Stories I wrote (thanks to Poodicus) that are related to Pink Floyd. Plus a short story that ToixStory did most of the work XD
The thingy that everyone seems to have, except for me 1
Very talented writers who are more famous than me
29 users follow Critic
Critic follows 16 users
Stories I heard were good
I couldn't wake you, because you can never wake up again... Scootaloo is forced to face the fact she has passed away. by AmberWings 5,806 words · 904 · 33
Past Sins Can Nightmare Moon, reborn without her hate, ever escape her past? by Pen Stroke 201,810 words · 12,613 · 382
Up Up and AWAY !!!!
1183904 alright cool
1175804 okay, just not in the fandom , but I will live on thank you
Remember me?
I'm coming back to defibrillate you
live on bitch
live on
942846 thanks...
Random Bear Hug!