• Member Since 25th Jan, 2016
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Everybody wants to rule the world.


Story Cleanup · 8:42pm Jul 31st, 2023

Hey guys! I just wanted to give you a head's up that I have removed a couple of stories from my page here on FimFic. I don't expect them to be missed, as they aren't my more popular stories and were largely experimental, but because I, personally, hate when a niche story I'm looking for just up and vanishes, I thought I'd leave an explanation here for you all :moustache:

The stories are:

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Report Tethered-Angel · 206 views ·

Which Magnus Powers do the MLP villains belong to · 10:29pm Jan 8th, 2021

I wonder how big of an overlap there is between the MLP audience and the Magnus Archives. I don't imagine it's huge, but then, who knows! I'm rarely as original as I think I am haha. That said, the overlap between MLP, Magnus, and my followers probably is much smaller :rainbowlaugh:

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Report Tethered-Angel · 319 views ·

Art Post! · 11:40pm Dec 15th, 2019

I've been really trying to improve my art this year. With the year coming to a close, here's some of what I'm most happy with!

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Report Tethered-Angel · 417 views · #Art #Twitter

The Wicked Witch of Wichita · 5:04am Dec 14th, 2019

I ran across that Tumblr post again, about how witches and cowboys had a lot in common, and I was just too tickled by the idea not to obsess over it for the last two days. I've been going back and forth all day at work on how witchy magic might mix with cowboy culture, and honestly? It's awesome. It got a bit of writing out of me at least!

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Superpowered Angst- Original story · 10:13pm Oct 31st, 2019

Hey guys! I've been wanting to do some original fiction for a while now, and had a change to do a short piece in response to a Prompt over on Reddit. I was a bit late to the prompt and it didn't get much traction, so I thought I'd try my luck here even though it's not pony. Story stars some Superhero characters that I'm still kind of developing, and is a bit angsty as per the prompt, but I hope you enjoy!

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Reign of the Dazzlings · 3:53am Mar 2nd, 2019

What do you think the world would look like if the sirens won? I don't mean just the battle of the bands, but I mean everything. I've seen one or two stories play with the idea, but nothing that really dug super far into it.

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Humanity Displaced · 10:34pm Jan 28th, 2019

So I wonder if anyone knows this about me, but a large part of what got me into the fandom was the Human in Equestria genre. Misunderstandings, Your Human and You, the Non-Brony stories. Hell, I probably wouldn't have ever watched the first episode if ToasterWaffleKun (irl friend) hadn't gotten me to read 1000 Virgin Mares by sending me snippets of the funniest dialogue. Diaries of a Madman is one of the stories I always have time for, even if I'm not in a pony mood in general.

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Princess Luna and the Dazzlings · 5:52am Jan 26th, 2019

It came up in conversation earlier, and it was something I wanted to write about a little. I feel like of the Equestrian princesses, Luna is the only one the Dazzlings might have respected, however grudgingly. Part of that is the typical trope stuff- Luna is the warrior, Luna is the one who fell to darkness, etc. And that's all good. I feel like the Dazzlings would understand the allure of power, and strength of magic and such. Of the four we know of, only Luna's domain of night and dreams

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On Twitter · 3:02am Jan 24th, 2019

So, I finally set up a Twitter. I wasn't going to, and could have lived my whole life without one, but with Tumblr being... well, itself, and chasing off all the interesting artists I kinda had to. And holy shit, is it annoying. Like, i thought Tumblr's formatting was weird, Twitter's is... well it's certainly not made with art blogs in mind!

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New Year Resolution Blog · 2:15am Jan 23rd, 2019

I really don't go for the whole resolution thing. Already cracked the code on that one, if I'm the one making the rules I can always just change em and no one can stop me! Anyway, I usually can't think of anything anyway. Losing weight is the classic one, I guess, but I was already kinda working on that (20 pounds down, woo), so that's kind of disqualified! I'd say I would start writing or drawing more regularly, but honestly I don't trust myself to. So, I thought I'd try maybe blogging more

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