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So, who's up for squading on War Thunder, World of Tanks and World of Warships? · 1:08pm Sep 29th, 2015

seriously, just reply to this blog and tell me if you're interested


Jurassic World: Dominion · 12:32pm Jun 13th, 2022

Might be because my expectations were so low, but I actually enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would.

It’s not great–I think my initial big problems is that the first third or so moves way too fast and I wasn’t really impressed by the final dino battle–but overall I had more fun with it than I thought I would.

And I'm still here, still writing, hang in there everyone!


The battle is joined. · 10:48pm Aug 10th, 2016

Bitter news from the front. King Varian Wyrnn is dead. :raritydespair: Betrayed by Sylvanas and the Horde. Newly crowned King Anduin Wyrnn faces division among his forces, even as the Legion's attacks increase. The Illidari have joined the fight, and even now we scour Azeroth for demon incursions.
But even in the midst of invasion, the Horde must pay for their treachery. :flutterrage: And when that time comes, I, Steppenwôlf will be there.

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Report Mister E · 353 views · #World of Warcraft

The Symphony of Canterlot: Chapter V Preview · 9:16pm Jul 10th, 2017

Chapter V: Al Azif and the Hard-Boiled Warlock

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New Wish World Comic · 5:19am Apr 26th, 2018

It was posted on Derpi a few days ago, but in case anyone doesn't go there regularly, here is the latest update to Wish World and Atamanna's antics.

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JOIN THE THREE TRIBES · 4:58am Aug 20th, 2016

Hello to all my followers and fellow bronies who play world of warcraft.

Me and my friend Alchemigree have started a new brony guild on the Wyremist accord server on the alliance faction and are looking for new recruits! And if your veteran or new does not we will accept you.

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It is Time... Planning a return. · 5:16pm Feb 14th, 2018

Update time everyone.

So, in some news, around the same time last year, when I announced the 'cancellation' of Mirror of Worlds, A lot of things were going on. Even outside of things between Silver Wing and I, I had a job that was failing, fears of going homeless, and all kinds of other emotions going around.

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Integration is proving hard to write. · 5:53pm Mar 8th, 2020

I wanted to get this off my chest before I post the next chapter of Integration. It's been a hard one to write for two reasons.

The first is that it's the chapter that the humans finally go to Equestria. I am really bad at first meetings. It's made harder by the fact that I already wrote a chapter where the human Twilight family and Flash all come to Equestria, and I don't want to rehash.

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Alternate Universes II · 4:57am Jun 27th, 2021

Fitting my characters into the universes of other authors is tricky. My "Safe Landings" series had plenty of room to add fanon without affecting the main story. It's not so easy to do that with most other stories unless mine are set after the conclusion of their stories. One of the few possibilities that I like is the Royal Beanverse and I'll have a think about that one.

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Report Goldfur · 434 views · #alternate worlds

Where should Twilight go next? · 11:11pm Oct 15th, 2020

Below is a straw poll containing possible choices.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Report neokiva · 380 views · #World choice

Feeling the Magical Spark of Inspiration · 6:39pm Mar 4th, 2017

About time right? After a bit over half a year, I finally feel motivated to write once more.
I don't dare make any promises about what I will or will not do, as a lot has changed between when I used to write and now, even when it comes to how I coordinate events. (not to mention new job, boyfriend, DM'ing and playing D&D...)

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Cool just great · 3:04am Jul 30th, 2016

My sister's babysitter for her kids just quit and took a way better job.

So you know what that means- having to deal with kids for hours. Sure I may like these kids but there's only so much kid programming and kids screaming I can take.

So the next two weeks will be that.

And then I will be going back to school right after thereabouts.

This has been my summer- unfortunate things piling up whenever I want to write something

Report Peridork · 299 views · #Joy to the world

Red Alert! · 9:35am May 1st, 2020

The Crystal Mirror has been reported stolen. All personal across Equestria and the Crystal Empire are to be searching for the whereabouts of the Crystal Mirror even when off duty. We can not let the perpetrators activate and use the Crystal Mirror for their own gain. This is a direct order from both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. May Faust guide and protect you.

Report Kronos11111 · 320 views · #World building

Coming soon · 11:22am Aug 27th, 2016

Heyo everyone,
I know you've been eagerly awaiting the arrival of the new chapter, and it will be coming soon. My goal is the end of this month, but the editing process may take slightly longer this time for reasons I shouldn't go into (It doesn't help I sometimes get in a rut of using the same description multiple times in a small space for example.)

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Alternate Universes · 5:17am Jun 26th, 2021

During the "Off The Mark" saga, Mark Wells visited many alternate worlds. To recap, aside from the show canon ones, there were worlds where:

0. Starlight's cult had destroyed civilization.
1. Every character was the opposite sex.
2. Every character was an anthro.
3. An epidemic killed almost every male.
4. Chrysalis was Cadance's teenage friend and grew up to be married to her and Shining Armor.
5. Celestia was the alicorn who was corrupted and wiped out all life in the world.

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Report Goldfur · 699 views · #alternate worlds

Magic Types and Grades · 6:51am Jun 8th, 2022

In Equestria, magic spells and charms are divided up into types and grades. There are the broad types such as elemental magics, basic magics, illusion magics, and body magics, and then there are sub types like healing magic for body magic and fire magic for elemental magic. Magic grades are used to denote the price, skill level, and legality of a magic. Some magics are completely legal up until the highest grade, such as elemental magics. On the other hoof, some magics are completely illegal at

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Gods of Equestria · 6:02pm May 23rd, 2022

During the pre-Equestrian era, there were many gods of many kinds. There were gods of magic, agriculture, war, disaster, hope, peace, weather, and everything in between. They more resembled the Japanese kami back then. There were thousands of them. As Equestria was formed, just like most other things, the gods were combined, and new gods were formed, but it was only in the last thousand years that the gods seen today were formed.

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Important notice · 1:56am Mar 7th, 2021

Report subjective · 162 views · #Hello World

Special abilities in Equestria · 12:34am Jun 13th, 2022

In Equestria, special abilities are gifts granted to ponies by their cutie marks. These differ from special talents in that they can not be taught. A special talent is merely an affinity for a specific subject whereas a special ability is something like Twilight's, Sunset's, and Starlight's omni-affinity, Fluttershy's ability to talk to animals, and Party Favor's balloon constructions. Talents like dress making and cake making are, theoretically, teachable.


Mid-October Update · 1:09am Oct 17th, 2015

I'm running the gauntlet of exhaustion right now. Re-balancing my life and writing with my work schedule is proving... difficult. As such I'm way behind on the next chapter of Harmony Theory. So it's not coming out for at least two weeks. No one is more disappointed than I am, because I am getting very close to some scenes that I've been planning for years, and I'm super-excited to write them, as, I hope, you will be excited when you read them.

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Report Sharaloth · 1,631 views · #World Notes
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