
Viewing 1 - 20 of 392 results

"A Light in Dark Places" by Lucky Dreams · 7:31pm Oct 28th, 2015

Lucky Dreams posted A Light in Dark Places last night. If you like childrens' foals' stories, and the particular voice LD uses for them, you'll love this story. If not, you won't.

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Report Bad Horse · 551 views · #recommend

Recommendation: How to Seduce a Human - Changeling Edition · 7:40am Sep 20th, 2016

Have you ever wondered how a changeling would seduce a human that is new in Equestria? A human that is shy to actually start a relationship with a pony? Well, wonder no more!

In the rather interesting story Stranger in a Changeling Land you can find out how!

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Recommendation: Sex-Questria Setting with Science Twi · 5:47am Sep 11th, 2016

Hi there!

I have read a new story. It seemed rather interesting, playing in an Sex-Questria like setting (or at least it looks like it up until now) and I think that's reason enough to recommend it, alone for the interesting concept. The story I recommend is Twilight Sparkle and the Planet of the Pantsless Pony People.

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Another collab with a fellow author! · 9:24pm Mar 12th, 2021

NotaPonyPerson and I have started a follow up in the many adventures of Beatrix Belladonna, read it here:

It follows up Dearly Beloved and will further develop many of the contained OCs.


Recs: Hyperportentia, The Council of the Seasons, Always Here, Aubade · 2:10am Mar 18th, 2017

Hyperportentia by MyHobby. 6161 words. Highly Recommended by Titanium Dragon and in the Royal Canterlot Library.

Acacia Tree is a seer. The world gives her prophetic omens. About, like, everything. Report card grades. Changes to a restaurant's dinner menu. What a pony is going to have for dessert. It's really annoying.

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Report Bad Horse · 743 views · #recommendations

New story promotion: Twilight Sparkle, Unicorn Economist · 11:01pm Jan 15th, 2016

“It’s a test.” Twilight said. “Princess Celestia is always testing me. I just have to figure out what I’m supposed to do.”

“Are you bringing only books, Twilight?” Spike asked.

“Is this really about seeing if I can manage the NGDP Targeting Festival?” Twilight began to pace. “But Princess Celestia already knows how good I am at managing things. Maybe the real test is to improve the level of economic literacy in Ponyville. Those rubes probably don’t even know what NGDP is.”

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Report Bad Horse · 808 views · #recommendation

Wanted: Reading recommendations · 8:36am Sep 8th, 2015

I'm slowly starting to realize that my ponyfic pleasure reading has been dwindling. In between the RCL, the Writeoffs, and the list of authors I follow, most of my reading time these days is spoken for — I don't think I've loaded the site front page in months, except to track If You Can't Beat 'Em's progress through the Featurebox.

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Recently Read Recommendations (Fall-iday Edition) · 7:17pm Jan 12th, 2019

*for a relative amount of "recent"

(You can find my current recommendations here.)

I didn't do much reading last season--word count wise, at least--but I still found a number of stories that I can recommend wholeheartedly. Check them out below!

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Report Sypher · 402 views · #recommendations

A Wonderful Gift I Need to Share · 7:59pm Aug 27th, 2020

RoMS, wonderful mad as they are, have written a story for me. Based on a simple prompt, they wrote a short novel going in unexpected places and exploring ideas with a sharp, kind eye.

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Fic Rec: Children of the Sun · 4:55pm Sep 22nd, 2021

There comes a time when we need to recognize the quality that comes with years of constantly applied effort.
One of my friends has finally published their magnum opus, and being the best piece by a brilliant writer, I implore all my followers to check it out.

EChildren of the Sun
Our Goddess has told us we will finally reach the surface today, after nearly a thousand years' wait. As her Prophet, I will be the first to see the sun again. I can only hope Equestria is still up there.
Silent Whisper · 25k words  ·  233  5 · 2.3k views
Report AuroraDawn · 323 views · #Recommendation

Mare Do Well: Rebirth · 6:22am Nov 19th, 2020

Seasaddle is a city where the highest of high tech meets with the lowest of low society. The rain only seems to let up at night, and sunny days are as rare as hen's teeth. It's a city where the heavens weep, the earth rumbles, and the crowds pray for somepony to save them. Only one pony is up to the task, and when she's forced out of retirement, she'll do her best to take up the burden without being broken by it.

