• Member Since 16th Mar, 2016
  • offline last seen Aug 10th, 2016


A girl with a merpony heart, a pegasus soul and the brain of a MLP shipper. The result is a merpegasus lovebird. (Disclaimer: my user image was made off a game)


Frienimies · 11:20am May 15th, 2016

Hi everypony... I'm SO SORRY that I haven't posted in a while now... I am coming into exam time and I am trying not to fail any of them. So that means more revision time and less writing time. Chapter 5 WILL come out and once summer break starts I can write regularly. By this I mean 1-3 chapters a WEEK! I have not abandoned this story and please forgive me for not writing. I am also thinking about writing a short prequel to this story about Luna and Discord's relationship. I am a Fluttercord

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Report Melody_Wings · 282 views ·

Frienimies · 11:20am May 15th, 2016

Hi everypony... I'm SO SORRY that I haven't posted in a while now... I am coming into exam time and I am trying not to fail any of them. So that means more revision time and less writing time. Chapter 5 WILL come out and once summer break starts I can write regularly. By this I mean 1-3 chapters a WEEK! I have not abandoned this story and please forgive me for not writing. I am also thinking about writing a short prequel to this story about Luna and Discord's relationship. I am a Fluttercord

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Report Melody_Wings · 282 views ·
