• Member Since 28th Dec, 2013


The queen of starting something and then not finishing it.

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While going to meet her new niece in the Crystal Empire, Twilight Sparkle discovered King Sombra's horn and nearly recovered essence in his study beneath the castle. Still weakened, he was captured and transported to the Canterlot dungeons.

Seeing an opportunity, Princess Celestia enlisted Twilight (the one who outwitted his traps and then discovered him) and Fluttershy (who reformed Discord) to try to bring out the good in Sombra.

However, just as they seem to be making some progress, things take a turn for the strange, as four ponies they had never seen before began fighting in the streets with Dark Magic. Four ponies with unusual coloring, yet who seem oddly familiar...

An homage to the artist/author Evehly and their story 'Shy Can See'. Cover art by Evehly, as well.

Chapters (2)

Twilight's latest creation was meant to allow them a glimpse of civilizations not of their world. What they hear however, is more saddening, beautiful, and inspiring than they could have imagined.

Ponies picking up human transmission story for fun. Hope you enjoy.

Chapters (2)

After a terrible storm sweeps through the Everfree, Fluttershy finds the weakened but still powerful King Sombra on her doorstep. Unable to resist his dark magic, she finds herself trapped by a spell that forces her to aid him, protect him, and heal him until he is strong once more, all while keeping his revival a secret from her friends. Unwilling to risk bringing her friends into the situation and endanger them, Fluttershy decides on a riskier tactic

If she could reform Discord, why not the Tyrant of the Crystal Empire. After all, with his spell keeping her from betraying his presence, it might be her only hope. Can she kill the Dark King with Kindness? Or will the ancient sorcerer once more stretch his shadow across Equestria?

Author: "I reserve the right to potentially bump up the rating depending on where this goes."

Edit: Wow, Featured Box twice? I guess people really like Sombrashy. 7/15/2016
Edit: Featured again! 9/3/2016

Coverart by the magnificent Evehly

Chapters (26)

The cultists thought they couldn't go wrong with a resurrection of King Sombra. They'd get a cool ruler, rad hallucinations, and he'd probably chain them up and whip them! It was the perfect plan...

Until the police showed up, hit the Dark Lord of Crystals with a paralysis spell, and dragged him off to court.

"All rise, Princess Celestia presiding..."

Inspired by the utter hilarity of naturalbornderpy's 101 Interesting Facts About Draconequi.

Chapters (5)

While studying, Starlight notices weird changes in Twilight when around Sunburst. She tells her to knock it off in the nicest way possible.

Spoilers for the Season 6 Premiere.

Cover art by Cover Designer Novel-Idea

Chapters (1)

When Fluttershy goes into the Everfree to pick some berries for her date, she finds an unconscious pony near death. Normally, she would help them straight away but there is just one problem... It's King Sombra.

This is Sombra-Shy so if you don't like it, don't read it! This is my first story so please don't judge me :twilightsmile: Cover art by the fabulous Evehly. Inspired by the amazing story Non-Entity by Woolly and fantastic Bride of Discord by DisneyFanatic23. Enjoy! :pinkiehappy:

Chapters (5)

A voice is telling Twilight to build a cottage cheese laser.

But she's not having any of it.

Edited by PegasusMesa!

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash wants to get better at writing, so she tries her hand at prompt writing.

Sunset Shimmer is not impressed with the results.

Edited by Rainedash!

Chapters (1)

Midnight Sparkle has destroyed everything, leaving her and Discord.

But now that she's consumed all of existence, what's left?

Chapters (1)

Breakfast at the Crystal Empire―Cadance with her toast, Shining with his cereal, and Flurry Heart with her... innuendo?

Shining Armor is pretty sure innuendo is not part of a balanced breakfast.

Flurry Heart is of course aged up. Babies can't form innuendo. That's just silly.

YouTube reading by CaptainBron3y!

Chapters (1)