//------------------------------// // Cherry Pie // Story: Where you've got it // by Broneyofnoel //------------------------------// Twilight and Fluttershy woke up, laying by each other, Twilight outstretched a hoof and poked Fluttershy playfully. "Fluttershy, I know who we are going to get today!" Twilight said excitedly. "Who?" Fluttershy said sleepily. "Cherry Pie." Twilight said. "Sounds good." Fluttershy yawned. Twilight gave Fluttershy a hug, and got up. "Ooohh." Twilight stretched. "Well, we'd better get going." Fluttershy said, rising up. "Yep!" Twilight jumped at the end of her stretch. The two walked slowly and closely down the corridors, and they reached Celestia, she was in the common area, looking at the fire. "Celestia, we're ready!" Fluttershy said. "Good." Celestia said tiredly, she turned around. "Is something wrong?" Fluttershy asked, approaching Celestia. "No, I just didn't sleep last night, work." Celestia said. "Celestia, are you sure?" Twilight asked sincerely. "Yes, time to get going, sit on the couch." Celestia said, pointing to the couch. Twilight and Fluttershy sat on the couch, and Fluttershy hugged Twilight as Celestia used the spell. In an instant, Twilight and Fluttershy were in darkness, the world was quickly appearing around them, it was a hospital. "Well, she must be a doctor." Fluttershy said. "Yep." twilight agreed. They walked through the front doors, and asked, "Can we see Cherry Pie?" "Room 234," the front desk mare said. "Room 234, that is ICU, she must be a good doctor." Fluttershy said as her and Twilight walked down the hallway to room 234. The two arrived at room 234, and a doctor was hovering over a small filly, her mane pink, as well as her body. "Cherry," the doctor turned around, it was Damion. "She is dying." he said coldly, "she needs surgery on her back legs." "What, she's already dead?" Fluttershy sad. "You've killed the dead, they go back and are reborn as a new filly." That struck Fluttershy, she had to gett Cherry back to Pinkie Pie, she had to. "Can we save her?" Twilight asked. "Well, the surgery is fifty-thousand bits, I don't see how you can get it." Damion said. "WE can do it," Fluttershy said, "And after that, do we still need to get past the guards?" "Yes, these guards are tough though." Damion said. "Well, let's get the money!" Twilight said, placing a hoof on Fluttershy's shoulder. Twilight and Fluttershy knew what they were going to do, well, they had different ideas. "Well, it's going to take a lot of pick pocketing." Twilight said, Fluttershy just looked at her. "Well, I'm not pick pocketing, I'm gonna rob a bank." Fluttershy smiled. "You can't be serious!" Twilight stopped running. "Neither can you!" Fluttershy ran off, leaving Twilight to her pick pocketing. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy walked into the bank, she had the knife from the business ponies in her pocket. "Hello, how may I help you?" the mare at the counter asked. "I, I need fifty thousand bits." Fluttershy said. "My my, that is a lot, account number?" the mare asked. "Well..." Fluttershy brandished the knife. "Oh my Celestia, don't kill me!" the mare panic whispered. "I'm not going to kill you, I" Fluttershy was cut off. "Don't kill me!" "...need..." "Why are you robbing me, don't kill me," the mare whispered, tears in her eyes. "...the money!" Fluttershy finally finished. The mare screamed, Fluttershy had no choice, she stabbed the mare's throat, and took the keys to the safe off of the mare's coat. "Hey, YOU!!" A guard was chasing after Fluttershy, she stopped, allowing the guard to catch up. Fluttershy clothes lined him, and stabbed his six times, three in the chest, two in the stomach, and one in the neck. She rose up from his body, looking over at a camera, she broke it and ran down to the safe. "2-560-345..." Fluttershy worked the safe. The safe opened, revealing a large room, it was 50x50, it contained three-million bits. "Gahhh!" Fluttershy was taken aback by the sheer amount of wealth in the room, she had no problem in locating a bag with fifty thousand bits in it. "Okay, now I need to find Twilight!" Fluttershy said as she ran. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight ha gathered some money, thirty bits, when she saw Fluttershy running with two loaded duffel bags. Twilight ran up beside her, Fluttershy tossed one of the bags onto Twilight's back, that allowed them to run faster as a unit. "Well, I got the money!" Fluttershy said as they ran to the hospital. "I'm glad, It would've taken me a while." Twilight said, the back was wearing her out. Fluttershy and Twilight ran up the hospital stairs, past the information desk and they dropped 50,000 bits at Damion's foreleg hooves. "We have the money!" Twilight panted. "Just in time! She was so close to dying." Damion said, relieved. "Can you do the surgery on her?" Fluttershy asked. "Yep..." Damion clicked his fore hooves, and the health of the filly was considerably better. "That's all it needed! Why couldn't you do it for free?" Fluttershy yelled at Damion. "Doing that costs me 50,000 bits!" Damion gestured to the now non-existent duffel bags. "What do we need to kill the guards for her soul?" Fluttershy asked. "A gun, I think I have one." Damion reached into his bag. "Yep!" Damion pulled out a S&W 500 revolver. "Let's go!" Fluttershy said, she gripped the gun. Damion nodded, and the room around them, as well as Damion and Cherry, disappeared. The room was nt a dungeon any more, it was an office, but the office had modern soldiers in it. Fluttershy pulled the handgun out and fired.. Pop One soldier's head exploded. Pop Another soldier's leg exploded, leaving him handicapped on the floor. Pop She finished off the soldier. The soldiers fired back, bullets missing Fluttershy and Twilight by mere inches, Twilight used her magic and broke a soldier, not shot him, she just broke him. There were only two left, and Fluttershy shot one wit the rest of the clip, he fell over into a pool of blood. Twilight took the final, she threw him through a wall, he fell and fell and fell. They had cleared them all, the hospital room reappeared around them, Cherry Pie was sitting up in her bed. "Who are you?" Cherry asked. "We're hear to take you back to your mom." Fluttershy said kindly. "MOMMY!" Cherry Pie yelled wit a smile on her face. "Yep, you need to tell Celestia to send us back okay?" Twilight said, Cherry nodded quickly. Twilight used the spell and Cherry disappeared, a few seconds later, so did Fluttershy. "Bye Twi!" Damion said. "See ya!" twilight disappeared. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight woke the second she got back, Fluttershy was hugging her, and she was hugging back, that was the most peaceful she'd felt all week...