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Twilight swallowed her anger. She put aside her shock and disdain, and her preconceived notions about the pony standing in front of her, if he could even be considered one. There was no one around, and the sky was getting darker. She approached him. "You saved them," she said. It was a fact, and she said it as such. Coldly. Methodically. Prodding for a reaction.

"Meaningless lives that won't make a difference in the end." The Charioteer took a lick of his ice-cream. "I was having my fun. Can you blame me? I doubt that, when it brought good to you as well."

Twilight was standing a short distance away from him, back to the spot where she'd stood before. It all made sense by then. Every single one of Paper's oddities explained away. And yet, wasn't he right? Could she blame him for deceiving her family, when he'd saved their lives? But the thought of him close to them, and close to her niece... "What do you want?" she asked.

"Right now I want some ice-cream." He took another lick. "As you can see, I'm taking care of that. I want to talk, too, and I suppose I'm doing that as well. That's why I called you here, if it wasn't clear. That and having my little scene, that was important."

Twilight calmed her breath. She did not like him, she especially didn't like his attitude, but that didn't mean he wasn't justified in having it. All his presumptuousnees was born out of him legitimately knowing far more than she did, and it would do her good if she tried to get as much information as she could out of him, and swallowed her pride for a while. Still she couldn't help but wonder aloud, "Why now?"

"Because you were busy." The Charioteer gave a very meaningful look around, then he licked his ice-cream again. He was almost done with it. "Now you're slightly less busy. Soon you'll be busy again, so this felt like the best time to come and have a chat. Make a point of what's happened so far, if you will, a little recap before you go forward."

Twilight begrudgingly nodded. Again, if he was willing to talk, she ought to listen. Nothing else she could do anyway, but ignoring him wouldn't be wise. "Go on."

The Charioteer smiled. "I've said this before, but I'll rephrase it now that you've updated your vocabulary a little. Every world has its abomination, nothing you can do about that." He bit off the remainder of his ice-cream, and very slowly chewed through it all before swallowing it, as Twilight waited with taut patience. "So it happened that the Moonbeast was what came to the world you found. That's what they called it, and what we'll be calling it. They had barely the time to." He looked Twilight in the eyes. "They're dead now. All of them. You knew this would happen. You sacrificed another world to save your own, how does that feel?"

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