• Member Since 21st Jan, 2019


Friendship is indeed Magic

Cute list 19 stories
Found 17 stories in 40ms

Total Words: 217,608
Estimated Reading: 14 hours


  • Cute list 19 stories this shelf has stories that touched my heart.<3


  • Featured 23741 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

After getting married, Lyra and Bon Bon discover that a a bat pony foal has been left at their doorstep. Can the two mares handle the pressures of parenthood?

Chapters (9)

Filly Twilight is teleported far, far away from Celestia. Now Chrysalis has her, and she's fully intent on keeping her.

But maybe the powerful, loving filly is more than Chrysalis expected?

Chapters (1)

Nightmare Moon beat her sister and now the night lasts forever. She couldn't be more than happy. When she finds out a fatherless foal, Nightmare Moon decides to adopt her.

Chapters (7)

"You" are the son of the ever busy Princess Celestia, who despite genuinely loving you as much as any good parent should, can't make as much time with you as she'd like. Twilight, your unofficial big sister, tends to spend her time with you though if she isn't at one of her lessons or studying.

Was bumbling around /mlp/ and made a thing. You might enjoy it, you might not, it's here either way. Updates will be very infrequent. They are also being presented to you as is, only edited to fit the general rules of the site.

Chapters (3)

Not many ponies know this, but Daring Do always leaves her most valuable treasure behind whenever she goes on an adventure. And that treasure is you, Anonymous, her adopted human child. She's never gone for too long anymore though; not with you in her life. Or, at least that's how it was.

Eight long years have passed since she last flew up into the sky and out of your life to go on another adventure; almost half of your whole life. And yes, you did spend a lot of that time worrying, and wondering about where she could be, or what could've happened to her, but you also spent it honing your own adventuring skills. And now you're all grown up, and you're going after her.

With the wisdom of six good friends, determination in your heart, and mom's lucky hat on your head, there's no way that you can lose.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Linguistic Walls

Artwork edited by me, original work made by nobody. Proofread by the amazing WrittenWord333.

Three months have passed since you were able to ever so cleverly deduce that Celestia had adopted you, indeed NOT trying to be your lover, and things have been absolutely terrible ever since due to nightmares that are making you question what is fantasy and what is reality. Not that mom would know, you've done a pretty good job of not letting on that anything is wrong. You two not speaking the same language makes it easier too, but you're still being kept on your toes by your aunt, Princess Luna.

Though you still have a way to go the lingual gap is closing slowly and during the process you've learned of Luna's prowess and abilities concerning dreams. Your only reprieve is that she seems to be having trouble accessing your dreams for some reason or another, but now the clock is ticking until she finds a way in.

Years of ingrained independence and the blurring line between dream and reality leaves you in a terrifying corner as even the pony you've come to care for the most may not even be real.

Featured 10/13/16, Thank you all so much!

Chapters (3)

"You" are Anon, and you can't understand a bloody thing these little horses are saying. It doesn't help that you're only ten. Oh well, at least they're nice. Especially the queen horse, Celestia. At least that's what you think her name is. Anyway, she's awfully cuddly, always hugging you or some such. Honestly it's nice and all, but you are starting to wonder just why she is so affectionate...

Was bumbling around /mlp/ and made a thing. You might enjoy it, you might not, it's here either way.

*EDIT* Now with sequel: Bridging Words.

Featured May 10 2016, thank you so much!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Tantabus, Mk. II

The new and improved Tantabus has behaved itself thus far, but Luna has delayed telling Celestia about it. Until one night when it jumps into Celestia's dreams to say hi and inadvertently reveals itself. Luna must now introduce Celestia to her little bundle of self-aware psychic dream energy sooner than she imagined.

Chapters (1)

Nightmare Moon feels lonely. And she goes to Ponyville to talk to the six mares who saved Luna. Which pony will be happy to be your friend? And if she finds this pony, will they still be friends or will they be something else?
This story takes place before Fluttershy meets Discord

Chapters (10)

After a week of recovering from her return Princess Luna seeks to return what was lost by her banishment and find the one pony she cares for the most... her daughter.

This is a rewrite of my old story. I hope you like it

Chapters (1)