Trixie, in desperate need of redemption, has come to ask Twilight for her assistance, but it's not the kind of "assistance" Twilight had in mind.
Can another, friendly, contest between the two help settle things once and for all?
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also how you get bruised eye trixie
great read and more other glorious fic
Also Rarity punched her for grievous destruction of hat.
3205507 that is something SHE
would do!
also i really HATE rarity!
I really enjoyed this! I'll be watching ya for some more grrrrrrrrate and powerful stories!
Awww, thank you!
I love writing a theatrical Trixie, just as nature intended.
Heh. Very silly and random, but done in a pleasant way that doesn't make me roll my eyes. I was very much entertained.
Nice job!

Thanks, glad you liked it!
How delightfully silly and random. I chuckled.
Yay! Dr. Stable!
It started off a bit slow but the hospital scene had me in tears.
Glad you liked it!
I love it when Trixie does her magic acts. Nice story is all I gotta say and the wheel had a great compromise between Trixie's magic and Twilight's science.
Thank you!
I do that with tortilla chips all the time.
Sorry Twilight, not even Rarity can make that happen.
Why, the place is practically empty!
Harsher in hindsight.
Ouch on that last line... I didn't notice that ...
Ha! Hilarious!