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Suddenly there was a sound in the next room over. Lyra and Bon Bon tensed on the couch as they both turned their heads towards the source of the noise. They had not heard anyone coming inside or even moving outside, and they'd been listening specifically for that. Was something else in the house with them, or had someone somehow gotten in?

Before there was a chance for fear to fully grip them however, an alicorn stumbled her way into view, and the sight of her immediately made them relax. Starshine shook her hear around a little, then looking at the place she spotted the two mares and headed towards them. "Oh, there you are. I wasn't actually looking for you but I guess I might as well now that I'm here."

Quietly, Bon Bon and Lyra got off the couch and walked towards the mare. They met halfway through the room. "Good job with the portals by the way. I'm here to bring you back," Starshine said. Her horn began to glow. "Oh, I should probably warn you that Nightmare Moon is back. Don't worry though, things are probably safe for the moment maybe."

Before either mare had a chance to say anything, they found themselves transported to the top of a different building. "Sorry," Starshine said, not towards them but talking to Sunburst instead. "I kinda ran into them first, I think my magic isn't working quite right yet." Without another word, she disappeared again. Sunburst wore a strange expression for a second, then shook his head and nodded for a guard to go towards the two mares.

"Please follow me," the guard said as he reached them, then headed to the staircase leading down into the building. Lyra waited a little longer, throwing interested glances at the magical confrontation happening over what was left of the central tower, then she followed behind Bon Bon down the stairs.

"What's Princess Luna's situation?" Bon Bon ask the guard as they got to the bottom of the staircase.

"Unclear," the guard replied. "Celestia appears to be dealing with the situation personally. We are not permitted to approach the area unless otherwise stated." They quickly walked through the door and out towards the nearest building. While outside, though the guard kept up a quick pace, Lyra and Bon Bon still managed to sneak glances both at Celestia clutching Luna's body over a pool of blood and at the one-sided slaughter that seemed to be the fight between Twilight and Nightmare Moon on top of the broken tower. As they walked into the next building, the last thing they caught sight of was Starshine suddenly appearing on the ground near the palace.

The door closed behind them. Inside almost everyone was near the windows, to some degree looking at the battle outside or pretending not to only to sneak glances at it. The only ones not there were a blue mare and the unconscious unicorn whose body she was looking over, and a nearby doctor. Not wanting to disturb, Bon Bon and Lyra settled near a window themselves, and glanced out of it as everyone else was doing.

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