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Slaughter Thy Wants

"Ah. Of course." Stella looked down at the ground, bent over partly. There was no bleeding from her wounds, but the heavy sound of her breathing told there had to be some consequences to them. "I really should have seen this coming, I suppose. No matter." She began to chuckle and it just barely didn't devolve into a laugh, in part due to the weight of her panting.

Trixie straightened her neck a little and looked down at the alicorn a distance in front of her. "I'll admit, I'm a little sad the others won't get to see this." Red light flashed atop her horn and almost immediately burst forward into a tree trunk thick stream aimed at Stella.

The clone dodged it, and made herself invisible and inaudible to the other mare. She'd bought Twilight some time, sure, and another shot at being healed, but it wasn't going to matter. There was no more holding back, especially not against her. Stella advanced towards Trixie, much like she'd done with Twilight's friends before, but unlike what she'd done with them she wouldn't just incapacitate the unicorn. She did have to agree with her, it was only a shame the others wouldn't see what she was about to do.

It gave her pause, then, when while she was about halfway across the distance Trixie had a kerchief appear in the air beside her, and began to tie it around her own head, covering her eyes. "Don't bother with the tricks," the unicorn said, "you're not going to get anything out of them."

Stella grit her teeth. The other was taunting her then. Admirable as it was foolish, and infuriating as both of them combined. She'd planned to end Trixie with her own hooves, but at that moment walking felt like it was going to take too long. She charged a spell into her horn and fired.

Trixie deflected it. Stella watched on in confusion, and Trixie mock-yawned, holding a hoof in front of her mouth for added emphasis. "I told you it wasn't going to work."

Stella was all but literally frothing. She checked and checked again that her coil was still working and working as she'd meant it to. She made herself and her magic wholly undetectable from Trixie and from everyone else, just in case. They could not hear her, they could not see her, they could not perceive her or anything she did. She circled the mare slowly, readying her horn to fire again.

Trixie struck first, a bolt from her horn aimed behind her straight at Stella's position, only dodged thanks to the alicorn's reflexes and a quick burst of her wings. Then Trixie slowly turned and looked up where the other was hovering, still with her eyes covered. "Are you actually going to do something interesting? I thought you'd be more entertaining than this if Twilight couldn't beat you by herself." Then she vanished in a flash of red.

Stella looked around, then another blast came.

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