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It was hilarious. Absolutely hilarious. To her, at the very least, and she was sure it would be for anyone else too if they could have seen the way things really were. Of course, they couldn't, no one could, which was what made the whole thing so entertaining in the first place. No one and especially not Twilight. Poor Twilight. So focused on finding a solution, an answer to her questions, and the answer was standing right there alongside her. Mocking her.

Stella looked to everypony else there like one of the researchers Twilight had brought along. It didn't matter that her false name wasn't on any list or that they'd never seen or heard of the pony she pretended to be before. They looked at her, and they knew she was supposed to be there. The moment they'd all go their separate ways, they'd never question her presence there. It was just fun to live through, for a while at least.

But it was good, too. It was efficient. Keeping track of what Twilight knew and thought and speculated by being right there, spying her up close right as things happened. That she got to have fun while doing it was just an added bonus. The satisfaction of mocking Twilight was more than welcome, but it wasn't the sole reason for her presence there, neither the first one.

At that moment, Twilight was still conducting tests on the area the explosion had eliminated. Mostly to try to discern something about the spell used to activate the scale. That could and most likely would work, but it wouldn't give Twilight enough to get close to Stella in any meaningful way. In the meantime, she'd sent a few others scouting around the area for traces of anyone who could have been there, responsible for setting off the explosion. They wouldn't find anything, Stella had made certain of that, she'd left no tracks behind.

Stella wasn't properly helping Twilight and the other two ponies there. She at most could be said to be providing moral support. Whenever they looked at her, they knew she was busy with something else at that moment, and they shouldn't ask something of her. Or maybe she wasn't the right pony for the exact thing they needed right then. It was never weird. It was always very funny. Their eyes settled on her for a moment, then they shook their heads.

It was somewhat fascinating to watch the other alicorn up close like that. Before then, Stella had mostly done so at times when Twilight was under pressure, in immediate danger. There instead she got to see her being more relaxed, closer to how she normally was in her life. She was so similar to her in so many ways, and yet still so different in others. Some of her mannerisms were indistinguishable. Subtle feather twitches, angles at which she turned her head, the way her eyes moved. It was almost like looking in a mirror. A disgusting mirror where her image appeared onto a far lesser creature, but a mirror nonetheless.

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