she realized he was right but due to her declining relationship with her teacher and friend at the time, she didn’t want to confront her about it and Starscream in some respects didn’t care nor thought about telling anyone else about it.

He thought about bringing this up but decided against it, they had enough problems now. “Yes and many worlds.”

“And I was there with him!” A voice rang out through the tunnel they were traveling. The group broke from their conversation as in front of them was Skyfire holding his duel blaster and firing at the ceiling above them. The group disburse, the rubble from the ceiling ended up dividing the group. Starscream, Rainbow Dash, Twilight, Luna all were in front of Skyfire and the others were on the other side of the rubble. Rainbow Dash immediately took to the air along side Luna as Starscream got to his feet facing his now former friend.

“Are you guys alright!” Twilight cried, hoping she’d get a response from the others.


A sad report and this can hardly be considered a chapter since I am here to state…(Long sigh) my resigning of my brony status. My love of the franchise is gone…I have no desire to continue with the show, the comic, the toys and other MLP related things. Actually, I resigned it a long time ago but I still kept my foot in the door with this very story. I have abandoned the franchise a long time ago besides this story [which was probably alive more so for being a Trans-fan than a brony] …but now it’s completely gone. I have no desire to see its completion. I would list as to why but I guess the best way to put it would simply be a lot of things I enjoyed are gone. Twilicorn isn’t the reason (though that didn’t help) and I tried to look past it but I can’t anymore, I can’t enjoy the series anymore. In fact even before season 3 concluded I pretty much left it in the dust, got rid of all the stuff I had and I have no idea what happens after season 3 honestly. Seriously, I've pretty much have forgotten a good amount of things about it...

So I have posted all that was made for Chapter 22 and as reward for my readers that supported me with this story I will summarize what was going to happen (I had the whole story planned out since the beginning) as well as other small MLP related stories as well as the future plans I had.

Starscream would fight Skyfire and would win. Skyfire would only smile as he explained his plan as how he justified what he did. He would tell him that Unicron/Nightmare Moon would use their existing emotions, feelings and morals and that controlled them, even though the people they controlled could hardly tell. Starscream is broken apart as his friend is about to die. Skyfire explains that he was glade that he was able to see and be with the Starscream he knew from all those years ago and refers to him as his best friend despite all that’s happened. That moment he would die with the words “Good bye…old buddy.”

Starscream would reflect on all the moments they shared since they met as scientists including all the times they met on the battlefield. The group tries to comfort him but he rejects it merely says that they have to stop Unicron. They get attacked and are separated from Starscream and Duke Hoof’em (he more than likely wouldn’t have much else to do with this story).

While separated Starscream runs into Megatron and Optimus (who entered Unicron during a borage of lasers and other obstacles) and upon explaining that Celestia was free from Unicron’s grip, Optimus tries to use the Matrix but realizes that he can’t open it. When he attempts to open it, it appears to rust and looks like it couldn’t be open. A beam of energy is fired and it knocks the Matrix out of Optimus’ hand but Starscream grabs a hold on it.

At this moment they run into Nightmare Moon the same time the ponies do. Starscream, Optimus, and Megatron team up and try to fight off Nightmare Moon. Nightmare Moon would kill Starscream, piercing beam into him and eventually Megatron and Optimus succeed but at this moment Unicron’s inner defenses kick in and separate the two of them and the main six and the Princesses remain alone to face Nightmare Moon.

Nightmare Moon recovers and chuckles as she continues to mock them in their state. Starscream (died holding onto the Matrix) suddenly wakes in up in a void when he sees Alpha Trion. Trion would chuckle as he would remember Starscream back when he was younger. Starscream questions everything and Alpha Trion explains that darkness can’t be brightened with the Matrix alone. Starscream would argue that a Decepticon couldn’t open the Matrix but Alpha explains that the Matrix chooses when the power was to be unleashed. Sometimes we need to look where we don’t understand.

At this moment, the mane six would use the Elements one more time since Nightmare Moon continues to mock them constantly challenges them to use them on her and destroy and shed of hope they have left, trying see if using it inside Unicron would let Unicron understand and absorb it's power. The girls sadly agree to it and fire attempt to make things right once more.

Starscream awakes (the Matrix gave him the power still use his dead body) and sees the girls charging the Elements and immediately understands what Alpha told him. He throws the Matrix into the beam of energy they fired and the Matrix glowed. Nightmare Moon screams in fear Starscream gets up grabs the powered (purified) Matrix. Finally, he would release the power of the Matrix and destroy Unicron and the beam killing Nightmare Moon. They all excavate Unicron, with Starscream and Optimus holding on to the six of them and get back on the planet but Celestia is lost in the destruction and it explodes along with Megatron.

After all is said in done both Optimus and Starscream notice the two of them are missing. Elsewhere on the planet in Canterlot both Celestia and Megatron are alone there as an injured Megatron and an injured Celestia lied there. Megatron gets up and points his fusion cannon at her and she panics. In time Optimus stops him as he holds on to the other ponies and places them on a nearby building. Megatron argues that she can’t be trusted since she willingly let all this happen. Before anything could happen, Starscream would shoot him in the back and while he was temporally deactivated he grabbed Megatron’s fusion cannon, placed it on his arm and waited a few brief moments. When Megatron awoke he was startled.

