• Published 8th Jul 2013
  • 6,927 Views, 808 Comments

Diary of the Night - CalebH

After Luna returns from imprisonment on the moon Celestia suggests keeping a diary might be therapeutic. What will the princess of the night see fit to write?

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Reunion - Chapter 84


I’m Pinkie Pie.

I’m a chicken. Not a real chicken, silly, I’m just dressed as one. BA-BAACK!

I mean really, who ever heard of a chicken that could write. I mean I’m sure Fluttershy could teach a chicken to write since she’s like super great with animals but then the chicken would only write chickeney things. BA-BAACK! And who would want to read about clucking all day? Until they got to the part where Fluttershy stared them for being naughty. But then that would just be like, “Nice pegasus angry. Must obey,” or whatever animals are thinking when Fluttershy stares them. BA-BAACK!

It must be like what we thought Zecora did when we thought she was an evil enchantress and Applejack got all tiny and cute but I couldn’t tell her because my tongue was all ginormous and I had to get Fluttershy to talk for me except she didn’t want to because her voice was all deep and not Fluttershy-ey. But now Its starting to look like Fluttershy is the evil enchantress who puts you in trances. I should go ask her if she really is an evil enchantress just to be sure. But she reeeaaally doesn’t like Nightmare Night and she might stare me to get me to go away but then I’d know what chickens think when they get stared. BA-BAACK!

Then I’ll be in their heads and I can be the chicken-ey-est chicken there ever was. Except Scootaloo, but she’s being a werewolf tonight. Were wolf? Oh right there in the Scootaloo costume silly. BA-BAACK!

Ooooo oooo oo oo! Look it’s Pri- wait you can’t look you don’t have lookers. Wait a minute, how do you know what’s going on if you can’t see? Who told you?! Oh right me. BA-BAACK!

Anyway, look(Not you look we already talked about that) It’s Princess Luna and she’s not all sorry-I-tried-to-destroy-the-world-ey pants anymore. She’s not really all meany-McMeaners anymore either. She’s more just scary pants now which is weird because she’s not even wearing pants. She did have this awesome cape that turned into bats and flew away but no pants to be found. Except the scary ones. BA-BAACK!

I hope she’s not like she was when she was all sorry-I-tried-to-destroy-the-world-ey pants because she fell asleep like five minutes after the party started and then Princess Celestia and Twilight spent like an hour talking about all the kinds of exhausted she was when they could have just said she was tired and kept going with the party but they didn’t and it was soooo boooooring. She was more fun when she was all meanie-McMeaners I mean sure she wanted eternal night and was laughing at us but at least she was laughing. But now she’s here to scare us and it’s gonna be even more fun without anypony being mean. I mean why else would she come in her spikey chariot with her only-a-little-bit-less-spikey guards and be all shoutey and stuff? This is gonna be so much fun! BA-BAACK!

Author's Note:

The whole time i was writing this chapter i kept thinking what if Pinkie was doing one of these chicken impersonations

also don't worry this is far from the last Nightmare Night chapter. I actually have three or four more planned so we'll be on the subject for a while yet.

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