
Viewing 1 - 20 of 274 results

Yeah, we're doing this again. · 9:45pm May 13th, 2021

Details in the link. Thank you for any help you can give.

Again with this.


Patreon Questions For My Wonderful Readers · 9:00pm Jan 20th, 2017

Okay so that announcement I mentioned a few days back is that I'm finally getting a gosh-danged patreon. Before I launch the whole thing I want to give you guys a rundown of what I'll be doing, what I plan to offer, and what my plans for expansion are.

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(T>B) Wealth of the Mane 6 · 3:37am Nov 22nd, 2020

From this thread:

Hmm... Not counting shared income, like mission rewards or royalties on the Journal...

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Report Latecomer · 225 views · #money

Tip Jar :D · 8:15pm May 16th, 2017

Since I'm no longer employed, If you're willing to send any money (Even a dollar or something) Then my paypal is linked to my email at . My Patreon is for those who want to set up a monthly thing, and every dollar helps!

I'm planning on focusing more of my time into writing soon, even if that means bashing my head against a metaphorical wall until the words come out. Thank you in advance for your support!


Fast Money! · 9:39pm Aug 26th, 2024

Hello, Black Diamond Casino offers a seamless experience for those looking to make some extra cash online. This Australian-based platform is easy to navigate and the earning opportunities are plentiful. I found the payouts to be reliable and timely, making it a solid option for those looking to increase their income with minimal effort.

Report Dloops44 · 27 views · #money

$99999999999999999999999 · 5:13am Jun 8th, 2017

Just for 999 billion 999 million 999 thousands 999 hounded and 99 cents I can solve all your problems

Must pay in cash. Happy living.


Bronze Sponsorship · 12:43am May 3rd, 2023

Well, there goes my bronze sponsorship of fimfiction.

It wasn't actually intentional. I forgot to update my credit card information, and didn't realize until I noticed an ad on the page.

I could just go and update it, but now that it's actually cancelled, I should probably think about whether I want to just leave it that way or not. I could use the extra money.

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Report SweetAI Belle · 256 views · #money

Donations · 11:13am Oct 16th, 2020

I’m trying to sent up a donation pool so if anyone can spare some money please send it to or send it to my Patreon page

Edit 11/3/2020: Or you can support me at

This pool is for donations for my story so I can afford some artwork and can commission a few writers and a few other things.

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250$ for a check up. · 4:49pm Oct 17th, 2018

I'm sad.
I have an appointment and my dad accidentally drove off to work with my purse.
I have to have the appointment and they tell me it'll be 92$ without my insurance card but it totals to about 250$. Ugh.
All that to just check my weight, blood pressure, and blood sugar.
Oh, and for the doctor to scold me for being trash.
If I get hurt I prefer to die than deal with the bill.

Report Mutter_Butter · 417 views · #Money woes

Coins · 12:49am Feb 8th, 2018

So, I cleared out every single couch and my car and found a couple of pounds of coins, so I then cleaned out my backpack and found some more coins. I found $58.00 in Quarters, $22.00 in Dimes, $13.00 in Nickels, 7.00$ in pennies and found several Dollar and Half-dollar coins. I found several coins with misprint errors and several buffalo quarters... :pinkiehappy:


Commissions! · 7:06pm Feb 10th, 2022


So I public said I would write requests, right? Well, surprise surprise, I got four requests off the bat, so I thought, what the heck? Let's monetize this sumbitch!

So now, you gotta pay me to write something for you! (It's 1 dolla tho hella cheap) Just contact me on Discord (\o/#5964), and we can discuss the idea, what fetishes I will or won't write outside basic ones like creampies and somnophilia, pay me, and bam! We good!

Report Lunatic God · 175 views · #money #commissions

R-word blog · 6:19am May 17th, 2023

Wherever markets and money have reached most deeply, we find the stingiest, least trusting, most cynical, and loneliest people. They may have material wealth, of a kind, but true wealth has been stripmined from them. The compensatory baubles of financial wealth can never truly substitute for the lost social and spiritual capital.

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Report Andrew-R · 112 views · #world #money

No more blog post voting · 12:56am Feb 26th, 2016

I deleted "blog post voting" from my Patreon.

- It wasn't working, since I had such a backlog of voted-for but unwritten blog posts that we weren't doing any more voting.
- The voted-for topics refused to cooperate when I tried to write them.
- I'd said every other post would be one voted for, so I ended up just not writing blog posts.
- The one person who was signed up for blog post voting isn't signed up for it anymore.

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Report Bad Horse · 668 views · #money #Patreon

A scheme for monetizing fanfiction website · 9:35pm May 12th, 2018

You want to read stories and you want to read good stories right?

Look at patreon. They harvest lots of small amounts of money and gives it to creators. It makes money by taking a percentage.

Fanfic is slightly different because it has a glut of creators. You cannot support all of them. In fact don't want to support most of them.

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Report Obscure · 455 views · #cash money

I don't think I'm a sell out. · 7:13pm Jun 10th, 2015

So I went and set up a Patreon. I've been on the fence about doing this for a while, but after some thought I figured I'd give it a shot. Now first things first, this will NOT get in the way of my normal writing. I'll still write when I can, probably more so now. You have no obligation to go over there, but it would be super cool if you at east checked it out.


The My Little Pony Movie · 10:17pm Oct 6th, 2017

Now that it's out and I had a chance to see it, I'm going to write how I felt about it:

This movie rekindled my love for the show.

That's it.

What, you want a review? Check someone else's blog.

Fine, I'll bite. Review below.

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Under the Red Cloud · 10:11pm May 28th, 2022

Hi everypony.

I've been thinking lately of my previous attempt of a sequel for Broken Steel that i scrapped a couple of chapters in. I still want to do a Dead Money themed side story and events in the early chapters of Influx: Beyond the Adventure have supplied the motivation to bring it back.

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ADSC animation! · 1:28am Jul 7th, 2024

Hello! So, it has always been a dream of mine to have an animation done of one of my fanfics. Recently, I graduated college (thanks to the help of many of you, I'm still eternally grateful for that.) A lot of (but not all) of my student debt loans were forgiven, and without going into details, I am in a very privileged position in life. So, I would like to give back to the community as much as i am able, and this animation is how I plan to do so.

It will be:
-Fully voiced

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A friend's money troubles · 8:23pm Sep 4th, 2015

A few days ago, a friend ran into money troubles. The money they'd been saving for school is gone, so they've opened commissions in order to make enough money to get through the week. Please help him.


Buy a shirt, dammit. · 4:45pm Jul 25th, 2017

Some of you may have noticed (if you're looking at certain pages on FimFiction) ads for .

That's me. Or, at least, that's a subdivision of my tiny little company.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 274 results