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After helping Spike and Rarity while the little dragon was cursed as a werepony, Princess Luna sets out to do all she can to help the other ponies that embodied the Elements of Harmony. On her journey, she finds friends she didn't realize she had and something more.

The story continues with Hope and Shadows

Don't know what the heck is going on? Then start to story right by going all the way back to the beginning with And Tootsie Flute Makes Three

Chapters (12)

An unfortunate turn of events finds Spike changed into an Earth pony. Rarity unintentionally crushed his heart and now she has to fight hard to win back his trust, his friendship, and maybe something more.

The story continues with Curse of the Werepony 2

Don't know what the heck is going on? Then start to story right by going all the way back to the beginning with And Tootsie Flute Makes Three

Chapters (4)

Part of the Equestria's Crazies Universe

Merged with Equestria's Crazies

Can a creature that feeds on love, ever truly know love?

After the blast leaves Chrysalis wounded and lost in the Everfree forest. She does her best to drag herself back to her village. However due to the severity of her woulds she collapses. Eventually she reawakens to find herself in a strange house, home to three mares and with their help maybe she could truly learn to understand the thing she calls food.

Chapters (6)

Fluttershy and Twilight are killed by Celestia in order to retrieve the souls of ponies, that Fluttershy has killed, this is book two!

Chapters (12)

Feeling useless, and unwanted, Luna leaves Canterlot. With the help of a cocky, yet very magical unicorn, she manages to disguise herself as a normal Unicorn. However, when she winds up in a town that's all too familiar with her, she finds that just hiding your wings doesn't hide who you really are.

Update: So I posted a new chapter. It's rather short, but it's more of just a small update to show that I've decided to finish this fic, as well as all my other cancelled fics. So yeah.

Chapters (3)

Rose is on the search for a rare breed of flower, and is willing to do whatever it takes to get it. She'll have to search far and wide...but how will she handle experiencing something new along the way?

Chapters (3)


With the help of forces beyond their control, six friends discover their true importance in Equestria’s timeline. With this new knowledge in hoof, they must try to figure out whom or what has crosshairs on their foreheads. The Elements of Harmony aren’t the only weapons of mass destruction in Equestria.

Chapters (20)

Fluttershy has been trained to kill, and kill only, since childhood, she has experimented with killing. She serves Nightmare without hesitation to take out rebel contributors

speccySY 's picture

Chapters (19)

When English teacher Connie Hayden is told by a mysterious new friend that there is a way to travel from the human world to Equestria, she doesn't believe her. But what if the legend of Pinkamena is true?

Illustration by the talented BambooDog.

Chapters (6)

The Lunar Rebellion sought to bring Nightmare Moon to power over Equestria, and for two long years, a war was fought for that very purpose. In the end, Nightmare Moon was defeated, but Celestia had become broken. She lost her faith in the ponies that once only knew love, and she walled herself inside her castle at Canterlot.

For five years, no pony had seen or heard from the goddess. In her absence, Equestria falls apart at the seams. Endless skirmishes are fought over petty land disputes. Love and tolerance are gone from the land. Ponies begin to revel in the art of war. When a dangerous threat emerges from the ashes of the Lunar Rebellion, all hope seems gone from the world. But some ponies aren't willing to let Equestria fall.

Four unlikely ponies step up to correct the mistakes of the past. In their quest to restore Equestria, they will learn that through the magic of friendship, all things are possible.

This story is presented as part of the Pony Fiction Writer's Month for September 2011. Enjoy.

Chapters (20)