The sequel to Role Reversal.
It's been several weeks since Smarty Pants began her life at Sweet Apple Acres. Even after the night she shared with Big Mac, he hasn't realised her true intentions. Seemingly, his definition of 'friend' is very different to her own. When Smarty catches wind of an upcoming competition, she hatches a plan in the hopes of finally making Big Mac understand her feelings. What can possibly go wrong?
Pre-read by the, oh, so lovely RainbowBob, and edited by the omniscient Fluttrick!
Ohhhh yeah! Here we go with the sequel.
~Skeeter The Lurker
A sequel to one of my favorite fics on the site? Sign me up right now!
3063055 3063097 The show must go on...
No errors, my friend. I haven't the slightest clue of what happened in the first one but I'm really liking where this is going!
Another great story, Trials!
A contest to win-....
Wow. That's like, every single guy's dream right there.
3063163 Thanks, man! I'll be sure not to leave it until the last minute next time.
Yeeeessss. That is all.
Okay, maybe not. At the end of Role Reversal, I was of the mind that it was a perfect spot to end, fade to black, all that jazz. Stretching it out seemed like it wouldn't work, or would diminish the entire product. I did want to see the pairing made a bit more solid, but I was quite elated with Role Reversal the way it stood.
Well, a separate sequel, built upon and containing its own trials and tribulations? A story that even on its first chapter can stand tall, unassisted, with (I suspect) readers merely knowing the synopsis of its predecessor?
This, I can say, is worth writing. It's definitely worth reading, and if the previous installation is anything to go by, is worth tracking with bated breath.
3063241 I had the same thought; I liked the idea leaving them on a peaceful note. As you said, a few readers pointed out that the romance between the two never really happened, that it looked like I just got bored with the characters and left. Looking back over it, I couldn't agree more. 'Role Reversal' was the pair being introduced, and 'Winning Him Over' will specifically be about the romance between them. I'm looking forward to sharing it, and thanks for the kind words!
I'm waiting for that moment when Shy is also competing for Mac and we have to mentally decide between making Flutters cry or Smarty Pants lose her purpose again.
Love This!!
3063323 Aha, who said Fluttershy was in the story?
3063198 Except for the guy that none of them want
3063392 I'M ONTO YOU!
But seriously, even if we know what (most likely, you could be trolling so you can surprise us) happens, it'll still be awesome to read. I'm rooting for Shy
favorite and like before reading since I liked role reversal so much
A continuation, yay. Role Reversal ended a bit...unfinished for my tastes. Not that it's a bad ending, I'm not just one for those "life goes on" type of endings.
Freaking frick I My Me.....
Anyway, I'm liking the start. Looking forward to more.
*Clap* Bravo.

Wait if rainbowbob had his hands/hooves in this i'm afraid anyone that finds this once its finished might need new underpants after the final chapter
Hm... with all due respect to Rarity, is it the best idea for Smarty Pants to be taking advice about winning over Big McIntosh from somepony who failed to do so?
"Damn, it feels good to right about Smarty Pants again."
Good ta have ya back, man
I feel that if this existed IRL, but reversed, feminists would be all over it before you would be able to say "Chimycherrychonga".
3065509 It's better than advice from Twilight, let's be honest here.
3065821 It's good to be be back, mate.
3065864 Don't I know it...
Even if I did, I feel safe separated by a screen.
And the competition begins!!!
This is so cute it's just silly.

Stupid feature box and its good suggestions...
Give it time Smarty, it's only been a few weeks.
3065509>>3065891 Well... if you think about it, she'll know what not to do to try for his affections.
It's actually a good idea.
I have to be honest... You are the only pony I've seen, either here or on Fanfiction that actually writes about Smarty Pants. This is a refreshing change of pace from the usual TwiDash, AppleDash, and FlutterDash fics I read. Continue soon please!

A very talkative lot we have here, no?
3087155 It's fine. That was an introductory chapter with not much to talk about. When the story heats up, people will hopefully feel more inclined to comment and share opinions. Hopefully...

3094917 On its way! Shouldn't be more than a day or two.
Fluttershy? Ohshi-
Nice Oath from Rarity.
Also... An almost immediate turn around on her part as well.
A touch abrupt and jarring, don't you think?
~Skeeter The Lurker
Her what hoof?
Looks like Flutters was just biding her time. Hmm... something is appropriate here, but I can't remember what...oh yeah, this!!
Hm. This, I must see.
3100357 SPARE hoof! You saw nothing!
3100321 Yup, definitely.
Smarty vs. Flutters. Let the battle begin!!!!
Bum bum buuuuuuuum
Another excellent update. Eager to see the next.:D
It's probably wrong, but I'm rooting for Fluttershy. No matter how sad Smarty might be, it's not as bad as seeing Fluttershy cry, ever.
And I have a feeling that oath will come back to bite Smarty in the flank. Probably not, but my predictions have been right so far, so why not throw them out again?
Dun, dun, dun - it is on!
3100702ummm what the buck is your profile pic?
3100781 Apple Bloom being sad she no talent and drowning her sadness in ice cream, of course!
It's from a YouTube video called "What I Learned Today". Go watch it it, it's really funny. Be warned, it has some swearing though.
Oh dear... sorry, I'm cheering for Flutters.