“Who is leader of the Decepticons?” he would ask. Megatron growls trying to find an alternative but gives in and makes Starscream leader. Starscream steps away and walk toward Optimus but would stop. It would hit him that finally…he got what he’s fought for millions of years and now it was his…and he would giving it away? He would struggle with this fact till he would look at the girls and finally realized that he had to go with his plan. He walks over to Optimus gives him the fusion cannon telling him that he surrenders the Decepticon army and makes Optimus leader of the Decepticons as well sadly.

The others (By then various Autobots, Equestrians and Decepticons see this) are in shock by this. At this moment Starscream slowly turns around, transforms and flies off somewhere. After this Optimus gives a speech explaining that this war and everything that has happened was wrong but all of them ignored it and merely played their roles and now finally a peace may happen…only if they let it.

The fate of Cybertron and the Autobots and Decepticons would remain up for debate of the readers. Some time will pass and Starscream will be alone in a field while thinking of the millions of years of trying to obtain leadership was so quickly gone. He would think how despite the fact it was behind him now…he was still be mad at the fact he lost it as fast as he gained it....again.

Eventually Starscream would let out a cry as he reverts back to his pony form, removes the device and crushes it as he continues cries, millions of years of fighting and all the things he fought for all those years was all for nothing and many people paid the price for nothing for him or anymore in the end. At this point Rainbow Dash would find him and she would comfort him and explain that everything was alright and that she accepted who he was and that she was willing to give him a new start and would stay with him till the very end.

It would end with an epilogue with the Space Bridge getting deactivated and Starscream doing everything in his power to keep Cybertron from returning to the point he installed a cloaking device for the planet so it wouldn’t have this happen again. Celestia brings back everything in order despite her reputation being very poor now and Luna stays by her side. Celestia tries to appoint Luna as a Princess once more but Twilight will tell her that Luna didn’t want to be one. Luna however didn’t want Celestia to be alone on the thrown when things looks so grim for her so she agrees to take the title once more. But Celestia decides to not do so and instead let her be an advisor if she so wishes and she agrees. Celestia promises that if Luna ever wanted to be relieved from her title or be a Princess again, the options would always be there and no matter what happens the night was always be hers.

Other MLP ideas that never came to be

1. In the end all the girls were suppose to get a stallion in their lives with the characters from the show from ones I created (Kinda). The next story “Hero of Gallowmare” was going to focus on Pinkie Pie.
Twilight – Was Skyfire but changed I had plans to change to Starscream but because fan reaction was poor, and I didn’t want to change what I had planned so it was up for some else (Skyfire would’ve probably came back one way or another).
Rainbow Dash – Starscream (if Twilight did get Starscream, it would've changed to Soarin)
Applejack – Duke Hoof’em
Pinkie Pie – Sir Drake Foalesque
Fluttershy – Big Macintosh
Rarity – King Sombra or ponified Megatron (more of a joke pairing)

2. Hero of Gallowmare: The third and was to be fairly brief story where MediEvil was to be part of Equestria’s history. I’ll post what I had done of that story. Basically, was going to be Sir Drake Foalesque (Sir Daniel Fortesque) who would be part of the mix as King Sombra uses Necormancy to take over Canterlot and even brings back Bruticus (There were going to be a lot of references to Green Lantern’s Blackest Night story)

3. Elements of Honor: A forth and more than likely final major story for sure if the series remained consistent for the most part. After everyone got their stallion, the mane six would be captured by someone and Celestia believes that since the six stallions were romantically involved with the six of them, they are the Elements of Honor, artifacts that were linked to the Elements of Harmony and the six stallions would have to go on a perilous journey to get the elements and save the six mares.

4. Nnnope (Probably would’ve never metalized): A short story based on the rejected episode idea for Big Macintosh. The six mares push their stallions a bit too far as they all go on a vacation and expect all of them to take care of everything as they are out. All six girls notice this and try and find them before the six stallions go their separate ways. (Probably never would’ve been written)

5. Canterlot Royal Wedding Take 2: Basically a reimaging of the actual episodes but it would focus on Starscream and Luna instead of the mane six and the actual events. Luna would fight on Nightmare Moon again as Starscream would face all the other Starscreams from other Transformer series. (As there was a slightly different twist with Cadance)

6. Oneshots: I had a series of oneshots planned to be written after ‘Hero of Gallowmare’ was finished. Didn’t come up with many. One would’ve been all of them camping and another would’ve been a competition where Starscream and Twilight finally settling once and for all what would’ve been superior…Magic or Technology.

Author's Note:

No...this time I'm serious...I'm done...thanks for all the support and comments and you made guys, the readers made me continue writing this for so long despite my spark of the series died a very long time ago. Thanks for everything...don't bother with comments though...after this I'm probably never coming back to this site. Feel free to e-mail if you so wish to contact me for any reason. TILL ALL ARE ONE!

Comments ( 6 )

How in the world did you get so many tags? :rainbowhuh:

it came out two years ago, there was never any rules to how many tags you could get.

Update! Update! Yey, up...date? Notice? What? *Goes off to read*

...oh Primus, my Spark is aching... :raritycry:

Oh well that's interesting....

4074325 I hear you on that one, this story (mostly its original) inspired a few plot details of my TF fic, though most of it has just been in the making since I started writing it and is happily my own idea. Sad to see the guy go, but alas what happened with him and MLP happened to me and Pokemon (at least the TV show I should say).

Until the day, when all are one. Fare the well.


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