• Member Since 9th Nov, 2014


I've been a brony since October 2013, and it's only now that I have finally decided to take action and find my true place among the herd.

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Twilight takes Celestia to McDonald's to get a special toy, they gave her the wrong toy.

art by: alumx, and jargon scott, and threetwotwo32232

Chapters (1)

A little story I used to put my headcanon about how time works between the main series and the Equestria Girls sub-series. It's a discussion of why Sunset is so young despite being older than Princess Twilight, as well as why timeliness don't always match up between the two.

Chapters (1)

Sonata Dusk gets a government job in Equestria.

(Mood: Cheerful fluff)

Loosely inspired by a drawing of Chrysalis waving an EBT "food stamps" card at Cadance, I wrote the first draft of this story last Friday.

This bit of fluff might be an entry in Bicyclette's Polyship Contest, idk? (link)

Cover image: I had a lot of trouble finding art of Sonata dressed as an office worker, so I experimented with purplesmart.ai and edited the results.

Chapters (1)

Sunset dropped her contact lens and needs everyone to stay still until she can find it.

Chapters (1)

It was supposed to be a normal weekend sleepover at Rainbow’s house, not like the one three weeks ago when they summoned a demon by accident, but the night of fun for the girls got interrupted by a sudden blackout, and if that wasn’t enough, Sunset’s powers went out of control, giving her an insatiable desire to snuggle her friends.

Inspired by the adorable cover art done by DrakeyC

Featured a few hours after release :yay:

Generously edited by Night-Quill

Now with a review by SwordTune: Review

Chapters (1)

Celestia and Luna have just announced their intention to retire and pass the throne to Twilight.

Before everyone can start assuring Twilight she'll do great as ruler of Equestria, Twilight refuses and explains why it wouldn't make sense for her to take the throne. From there, the conversation swerves.

This is a story for those who think Celestia and Luna retiring is a bad idea, and that Twilight found her true calling as a teacher rather than a ruler.

Featured: 8/22/2020 - 8/26/2020

Chapters (1)

What's the deal with ponies? Squint just a little and you can't tell one from the next.
Ember doesn't even need to squint to get the effect.
Who would have guessed that a Dragonlord would have problems that needed more than just an application of violence?

Chapters (2)

Something has been bothering her girlfriend for a while now. Sunset Shimmer has never been one to let anything go. Come ponies or Equestrian magic she will figure out what is bothering Twilight Sparkle.

Cover art done by Adge

Chapters (1)

Ocellus grew up in a dark cave all he life with nothing but natural bioluminescence of the hive's glowing fungi. Now that she is enrolled in Twilight's school of friendship, she had discovered a brand new form of light.


They are really pretty too....

Written as part of the The Discovery Contest.

Not expecting a win, but at least give me a participation ribbon, come on guys.

Featured 1/30/20, and is my first feature XD

Chapters (1)

Not too far from the Castle is a small statue garden, filled with villains whose friendship problem was unsolvable, even for Twilight.

The least of these is Cozy Glow.

Twilight finally decides to show mercy and to make one more attempt at reformation; however, knowing that the problem is beyond her, she entrusts it to a younger princess.

Speed-written for TheLegendaryBillCipher in the Quills and Sofas Christmas Fic Exchange

Link to coverart!

Now with a reading by StraightToThePointStudio!

Chapters (1)