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The last thing Cadence remembered was Stella, after appearing clearly to her without disguises or invisibility and picking up Twilight's crown, rushing forward towards her at blinding speed and hitting her square in the ribs after shattering her shield, sending her flying backwards. Then a flash of light, then her back colliding with something and her entire body going into shock, pervaded by a fundamental sense of wrongness. When she opened her eyes again Celestia was standing over her, and Stella was speaking. She stood too and readied her horn at Celestia's side, but Twilight extended a wing between them and Stella.

"Fine, then," Twilight said. "You can trap them as well, if you don't hurt them," she added, nodding back to the other two alicorns, "but allow Celestia to heal the others too. Bring us there and we'll continue our fight, and finish it."

Stella smiled a smile too wide. "Why not here, my dear Twilight? What's so special about that place?" She suddenly teleported right into the mare's face. "What else are you hiding?"

Twilight kept her calm and looked back towards the Behemoth. "There's nothing special about that place anymore, it's just the one most far away from everything else. I've said I don't want Equestria or its creatures hurt, and I maintain that. Technically, Canterlot is empty as well right now, but I can think of a reason you wouldn't want us to fight here." She finally looked back at Stella. "Unless you're willing to risk the consequences of using magic wildly while we're this close."

Stella's face morphed into a scowl, and she stepped back. "Fine then. Have it your way. But the pegasus is coming too."

"She won't bother us," Twilight said. "That's an order," she added, a little louder.

Cadence was fuming, her horn still glowing bright, but Celestia held a wing over her back. The two looked at each other, and forcing herself to take deep breaths Cadence let go of her magic. Twilight stepped aside and Stella stepped forward, and given the understanding that she had everyone else trapped and could kill them at a moment's notice the others allowed themselves to be trapped as well. Then all four of them teleported away.

They reappeared where the rest of the ponies held in Stella's bubbles were, and Celestia and Cadence joined them, all of them displayed in a semicircle behind Twilight. A flash of Stella's horn later, and Starlight and Sunburst were there too. Celestia's cage was brought to all those who'd suffered wounds or had been hurt, one at a time, and she was allowed to extend her hoof forward and heal them. Then she was placed to a side again, and all ponies looked at Twilight and Stella.

"No healing for yourself?" the first asked. She was too sure Stella couldn't possibly just forget about it not to satisfy her curiosity.

"I don't need it," Stella said. Twilight saw through her enough to understand it wouldn't work. "Shall we?"

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