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366 - 7

There was wind outside, and a clouded sky, as Twilight looked out of her window. A sheet of paper lay momentarily abandoned on her desk, next to it ink and a quill, on it the unfinished sketch of the speech she would shortly give her citizens. She didn't have much time, yet she knew she had enough to afford that little moment.

There were sounds in the streets, ponies and creatures walking and talking, but they didn't reach her. She looked towards Canterlot. Towards where the Behemoth was, even if she couldn't see it from there. She wondered if creatures would remember that day as they remembered the last time the Behemoth had walked, the day it had arrived. It felt longer ago than it had been. And Equestria, and its citizens, had learnt to live with it.

But something had to be done. She'd write to her brother shortly, she'd write to the stallion still traversing other universes in search of something that could help them, she'd write to Sunset at some point, and she'd write to the previous rulers of Equestria too, even though she doubted she'd need to. She'd have another lab built, she'd already decided. She couldn't run the riskier experiments in the middle of Ponyville, even with all the security measures on her castle.

She'd meet the Charioteer again, sooner or later, she knew that much. He would make sure of that, when he felt like it. He did offer her a way out of the situation. A way she wasn't particularly happy taking, and one she wasn't sure she even could go through with, but it was there. And maybe his point was to tell her outright just to show her the futility of her attempts and how hopeless things were, but that wouldn't stop her from trying.

There was Discord. Still missing, but he'd be back at some point. She hoped it wouldn't be too late by then, and she hoped he would find something. It was Discord, after all, such things as whether or not an answer was actually there shouldn't have been too big of an obstacle towards him finding one. Maybe at worst they'd just relocate every life form in the world in his dimension, though she knew that wouldn't fix everything.

The thief who'd infiltrated her castle, stolen a portion of her scales, and driven Chrysalis insane still hadn't contacted her, but they would no doubt make themselves known at some point. She could only hope it wouldn't be in a destructive way. Much like how she could only hope that future interactions with the universe Chrysalis had passed through along with her wouldn't be as dangerous as the last one. But it was the only world in which she'd found life, and she wouldn't let go of exploring it. She couldn't afford to.

She hoped Rarity was okay, still in the human world when the Behemoth had moved. She would certainly be sorry to hear about what had happened to her sister while she was gone. Her other friends were... They all seemed to be alright, for what she knew. But had she actually been checking on them? Perhaps it was time she started to pay more attention there.

With a sigh, Twilight walked away from the window, and back to her desk.

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