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"Trouble sleeping?"

Sunburst looked back towards the end of the balcony, where Rainbow had just stepped out. "Shouldn't you be helping Twilight with her dreams?"

"I'm taking a break." The pegasus walked up to him, and they both looked towards the stars. "What are you thinking about?"

"Trixie," Sunburst said, "among other things. A whole lot of things. But right now, when you arrived, I was thinking about her. I don't think she knows anything about this whole thing, where she is now, and I'm worried about how she's doing. I've been worried ever since Twilight agreed to send her out there."

"I'm sure she'll be alright. She's a smart mare."

Sunburst looked at Rainbow flatly.

"Compared to me at least." The pegasus shrugged.

Sunburst chuckled. "Fair enough. If Twilight trusts her then I suppose I should too. What a time for her to be gone, though."

"I can't blame her for wanting to do what she's doing." Rainbow turned around, and leaned against the railing with her back. "I know if I was in her place I'd be freaking out too. Everyone else around her getting all these powers and her being her and all. Especially when there's so much to do. To be honest I might be in a similar spot if Luna hadn't taken me under her wing."

Rainbow's expression darkened a little at the mention of Luna. Sunburst noticed that, but didn't press on. "I suppose I was reminded of what that's like during the last couple days."

"The box, right?" Rainbow looked at him. "Twilight told me about it. Honestly, I'm shocked there's something that can stump even your coil. Twilight has to go up against that, that's got me a little worried."

"It's a bit more complicated than that, though I suppose that gets the general gist across." Sunburst flourished a hoof, and a jar of cookies appeared in it. "Want one?" he asked to Rainbow.

The mare shook her head. "It would make it harder to fall asleep again. It's weird, but just trust me on that one."

"I do." Sunburst set the jar down. "I can only create things, within some admittedly very wide limits, and I need a good idea of what I actually want to create. A thing that opens a cube we know nothing about is too vague for me to get anything out of it. I could have created something to just fire at it as hard as possible, but I agreed with Twilight's estimate that Equestria would break before that thing did if we tried raw power. Not that even I could create something that strong."

Rainbow frowned, visibly concentrating. "Once this whole thing is done, do you think you could lend me a hoof with something? I think you might be useful if I can teach you enough about what I need."

"Sure." Sunburst grabbed himself a cookie and ate it. "If Stella doesn't kill me by overmorrow. I'm expecting to be restrained during the fight."

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