• Member Since 25th Jan, 2016


Everybody wants to rule the world.

Shorts 114 stories



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Rarity doesn't have the best track record with love. Not one bit. And she knows it. She's about to talk about it, actually. It's going to take a while. You might want to sit down for this one.

She's not bitter about it. Not at all.

Originally written as a speedwrite, expanded here for your questionable enjoyment.

Chapters (1)

Cheese Sandwich wants to get Pinkie Pie a truly special gift for Hearth's Warming. The problem? Pinkie Pie loves every gift given to her, no matter what it is. So what's a premier party pony to do? Get some help, of course.

And there is only one expert in Equestria on giving Pinkie Pie the best gifts: Maud Pie.

Together they will endure glitter bombs, sound advice, stand-up comedy, musical numbers, chaos, and fondue, all to give Pinkie Pie the best Hearth's Warming ever.

Special thanks to SoloBrony who helped me come up with ideas for this story, and to FanofMostEverything, Skeeter the Lurker, and Wanderer D for prereading.

This was written for Tethered Angel as a part of Jinglemas 2020!
For more information about Jinglemas, checkout our group!

Cover art was made from these sources: link, link, link

Chapters (1)

Sonata (somehow) convinces her sisters to watch old monster movies with her.

(Warning: Lighthearted approaches to dark issues such as suicide attempts, domestic violence and Matthew Broderick.)

***Featured on 1/11/2017***

Updates will come when the muse strikes. Chapters can be read as stand-alones.

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to Sitting on a Rock

The Pie family always had strong bonds with one another. But, a past event continues to hang over some members of the family. They don't speak about it, preferring to let it be buried and forgotten, despite the drastic changes it brought about. For two of them, it brought about isolation. An isolation that Limestone prefers her family stay in.

Well, except for Pinkie. But she's...unique.

For Limestone, those events kindled the desire to keep her family safe from outsiders. Something a certain silver haired magician has started making difficult for her.

Old wounds will be reopened on all sides as Limestone tries to keep the past from repeating.

Edited and story bounced off of the illustrious Crowscrowcrow.

Stonewalled at the Spring Fling
Sitting on a Rock
The Quartz Quartete Quarrel
Cracks Along the Prism
Maud's Boulder Holder

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Stonewalled at the Spring Fling

After the disastrous events at the Spring Fling, Trixie has fallen into a depression. She's eating less, her grades are dropping, and her social life is now non-existent. Adding to this is Sunset, who continues to target her each week.

Can a girl with zero social skills break Trixie out of her depression? Or will Maud's flailing attempts at helping wind up creeping Trixie out?

No one said it couldn't be both.

Editing, tweaking, and plot hole removal thanks to crowscrowcrow Industries.

Stonewalled at the Spring Fling
Sitting on a Rock
The Quartz Quartette Quarrel
Cracks Along the Prism
Maud's Boulder Holder

Chapters (2)

A new school, a new chance. Trixie's going to be popular this time. And what better way than to be Princess of the Spring Fling? But, Trixie isn't the only new girl. Care to know what happened to the girl who first challenged Sunset's rule?

Oh, and Maud's hanging around by some rocks...somewhere.

Cover art commissioned from IJAB

Proofread and editing done by Crowscrowcrow, like always. :pinkiehappy:

Stonewalled at the Spring Fling
Sitting on a Rock
The Quartz Quartette Quarrel
Cracks Along the Prism
Maud's Boulder Holder

Chapters (2)

Maud's family is planning to go on a week long vacation. However, this means Maud needs someone to take care of Boulder while she's gone. And apart from her sisters, Maud has very few friends to ask, or that she trusts with him.

Trixie's available, and more than eager to help her 'Maudie'. But, can Trixie overcome her laziness to properly handle Boulder? Can she think of Boulder as more than just a rock? And will she ever get that kiss she thinks Maud owes her?

No, maybe, and again, no.

Edited, proofread, marginalized, italicized, and lobotomized by Crowscrowcrow.

Stonewalled at the Spring Fling
Sitting on a Rock
The Quartz Quartette Quarrel
Cracks Along the Prism
Maud's Boulder Holder

Chapters (1)

“... and we are absolutely, definitely, no questions asked, not going anywhere near Sunset Shimmer,” Adagio declared, concluding her presentation of The Plan with a flick of her wrist and a bold flourish of the chalk she’d been scrawling on the blackboard with. “Are we clear?”

“... but she’s a bitch, so I thought it’d be funny to screw with her and do exactly not that,” Aria explained to Sunset.

Originally conceptualized for the Uncommon Dazzlings Ships group’s SunAria month.

Preread by forbloodysummer.

Chapters (1)

Princess Twilight and Rarity are dating.

The other Rarity in Twilight's life isn't quite sure how she feels about any of this.

Chapters (1)

Rarity wants to make Anon a dress. Anon does not want a dress.

••• ••• •••

For, ah, clarification, Rart is an on-purpose mispelling of a specific MLP:FiM character whom I can guess you can figure out the name of.

Chapters (1)