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Frames moved back and forth on the timeline, dragged around as the girl sitting in front of the screen hummed to herself. A cut here, a slight extension there, slightly different positioning on an overlaid image. She played the portion of the video she was working on again to check if everything was synced up right. She was always thankful that the editor allowed her to pick a specific interval and would stop at the end of it, otherwise she'd risk getting stuck listening to the whole thing. And drooling over her keyboard. Again.

"You know the video is basically almost unneeded, right?" Aria said, leaning over the back of Sonata's chair and peeking over her shoulder at the other siren's work. "Especially this kind of stuff. If I didn't know better I'd think you were a kid who thinks she learned hypnosis from a porn site."

Sonata pouted at the lack of appreciation for her work. "But I like doing it," she said. "Besides, it does help. Not as much as the music, I know, but it does help a little. We need a visual focus anyway, I might as well make it a good one."

"I'm not convinced it helps with anything other than forcing us to tell targets to change their underwear when we're done with them." Aria stood up properly and turned away, going to grab herself a drink from the fridge.

"Adagio doesn't seem to mind."

"Adagio is chronically horny to an unhealthy degree." Aria closed the fridge and popped open a can of off-brand fizzly orange juice. "It's a miracle she hasn't gotten us into more trouble than she has because of it."

"Well, we're two to one on the votes," Sonata said. She popped and stretched her fingers, then went back to work. "What transparency do you think works best for the flashing text?"

"Zero percent?" said Aria.

"You're no fun." Sonata tapped her chin for a bit. "I think I'll go with fifty-five. It looks nice."

"Who's this one for, again?" Aria asked. "We're sending so many out these days I'm losing track."

"Oh, I'm not sure, but it's no one important." A wicked grin played on Sonata's lips. "That's why I'm mostly using it to experiment some stuff. The really good work I keep for the special occasions."

Aria quirked an eyebrow, turning back towards her. "Such as?"

Sonata looked sideways back at her. "I've got a project ready for the day we finally get Sunset, just in case. I think it's probably my best work. Do you want to take a peek?"

"I think Adagio will kill you if you try to get Sunset with a file, you know she wants her done in person." Nevertheless, Aria got closer, sipping on her soda. It tasted just good enough to not qualify as awful. The owner of that house had horrible taste, perhaps enough for him to be enjoying what he was being made to do upstairs at that moment.

"Eh." Sonata shrugged. "I'll have her listen to it after she's captured, but I'm really mostly making it for the catharsis."

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