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About 15 years ago, a dark age rose against the promising land of Equestria. The Princess Luna and her beloved husband, Chaotic Noteworthy, was a little away from the birth of there daughter, Lilac.
Unable to fight the war of the Changlings, Chaotic stayed and fought to the death while his wife and soon to be filly escaped to safety.
Or so they say.
My name is Lilac Amethyst. I am fifteen years of age, and I live with my mother in Aricastle, a land that was created for a small population of those who survived the war.
I never met my father before. And more determined than ever to find him myself. With my archery skills, and my bravery, I will travel.
To the afterlife to find my father.

(Story based on the OC's, created by Chaotic Note.)
Special thanks to the proofreaders. And the story made for Chaotic Note.

Chapters (2)

A chance meeting with a cute young dragoness puts Spike on top of the world. However, it quickly becomes clear he may be forced to chose between his pony friends or the girl who captured his heart.

Chapters (9)

Being in a position of power is never easy, especially if you are the only ruler. Queen Chrysalis discovers this as the broken remnants her subjects begin to wither away without any love to properly sustain them, grieving over their fellow changelings who did not survive the trip home. Their population continues to plummet, and she is left with only one option.

Noblesse Oblige: The duties of those in power to uphold their responsibilities and forsake personal feelings and needs.

Edited by Darastrix.
Pre-read by Azu.
All image credit goes to yula568. Cover was used with permission.

Chapters (2)

Discord is bored.
He is tired.
He wants to do something fun.
So he chooses to dance,
and everypony else does too.

Author Notes
~ Editors: TLSpark and Reddened Chaos.
~ Inspired by this, and the fact that most of the time everypony in the show breaks into a song once somepony starts singing. (EX: Winter Wrap Up, The Best Night Ever, Mystery Magical Cure.)
~ Character Tags should include mostly everybody in the show that I could had thought of at the time, but... you know... character tag limits.

Chapters (1)

Derpy Hooves is secretly a changeling.

Nopony particularly notices, or cares.

(New 9/15/19: Spanish translation by Spaniard Kiwi! Thank you!)

Chapters (1)

A series of moments from Derpy's life, most of them less than cheerful.


Chapters (14)

The Changeling Hive located deep beneath the Equestrian Badlands a bustling haven for all Changelings of Equestria.
Life was good; the ponies had forgotten their existence and it would remain that way for another two hundred years.

However, just because they're safe from outside threats, it doesn't mean they're safe from themselves. These stories will follow three young Changelings as they seek out adventure and other ways to kills time.

Their names? Mandible, future captain of the Changeling Royal Guard. Cocoon, future Queen of the Northern Changeling Hive. Finally, we have Thorax, future..... well let's be honest, I don't see much of a future.

{Set Two Hundred Years before Equestria's Crazies}

Chapters (5)

Do Alicorns always possess wings and horns? Or are they born 'normal', like the others? Are they really normal, anyways?

Celestia, Luna, and Cadence might not have always been this way. They had to earn their true colors.

This is at a time when they're still fillies, so no confusion is aroused.

New characters will be added upon being introduced in the story, so um... derp.

Chapters (1)

Everything that has ever ' happened ' to Twilight has been a dream. She never passed her entry test to get into Celestia's school, and fell into depression, ending up at a mental hospital. However, the other members of the Elements of Harmony ( Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and AppleJack ) really do exist, although they don't know each other.

First story I've ever written on here. Woot.

Just something I thought up while exercising ( Lol weird. ).

Chapters (3)

Big Macintosh goes on strike when he sees he's the one doing all the heavy lifting and harder work at Sweet Apple Acres while his sisters frolic. His idea catches fire throughout Ponyville, and soon every stallion is up in arms! Sexism explodes in the tiny town, it's Stallions on Strike!

Chapters (15)