
Viewing 1681 - 1700 of 1,768 results

When you got two chapters down for two stories... · 7:24am Dec 27th, 2015

...But you don't publish them for fear of how others will react to them being updated for the first time in literal months.

That and they might not have been worth the wait haha


Dealing with Jealousy and Broken Friendships · 5:33pm Jun 1st, 2017

Dealing with Jealousy and Broken Friendships

Jealousy can be a tough thing to deal with. You want to believe that as someone who tries to do the right thing or generally be a good person that jealously can't effect you. But the reality is that it is something that everyone has experienced in one form or another in their lives. It it is a natural human emotion and it is okay to feel jealous about a situation, just as long as you also work to resolve the issue at the same time.

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I did a thing. · 10:10am Mar 2nd, 2015

So my local Brony group is really active and organized, and one of the things we do is a free, weekly, hour-long writing class with volunteer teachers. I've taught two lessons in it so far, and my non-Brony roommate wanted me to film it this last time because he was interested in the lesson but didn't want to come to the group meeting. So I took about eight hours to get the whole thing into good shape on YouTube, and you can watch it there. And now you can watch it here, if you have a spare

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Give Chaotic Note Some Support · 4:10pm Apr 30th, 2017

I have a friend on the site named Chaotic Note. who has been going through an extremely difficult time in his life and needs some help.

You can read the full story in this journal entry here:

Please check out his journal entry and lend him any support you can.

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Thank You For Into The Mirror, Everyone · 10:45pm Sep 5th, 2019

Wow, you guys. I'm really speechless right now.

I never expected Into The Mirror to gain such popularity. I hoped, certainly, because I wanted the link in the Author's Note to be visible. But I knew it wasn't necessarily realistic. Thank you guys so much for getting this story to the featured page and helping me shed light on such a difficult issue. It really means the world to me.

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Signal Boost: Filly Cheesesteaks · 12:57am Jul 25th, 2020

Gather ‘round, friends; it’s time for another adorable Not-A-Contest entry!


EFilly Cheesesteaks
Coconut Cream started working a new job in Philadelphia at Gustave Le Grande's Filly Cheesesteaks, and I just 'volunteered' to drive Toola Roola to Philadelphia to see her best friend. Me and my big mouth.
AlwaysDressesInStyle · 12k words · 900 views

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Signal Boost: Filipe Braga · 3:23am Nov 26th, 2021

Some Leech recently posted about an artist who does furry and brony art and is currently in dire need of assistance for medical issues. Oddly enough, they don't live in the US (so they do have some health coverage), but the problem is they have special medication needs due to a few genetic illnesses and side effects from getting COVID. The meds they do receive are rationed because they can't pay a monthly fee

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Good News (For Once) · 12:30pm Jul 7th, 2022

Hello fellow friends. Long time no see. To cut to the chase, a fellow I know by the name of Thought Prism has finished writing his original fiction novel, and he needs our help. His blog post explains the details, but the simple summary is that the publisher crowdsources contracts, offering them to authors

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Muggonny needs help · 1:09pm May 26th

My good friend Muggonny has been in dire financial straits before, and I know that most of y'all will remember my blog about that. Well, now he needs help again. Except, it's not necessarily for him, it's for his sister and her extremely young child. I admittedly don't have the funds to spare myself at the moment (I'm on a brief Empty Pockets Ice arc, if you will) but it'd be wrong of me not to boost this, given what a good

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Music is the Inspiration · 11:29pm Apr 23rd, 2016

Red Dead Redemption is, no lie, perhaps one of my favorite games on the PS3. I'm pretty sure I've driven my poor friend who owns one completely insane because I'm constantly playing it and have been for awhile now, either running around in the post story free roam mode for kicks or replaying the story because I mean, come on, this game has a good story. In fact, if there was one thing I would say I didn't like about the game and one thing only, it would be the music... at least at

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A new story? Maybe. Need a wee help first. ATTENTION: Wee as in little, not urine. · 6:12pm Aug 20th, 2016

Twilight has a brand new discovery. She has theorized that it is possible to create pocket dimensions and a way to enter them. Facing the ridicule of the rest of the theoretical magic community she has set forth to prove them wrong. She will construct a portal and enter it.
She does. Inside she finds a field of empty white. There is nothing there but her and her portal. She decides that she has to study this empty world and regain her credibility when she reports her results.

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Anyone Looking For Good Art Work or Fanfic Readings? · 2:21pm Dec 1st, 2016

Hello everyone, just posting to advertise the fact that one of my friends here on Fimfic is in need of some art commission work. I can say that she's a really good artist and the work she does is well worth the cost, whatever that may be.

Here's an example of her work and here's a link to where you can find details if you're interested.

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I Stole This :3 · 3:06pm Jul 7th, 2016

Full Name: Teona Royal British Egg
Future Career: Voice Actress
Birthday: January 6
Relationship Status: Hostage
Height: 5'6 (around that)
Favorite Color: Purple
Girl BestFriends: Soluna (& Cindy) - Online - RDcrystalheart, NorthernLights8 & Many More. Okay, more like 7 more.
Boy Bestfriend: None - Online - Blaze (DeviantART)
In Love?: YES (with Soluna... ????)
Want Kids?: Yes
If, So How Many?: 2-3
SnapChat: Yes, I have one.
Zodiac Sign?: Capricorn ♑️

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Psst, hey kid, want some stories? · 7:32pm Jun 13th, 2020

...No, I'm not opening commissions. This is for someone else. Lucky Seven (who also has regular commissions open) and kairipancakes (who does art commissions) are moving, and if you donate just over $9 to Seven's Kofi, he'll write you a story.

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The BOX Update · 5:06pm Apr 19th, 2018

Sorry, for the late post; college work was being annoying again. This blog is for the ones waiting on for the next chapter of the Box. I have some bad news and some good news. The good news is I'm looking for a cover artist for this story and when the next chapter comes out, I'm going to finally ask for some reviews from some friends to get this story more notice. I want this story to do well, but it seems that might be rather hard since this is based on such a rarely known movie series. I was

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Early Modern English for Authors (A.K.A. Luna-speak) · 10:46am Apr 13th, 2014

Note: I'm cross-posting this from my blog. You may want to read it there since WordPress allows me to use fancier markup like proper section headers, definition lists, and tables.

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-insert void screaming/laughing/dying here- · 1:32pm Sep 12th, 2017


Mom is dying... very slowly. · 3:21am Oct 14th, 2021

I need to talk to somepony and I don't feel like I can right now so I'm just going to vomit words here in semi-public.

I already wrote a story about this, but it is becoming too relevant to bear now.

EThe Longest Curtain Call
Despite dementia, Jack Pot still remembers his son. Unfortunately, Trixie isn't her father's son anymore.
Trick Question · 4.7k words  ·  163  49 · 2.2k views

I'm writing this post because I want to tell you all about two amazing people I love: Mom and Dad.

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It Takes Two. · 5:02am May 15th, 2023

Be sure to wish your sister a Happy Mother's Day...

...after all, it's partially your fault.


Story Notes: Shamrock Shake · 2:49am Mar 18th, 2023

Viewing 1681 - 1700 of 1,768 results