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Starlight had found a plan, a way to get to the sphere efficiently and without the certainty of being targeted by dozens of other spells. It wasn't the safest thing, but time was more important than almost anything else and all the safer options she'd come up with were far too slow.

What she'd settled on was fairly simple, all in all. She would use a modified version of the spell matrix Twilight had used to hide herself while exploring the world Nightmare Moon ruled over, and approach the spell while staying hidden that way. Meanwhile, the guards she'd picked up along the way would create diversions against the closest enemy groups. It meant effectively sacrificing the constructs and permanently weakening their defences, but it was better than having the hail of bullets reach the centre of town.

It was risky, she was well aware. She was betting everything on her ability to stay properly hidden, and if that failed she'd be in great danger. No guards would accompany her of course, and her defence spells would be at a minimum. If she didn't properly cover her tracks and make sure nothing slipped through, and the soldiers noticed something was off, even just one shot from them towards her could lead to the entire operation ending in disaster.

That was assuming, hoping that the spell itself didn't have a built-in alarm system or something along those lines. As she sent the constructs off to do their part and began to carefully cast the spells over herself, she knew she would soon find out how things were. She would need to be ready to leave quickly and safely however things went, as someone would definitely notice something was amiss if she did manage to deactivate the spell. But she was confident enough in her ability to leave once and if she saw she'd been successful. Her ability to react to spells coming from outside her field of vision was something she did not have as much trust in.

All things she would get to know for sure soon enough. Swallowing down her nerves she slowly began to lift herself up in her magic, looking frantically left and right to see if anyone seemed to spot her or looked like they were planning to shoot towards her direction. Nothing. Either she was hidden well enough, or everyone who could have noticed at that moment was distracted. She hoped it was the former.

So she quietly started to lift herself towards the target of her mission. She'd brought herself a fair distance closer to it, maintaining herself on the side of its stream of bolts without ever facing it directly. The first thing she did, then, was to bring herself on top of that rain of magical energy spreading forward and consuming the Empire's buildings. From there, she started going forward and upwards still, towards the source of it all already floating quite high in the sky.

That was a good thing all things considered. The farther away from the ground she was the harder it would be for soldiers to spot her. No one had done so that far, and none did afterwards either, and so she reached the magical sphere unharmed. From there, she had to figure out how to shut it off.

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