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Report Xanni · 253 views · #recommendation

Scootaloo Stew · 1:42am Nov 11th, 2015

I know, I know, I made two posts today already, but--

I didn't realize Lucky Dream had posted his latest story, "Supper of Scootaloo Stew". It's adorable.

It's probably too late for it to hit the featured box, but give it a try anyway.

Unless you're chicken. :trixieshiftright:

Report Bad Horse · 589 views · #recommendation

Daylight Savings recommended reading · 5:18am Nov 5th, 2017

It took me by surprise, but if anypony else is in the US and isn't in Arizona like my girlfriend or lives somewhere else that doesn't follow that insane rule, we get an extra hour of sleep!

Or, if you're like me, an extra hour of reading pony fanfic! Thank you, Daylight Savings, you've given me more time for pony. I've got a few stories to recommend, if you're bored or need inspiration.

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recommend authors and most fav stories · 6:12pm Aug 24th, 2021

riicky83 Blackdrag-rose madhat886 AutoKnight01 HeartfireFirebrand I-C-U-P Ablegabriel The saiyan brony bcmorgan96 Saiyan of the North Star Sand Storm MrWriterWriter Tatsurou UltraInstinctGoku Damaged SpyroForLife Mr Curious Writer Knight of Crows Kuraekakashi if you want the best for crossover stories these are them it depends what the person wants and who is online at the time

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Report zachary12 · 419 views · #recommend

A Few of My Favorite MLP Horsewords Fanfics (Stories to Make Mine Look Bad By Comparison :-) · 8:10am Apr 28th, 2022

My user page has a few links to stories I really liked by other people. Here I'm trying to make that a little bit more systematic so I can put THIS on my user page.

(Disclaimer: If or when I realize some other story belongs in here, I might edit this post after initial publication. Or maybe I'll just make a new blog post? 'idk')

Sad and Bittersweet, But With At Least Partly Happy Endings


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Random Story Recommendations — Issue #3 (Dead Story Edition!) · 3:50pm Dec 26th, 2015


Well, here's a depressing issue. Wow. Can't believe I'm doing this. Today I'm recommending stories that are dead. Or likely dead. Implicitly dead.

Why? Cause I want you all to share in my pain, that's why. I'm evil. Rawr.

Since I Was Small by FifthAlicorn
Last Updated:2nd Feb 2015

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Recommendation: Futalight Crushing on a Transforming Female Human · 5:54am Oct 3rd, 2016

A young woman goes to Equestria. How? Easy, she asks a demon for help! Too bad that the demon put her own twist to her wish and now she is faced with a constantly horny Futalight, who has a big crush on her, while the woman is transfomring into a pony!

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Woah. Guys, you gotta check this out. · 7:27am Aug 14th, 2013

As some of you probably know, I preread quite some stories. This always makes me hesitant to take on new ones, since, tracked stories, real life, attempting to write The Daily Unlife, wading through the binary bowels of Command & Conquer 1 (shameless non-pony activity plug :yay:), etcetera.

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Report Nyerguds · 709 views · #recommendation

Recommendations: horizon, The new crop, The Hole in my Face, Riverdream, Horse-Trading · 6:08am Sep 29th, 2015

I've been remiss about recommendations. Mostly because I haven't read much pony lately. I've been struggling through The Iliad, but SWEET BUTTERY CELESTIA IS IT LONG AND BORING. Life is too short for this.

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Report Bad Horse · 1,283 views · #recommendation

Quick Fic Recs (Seven-Years-or-Thereabouts Edition) · 5:23am Apr 18th, 2019

It's been a busy season, but I've got some great fic recs in this set. Also I've just reached seven years on Fimfic, so yay I guess. :rainbowderp:

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Report Sypher · 361 views · #recommendations
Viewing 1 - 20 of 392 results