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Out Of The Sky

"I have this memory. You know those moments you live through and swear you're going to remember for the rest of your life? It's one of those. I really do still remember it so clearly, and I don't think I'll ever forget it. Problem is, while I remember that moment, the context around it is hazy at best. A lot of it I can't remember for sure, some of it is straight up gone. I'd have to find someone else who was there and could help me piece things together, but it's been far far too long to do anything like that. I'd never be able to track anyone down, much less anyone who could have been present right then, and the odds of any of them remembering are slim. Goodness, I don't even know if the building is still like it was back then.

"Right. I guess I should actually tell you what the memory is about. It was a long time ago, like I said, back when I was still in school. I only went to that particular school for one year, I suppose that gives it a pretty defined time frame. A year and a couple of weeks, I suppose, but I can't remember for sure. It was the first year. Then my family had to move out, and I went to a different school since. I don't remember a lot about what it was like there, I don't really remember any of the other students or the teachers. They didn't stick around with me, I suppose that's why. But I do remember the building, pretty decently I think. That one might be a lot different now. Ironic, I suppose. Then again everyone else has probably changed too.

"It happened at that school. It was during a break. I was outside. We were allowed outside, within the school grounds. I think I was already done eating, I had to be if I was wandering around like that. Behind the building. I don't remember if someone else brought me there, or if I was followed, or if there even was anyone else. I remember there was a door there. A set of double doors. The whole building was slightly elevated, and there were doors there with a short staircase, leading to the basement. They were opened. They had to he opened, because I walked in.

"I got locked in there. I don't remember how, or why, or who did it. They found me, eventually, I think I was only stuck there for the duration of the break. But I remember it. I remember it like I was there just now. They kept the old desks there, the large wooden ones with the top portion at an angle. A bunch of them. I remember watching them, while I was stuck there. I remember being afraid. I wonder if they still have those desks there in the basement. I should go and visit that place sometime, see how it changed."

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