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The stallion had been in the middle of pouring himself a cup of coffee, and talking about how they could pretend to be checking over the security measures around the laboratory to pass the time. His words had cut off a few seconds before, and the coffee had kept on pouring into the overflowing cup. He just kept standing there and staring, trying to process what he was seeing.

It was the mare who first acted. She'd been as speechless and immobile as he was since the same moment he'd been, but perhaps due to more sleep in her system, perhaps just because she'd had coffee already, she shook herself out of it sooner. "Don't just stand there!" she yelled, almost angry that he hadn't already figured out a solution to a problem she didn't even fully comprehend yet.

The stallion instinctively turned towards her at being yelled at, then he turned back to what he'd been looking at. Then he turned towards her again, and realising he'd spilt most of the coffee he put the container down. "What do you expect me to do?" he yelled back. "It's not like you're doing anything."

"Something!" said the mare. "I don't know. Literally anything." She kept staring between him and the other thing, unsure of what she was supposed to keep her attention on, much like she was unsure of a great deal of things in that very moment.

The stallion had another look at her, then finally seemed to shake himself out of his stupor properly. "Won't you at least check if she's alright?!" he yelled, though he went to do so himself, leaving the table to walk towards the unconscious alicorn that had appeared in the middle of the room out of nowhere and fallen to the floor a moment later.

The mare looked silently at him for a moment, still stuck more in shock at the situation than real indecision, then she too rushed towards the third pony. She didn't look much taller than them, though definitely somewhat so. The unicorn's eyes kept darting between her horn and her wings, as if her brain refused to believe they were both attached to the same pony. "The temperature is regular," she said after resting her hoof over the alicorn's forehead.

"Breathing is too," said the stallion, who'd bent down to place the side of his head over the mare's chest, while his hoof rested close to her nose and mouth. Then he moved it to her neck, resting the other on one of her legs. "Pulse as well. Scanning for any internal trauma," he said as his horn lit up.

The mare drew back, and the reality of the situation finally seemed to click in her mind. "We should be bringing her to Nightmare Moon," she said, not as something she really believed in but more as an acknowledgement of what was expected of them. "What are we going to do? This is an intruder. We shouldn't even be helping her. She's a fucking alicorn!"

"This is a pony who just passed out and could easily be in need of medical assistance, and the cycle something like that appears in front of me and I decide to ignore it without being forced to I hope you'll snap my neck on the spot," said the stallion. The light faded from his horn. "She's warded, I can't get a good read on her. There's all sorts of stuff in there, I couldn't even understand half of it." He kept a hoof to the side of her neck. "She seems to be stable at least."

Suddenly, the mare had a look around the room. "No one is supposed to come, but lock the other doors just in case. And keep a camouflaging spell ready just in case someone comes looking for her that isn't Nightmare Moon herself." She got up and headed for one of the doors. "I'll fetch some water and a pillow. And a blanket too. Get some food you can expect her to eat when she wakes up." She stopped beside the door. "And same, about that thing. But I'd rather forced cardiac arrest."

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