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That Which Was Skipped

"Sure, and Far Shore didn't steal my seashell whisk last month. I know she did. It was a nice whisk, too. I'm not really bothered by not having it, I have a lot of whisks, but she should have just asked if she wanted it, and like I said it was a nice whisk. I got it about a year ago at a shop near a volcano in the Dragonlands. I don't actually know why they were selling a seashell whisk there. I don't know why they were selling a whisk at all, considering it was a postcards shop. Well, technically it was supposed to be a newsstand, but almost nothing ever got there so they basically exclusively sold postcards. Maybe that's why they were selling a whisk.

"I remember Ember was really surprised that I was there. Maybe I should have told her I would be throwing a party. Mail doesn't get there though, so I would have needed to find another way to get to her. But then it wouldn't have been a surprise party! But maybe she doesn't like surprise parties, and I shouldn't be throwing surprise parties for her. Oh, now I hope she wasn't just pretending to enjoy herself to make me happy. That's just the worst, I always need to fix my files after I find out about that and what's worse it means I threw a party where someone wasn't enjoying themself!

"I remember this one time, for example, where I was throwing a party for a filly. I'd gotten her a huge chocolate cake, with turquoise-coloured frosting. At least it was supposed to be turquoise. Turquoise is kind of on that line where creatures debate whether a colour is green or blue, although turquoise itself is definitely more on the blue side. I think, at least, from what I've seen. Maybe I've always seen turquoise wrong and every creature was using the name incorrectly and turquoise is actually different from that.

"Aren't you ever afraid of something like that? Of suddenly finding out everyone is wrong about something and they have all been misusing a term and suddenly you need to tell others so they too can stop making this mistake but you feel kind of bad about it because the realisation that you've been doing something wrong your whole life kind of hurts and you don't want to hurt others but you know it's the right thing to do to tell them but it's still hard, but it'll hurt more if you don't and you know that's the case.

"And even if you didn't say it, they're still doing it wrong. And they might find out one day in the future! And then, they will wonder why you didn't tell them if you already knew, and they will still be hurt by it. So really, it's better to tell them as soon as you can. After all, it's all chromatic aberrations running on hard cardboard in the metanarrative layer, and everything is- Hey, where did he go?" Pinkie looked around, but Discord was no longer anywhere to be found. In his stead a closed door stood in front of Twilight, who turned to look at her and sighed.

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