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"Where did you go during yesterday's break? Don't think I didn't notice," the mare hissed over her mug of cold coffee.

The stallion looked around carefully, as if someone could possibly be hiding in the laboratory with them. "I had to get some information. I talked with some of the guards outside."

"Do you know how dangerous that is?" the mare asked in the whispered equivalent of yelling. "I don't want you dying on me, and I don't want a damn replacement. I know how much I lucked out on you." She leaned back and drank some of her coffee, wincing at the taste. "If you want to do something stupid we're doing it together, and we're dying together if it goes wrong."

"Says the one who snuck into the archives alone," the stallion replied. He grabbed a slice of slightly stale crustless bread from the table and put the whole thing in his mouth. To be fair, it was a small enough slice.

"Yes," the mare replied. "I sincerely doubt I'll give a shit about loneliness or the quality of company I get once I'm dead. But don't you dare make my life worse."

The stallion almost wanted to be somewhat angry at that, but all he managed was a chuckle. "Alright then. I'll make sure to tell them about your own escapades if I ever get caught."

The mare rolled her eyes as she finished her coffee. "What information did you want?"

"The guard we did the test on," he replied. "He came from up north. He was carrying a message, for Her Eyes only. I asked around a little more, and they're doing some research up there, different kind from what we're doing here."

"Was it worth risking your life for?" asked the mare. "I didn't think you cared that much where the ponies we work on come from."

"It's not about that." The stallion grabbed another slice of bread. This time it was nervousness and not hunger, and he chewed through it faster than he should have. "Why now, all of this?"

The mare shrugged. "Because she can?"

"She could have started this two hundred years ago at minimum. You know how stagnant research was in this field, and she's never lacked meat to put on the operating table. Something is happening now that's making her speed things up on this front."

The mare looked down into her empty mug. "There's only one thing you need weapons like these for, I just don't wanna think about who she's going after now." She set the mug down, the clack of it against the table betraying her nervousness. "You don't think she's crazy enough to try conquering the whole Dragonlands, right?"

"Crazy enough to send thousands to die to put a flag in the middle of a wasteland of heat and volcanoes just to stroke her ego? Of course she is. But she would have done it already if she wanted to, and she'd be preparing properly if she'd decided to now. Whatever she needs this stuff for, she wants it out and ready quick."

"There's no one crazy or interested enough to attack us that's strong enough to be a threat," the mare considered. "What the fuck is she afraid of?"

"Do you want to ask her? Maybe that way you'll find out directly when she sends us there."

"At this point? It might be better than the alternatives."

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